Answered step-by-step
Which of the following is NOT related to orientation and…

Which of the following is NOT related to orientation and consciousness?

Group of answer choices

Alert or clouded


Oriented times three


Questions about self, place, and time


Questions about events in the past


These are all related to orientation and consciousness




Which of the following is the PRIMARY purpose of the mental status exam?

Group of answer choices

To make a firm diagnosis of the client’s problem.


To accurately evaluate the client’s current cognitive processing.


To gather enough information to be able to refer the client.


To plan treatment for the client.


All of the above




“Euphoric,” “labile,” and “blunted” are words used to describe:

Group of answer choices





Affect range


Affect content




Schwitzer and Rubin note all of the following as a limitation with the DSM-5 except one.

Group of answer choices

The use of multidimensional


A diagnosis bias based on culture, e.g,. African Americans have a higher rate of diagnosis for certain disorders such as schizophrenia.


A stigma for the client who receives the diagnosis


Pressures by insurance companies for a diagnosis for reimbursement.





If a counselor is uncertain of a diagnosis, the counselor may indicate the following at the end of the written diagnosis.

Group of answer choices

(F32.2) Major depressive disorder, Single episode, moderate (Primary Diagnosis)


(F32.2) Major depressive disorder, Single episode, moderate (Provisional Diagnosis)


(F32.2) Major depressive disorder, Single episode, moderate (Preliminary Diagnosis)


(F32.2) Major depressive disorder, Single episode, moderate (Unspecified Diagnosis)




An approach to diagnosis advocated by Switzer and Rubin is to first focus on _________, then examine the client for ______________.

Group of answer choices

Mood concerns, disruptive behavior


Disruptions in thoughts, problems with mood or anxiety


Disorder behaviors, then maladaptive thoughts


Disruptive sleep, disruptive mood





_____________ is when a child experiences angry mood and argumentative behavior according to Switzer and Rubin.

Group of answer choices

Conduct disorder


Intermittent explosive disorder


Oppositional defiant disorder





Flag question: Question 5Question 52 pts


The final step, according to Switzer and Rubin, in the DSM-5 diagnostic process is ____________?

Group of answer choices

Determine impact on functioning


Develop a case conceptualization


Provide subtypes


Determine exclusion criteria



Flag question: Question 6Question 62 pts


Schwitzer and Rubin offered the following as benefits of DSM-5 except one.

Group of answer choices

A tool for communication with other counselors.


An agreed upon language to understand the client’s presenting problems.


A theory driven method to conceptualize a client’s presenting problems.


A starting point, offering a primary focus, that helps guide treatment.




True or False. When writing up a diagnostic impression, it is important to offer the DSM-5 criteria as well as the assessment data supporting how that criteria was met.

Group of answer choices








The DSM-5, according to Switzer and Rubin, covers these client domains

Group of answer choices

affect, mood, behavior


mood, cognitions, behavior, physiology


cognitions, behavior, moods


body, mind, soul



Flag question: Question 9Question 92 pts


Switzer and Rubin note which of the following as limitations to the DSM-5

Group of answer choices

limited scope and limited purpose


Lacking etiology and medical model based


Behavior and cognitive focused


Based on a Western culture



Flag question: Question 10Question 102 pts


Which of the following is not a diagnosable disorder according to the DSM-5

Group of answer choices

Generalized anxiety disorder


Sex addiction




Sexual masochism



Flag question: Question 11Question 112 pts


There are over 300 individual disorders listed in the DSM-5. But not all are common, which ONE of the following is not a common disorder according to Schwitzer and Rubin?

Group of answer choices



Major depressive disorder


Panic disorder


Obsessive-compulsive disorder



Flag question: Question 12Question 122 pts


True or False. A solid starting point when determining a diagnosis is to start by is determining which classes of disorders the client’s signs and symptoms most align with.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 13Question 132 pts


Silence should be avoided in the following circumstances:

Group of answer choices

When the client tends toward extraversion.


When the client appears to be confused.


When the client appears to be withholding information.


When the client needs time to experience his or her emotions.


None of the above are true. Silence should not be avoided.



Flag question: Question 14Question 142 pts


Verbal tracking:

Group of answer choices

Involves sticking closely with client speech content.


Is a simple and easy procedure.


Involves keeping clients on track by directing them to relevant subjects.


Is only possible once the therapist knows the client very well.


All of the above are true.



Flag question: Question 15Question 152 pts


Dr. Jay says to her client: “On one hand, you say you have compassion for your child, but on the other hand you continue to put her out in the hall where you force her to stand for three or more hours. How do you put that together?” What type of therapist technique is Dr. Jay using?

Group of answer choices



Reflection of meaning


An indirect question







Flag question: Question 16Question 162 pts


Clarice’s supervisor tells her to use fewer questions and more paraphrasing. When Clarice asks, “Why?” her supervisor says:

Group of answer choices

I’m worried that you’re leading so much that your client won’t be spontaneous.


You need to pressure your client more.


You need to take a more expert role.


Because your questions focus on the client, you’re not getting your own interests and values into the room.


Your questions are over-valuing your client’s perspective.



Flag question: Question 17Question 172 pts


Initially, you might avoid using swing questions with _____________ clients.

Group of answer choices



Children and adolescents


Asian and African-American


Severely mentally ill





Flag question: Question 18Question 182 pts


After a client has expressed his or her main reasons for seeking counseling, what could a therapist ask to begin a transition of the interview to personal history?

Group of answer choices

Could you tell me why you decided to come to counseling at this particular time?


Can you explain your decision to come to this particular office/agency?


Have you considered any alternatives to counseling?


Could you tell me a bit about your life growing up or your parents?


None of the above



Flag question: Question 19Question 192 pts


Therapists practicing from a __________ or __________ perspective tend to reject the concept of personality and believe that behavior is the function of a situation or a person’s cognitions about a situation.

Group of answer choices

behavioral; cognitive


psychoanalytic; person-centered


behavioral; person-centered


psychoanalytic; cognitive


None of the above



Flag question: Question 20Question 202 pts


Which of the following describes a situation in which the administration of a mental status exam is appropriate?

Group of answer choices

For clients with a desire to know their intelligence level.


For all outpatient clients.


When there is an indication of significant client psychopathology.


Whenever a client has spent time in a medical setting.


All of the above are appropriate



The authors offer which of the following guidelines for avoiding making inappropriate overgeneralizations based on minimal symptoms?

Group of answer choices

a) When you notice a single-symptom of particular interest, begin the scientific mindedness process


b) Remember that hypotheses are not conclusions


c) Consult with supervisors/colleagues before making wild inferential leaps


All of the above


Only A and B