Answered step-by-step


1. Which of the following BEST summarizes physical changes during early adulthood?


Young adults have more acute illnesses than children largely due to poor health habits.


Young adults are less healthy than they will be during middle adulthood.


In general, young adults are healthy and fit, but they often develop poor health habits.


They show peak performances in physical activity but declines in sensory systems.


2. All of the following represent secondary sex characteristics EXCEPT ___________.

enlargement of the testes


budding of the breasts


deepening of the voice


growth of underarm hair


3. Haley just turned thirty. Research on cognitive development in young adulthood suggests that, compared to when she was an adolescent, she will perform all of the following EXCEPT:


begin to apply the knowledge and information she has acquired.


begin to recognize the role emotions play in influencing decision-making.


reflect on and solve problems in purely logical terms.


reflect on the role values and beliefs play in thinking.


4. In contrast to formal thought, postformal thought___________


is based on purely logical, cognitive processes and not influenced by emotion.


considers answers to problems as absolutely right or wrong.


recognizes the role of one’s values and beliefs in evaluating predicaments.


recognizes and establishes single solutions to problems or situations.


5. On Laurel’s 16th birthday, her parents gave her a new car with a Republican bumper sticker. Laurel was happy to accept the car, but didn’t want to display the bumper sticker. She had begun to read and think about different political parties and, although she had not yet decided which political party she supported, she didn’t want to be a Republican just because her parents were. In terms of her political beliefs, Laurel appears to be in Marcia’s __________ identity status.










6. The sides of a square measure four inches. What is the area of the square?


8 inches


12 inches


16 inches


20 inches


7. Warner Schaie suggests a change in cognitive development during the period of early adulthood. Specifically, he proposed


a progression from fluid to crystallized intelligence.


an emphasis on using or applying their intellect and skills.


reduced creativity due to changes in the prefrontal cortex.


a shift from dualistic to relativistic thinking


8. Which statement BEST summarizes what William Perry (1970) believed about the thinking displayed by the typical adolescent?


“What’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong.”


“There are usually three sides to every issue: black, white, and gray.”


“The solution to a problem may vary from situation to situation.”


“To find truth, we need to look at the full context, including what people know and how they feel.”


9. Lisa has an insecure-ambivalent attachment style. Based on research, what can be predicted regarding her romantic relationships in adulthood?


She is likely to be overly involved or invested in her romantic relationships.


She will be less committed to relationships, resulting in more break-ups


She is likely to struggle with loneliness.


She will provide sensitive and supportive care to her partner.



10. What if the sun were to explode?” says Alene. “But it never has,” replies Janis. “But what if it DID?” insists Alene. “But it never has!” says Janis. In this example, Alene is exhibiting _______ thought, while Janis is showing _______ thought.






concrete operational/formal operational


formal operational/concrete operational


11. Members of cliques and crowds differ in


the amount of interaction with other members.


interests and activities.


values and beliefs


none of the above


12. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding physical development during adolescence?


The prefrontal cortex area of the brain is fully matured.


Boys have their first spontaneous ejaculation around age 17.


Boys reach their mature stature about two years before girls do.


Girls are typically more dissatisfied with their bodies than boys.



13. Staci is 17-years-old. Which of the following statements is TRUE about her brain development?


Her limbic system is fully developed and functioning.


Neural networks and connections are continuing to proliferate.


The prefrontal cortex has fully matured and is able to regulate impulsivity.


All of the above statements are true.


14. Studies of marital satisfaction over time have found that for most couples, marital satisfaction is higher


after the birth of the first child than at the start of the marriage.


at the start of the marriage versus the child-rearing years.


when there are young children at home than during the “empty nest” years.


none of the above



15.. An individual in Erikson’s identity versus identity confusion stage should be in Piaget’s ________ stage of cognitive development.






concrete operational


formal operational


16.  Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding adolescent suicide?


The suicide rate is higher for girls than for boys.


Girls attempt suicide more frequently than boys.


It is the leading cause of death for adolescents.


None of the above are true.


17. Contrary to what Piaget proposed, research on formal operational thinking during adolescence indicates that the acquisition of this type of thought


is achieved by all adolescents.


develops universally across cultures.


is influenced by culture and experience.


develops at younger ages than Piaget proposed


18. Assuming that the instructor is the only person in a classroom who has useful knowledge to share would be characteristic of ________.


dualistic thinkers


multiple thinkers


relativistic thinkers


acquisitive thinkers


19. Adults in their 20s and early 30s are at higher risk of dying from __________ than other causes.




heart disease


drug use




20. As noted in class, prefrontal cortex development during adolescence and early adulthood is marked by


an increase in white matter due to continued myelination.


an increase in gray matter due to the development of neural connections.


both A and B


none of the above


21. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about socio-emotional development and relationships in early adulthood?


Young adults are getting married at older ages than in the past.


Young adults are pursuing the stability of marriage at higher rates today than in the past.


Because of their experience with unresponsive caregiving, young adults with insecure-avoidant attachment patterns tend to be less invested in relationships.


none of the above


22. The imaginary audience involves _______, whereas the personal fable involves _______.


awareness of others/monitoring of self


monitoring of self/awareness of others


preoccupation with self/uniqueness of self


uniqueness of self/preoccupation with self


23. Which of the following statements is consistent with work and views on identity development?


Making a commitment to an aspect of identity without exploring is generally associated with negative outcomes.


Knowing the identity status or approach for one aspect of identity informs you about where a person is at for other aspects of identity.


Participation in cliques and crowds is detrimental to the process of identity development.


Continued exploration without commitment tends to be associated with increased anxiety.


24. Marcia’s identity achievement status


occurs more in younger than in older adolescents.


is achieved in all aspects of identity at the same time.


occurs more in older than in younger adolescents.


both B and C


25. __________ refers to the natural physical declines we experience that are associated with aging.


Normative aging


Secondary aging




Sensory maturation