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answer the questions after reading Major Forms of Drug Use…

answer the questions after reading Major Forms of Drug Use

Which of the following is a mitigating factor in emotional exhaustion?
 inner strength
 positive world view
 sense of internal control
 sense of external control
 sense of personal accomplishment
Which of the following statements about stress is false?
 experiencing stress is a normal part of life
 if you have no symptoms of stress, then stress is not taking a toll on you.
 if you are taking medications or have developed defense mechanisms to mask the symptoms of stress, then you are unable to reduce the strain on your body.
 when you are highly stressed, it is more difficult to plan and prioritize your activities.
 our schedules and physical limitations can limit our choices of how to manage the stress in our lives.
Which of the following is the definition of self-esteem?
 a judgment that can master and perform needed behaviors when needed
 all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves
 our personality plus our character traits
 a sense of actualization
 the feelings a person has of high or low self worth
According to which theory about stress are there three stages of reaction to stress:
 Appraisal and Caring
 Flight or Fight
 General Adaptation Syndrome
 Eustress Syndrome
 None of the above
Which of the following statements is true regarding organizational stress?
 having support from co-workers has not been found to be particularly helpful in reducing stress at work
 you have control over all of the elements of your job functions
 the organization is responsible for resolving your stress issues
 when your job is really “stressing you out” it is not possible to learn new techniques on how to manage that stress; you have to wait until a period of time when the stress has passed.
 Organizations have a finite amount of resources such as time and money
A benefit of a cooperative style of communication does not include which ofthe following items?
 a healthier lifestyle
 more respect
 greater comfort with conflict
 better coordination of life activities
 none of the above
“Stress Reaction” means:
 the prolonged impact of a stressor on the system that results in overload and fatigue
 a specific problem or personal conflict that can be either an external or internal threat to the individual
 positive experiences of success followed by higher expectations
 disappointment, failure, threat or other negative experiences
 an individual response to a given stressor
Which of the following is not a commonly recognized and accepted method of stress reduction?
 assertiveness training.
 conflict resolution training.
 progressive muscle relaxation.
 resistance training.
 training oneself to exclude an anxiety producing event from the conscious awareness.
An example of a secondary stressor is:
 a student has three final exams in a 2 day period
 a teenager has been denied by her parents the opportunity to go to an overnight party with a group of friends
 the loss of a job leads to a shortage of money which leads to hand me down clothes
 a boss is mad and yells at a co-worker
 a counselor’s stress leads to anger
Which type of people take on additional tasks that allow them to remainchallenged but then become inefficient and anxious when under stress?
 inner con artists
 internal time keepers
Which of the following responses work well for a person in the long run?
 a & c only
 none of the above
Which of the following are indications of “burnout”?
 physical fatigue
 development of negative self-concepts and attitudes toward work
 a sense of helplessness or hopelessness
 a and c only
 all of the above_x000D_
Examples of coping mechanisms used during times of high levels of anxiety include:
 aggressive anger or hostility
 assertive problem solving
 withdrawal, physically and/or emotionally
 all of the above
 a and c only
Indicate which of the following is an example of nonproductive or unfulfilling conversational intent.
 telling you about my experiences/feelings
 negotiating or bargaining with you about a project
 hearing what is happening with you
 hiding what is important to me from you
 resolving a conflict that I have with you
Which of the following is an example of denial, a defense mechanism used asa means of coping with stress?
 a woman criticizes her neighbor for being a terrible gossip when in fact the woman gossips herself
 an officer has stacks of case files on his desk with volumes of work to be done, but informs his co-workers and supervisors he is keeping up.
 an officer expresses anger toward another officer because she just had a disagreement with her supervisor
 an officer forgets the due date of an important report
 an officer is not skilled at making written notations in case flies but does excellent casework
In which personality type is a person likely to be time oriented, tending to watch the clock and make sure that something is not taking too much time?
 Type B
 Type A
 Type C
 Type D
 a combination of two or more of the above
In which of the following systems in humans can signs of stress be noted?
 all of the above
Choose the item below that is not one of the techniques for practicing good communication.
 inviting consent to pursue the intent of your conversation
 translating your complaints into specific requests and explaining them
 expressing more appreciation to your listener
 expressing yourself more clearly and completely
 none of the above
Which behavior are men likely to not demonstrate as a reaction to stress?
 initiating a confrontation
 isolating themselves
 providing greater nurturing to their children
Which of the following is a false statement about our predisposition to stress?
 sensitization occurs because we have “learned” over the years to react in a certain manner
 the amount of stress we have experienced throughout our lives makes us respond more quickly to stressful situations
 future stressful events are likely to be dealt with in the same manner as previously handled
 those who have experienced a great deal of stress over their lives tend to react more positively to stress than others
Which of the following are methods people use to cope with difficult situations when they don’t know how to negotiate and work through them?
 breaking things, hitting people or running away
 acting out feelings one doesn’t have in order to avoid ones they do have
 going “crazy” to get oneself out of a seemingly impossible situation
 all of the above
 a and c only
The situation where the body that has experienced stress never returns to astate of balance is known as:
 role ambiguity
 role overload
 residual stress_x000D_
Malignant pseudo identification leads to:
Malignant pseudo identification involves:
Counselors who are vulnerable to malignant pseudo identification tend to be:
Stress in counselors has been linked to:
 counter transference
 flat affect
Emotional repression leads to a lack of:
 dream activity
 a working alliance
 nonverbal emotional feedback
Which of the following is the same as “washing out”?
 deterioration of defect
 spontaneous deterioration
 deterioration effect
 transactional effect
 deterioration of effect
Ineffective treatment programs can increase which of the following?
 counter deterioration
 transactional effect
 spontaneous deterioration
 deterioration effect
An organizational stressor is a situation where there is a lack of understanding between efficiency and:
What percentage of all disease or illness susceptibility is thought to be linked to high stress levels?
The inability to resolve a stressful event can lead to:
 learned resourcefulness
 counter self-efficacy
 learned helplessness
 learned compensation
 learned coping
Which of the following is likely to be the result of not resolving a stressful event?
 low self-confidence
 giving up
 learned helplessness
 all of the above
An ineffective substance abuse counselor can produce:
 Spontaneous remission
 The deterioration effect
 Deterioration of effect
 Affective remission
 Spontaneous deterioration