Answered step-by-step
                                      1- Which…




















1- Which term refers to sexual contact between relatives?






marital rape










statutory rape
















2- Child molestation is unlikely to be reported for a number of reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of these?






The offender may be a family friend.





The legal system is reluctant to investigate allegations of child molestation.





The parents may not want to expose the child to stressful legal proceedings.





The parents may not believe the child.











3- All of the following indicate how mainstream BDSM has become EXCEPT that:






Women’s Health magazine gives tips on how to tie up and spank your partner.





Amazon sells floggers.





whips are sold at a Western wear store for cowboys.





pop stars employ BDSM imagery in their performances.











4- Which of the following is listed in your text as a guideline for dealing with sexual harassment?






Change your clothing and/or behavior to be less sexually appealing.





Avoid confronting the harasser.





Only take action if the harassment involves threatened or actual assault.





Consider discussing the situation with your supervisor and/or the offender’s supervisor.











5- What is the best definition of fetishism?






The association of sexual expression with pain.





A disorder describing people who cross-dress to achieve sexual arousal and find that the urge to cross-dress causes significant distress or impairment in their daily life.





A sexual behavior in which a person obtains sexual excitement primarily or exclusively from an inanimate object or a particular part of the body.





The act of exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling observer.











6- Which of the following statements regarding voyeurs is true?






They tend to be men in their early 20s.





They usually “peep” at someone they know.





Over time they usually go on to engage in more serious offenses, such as rape.





They find it most arousing to operate in locations in which the risk of discovery is low.











7- A survey of 177 porn actresses found that, compared to women of similar ages, ethnicities, and marital statuses, the porn actresses:






were significantly more likely to have experienced sexual abuse in childhood.





had significantly fewer sexual partners outside of their adult film work.





were less pleased with their work hours and salaries.





reported having higher self-esteem, more social support, and greater sexual satisfaction.











8- Mel likes jogging on a raised bike path in the early morning because it enables him to look into the upper windows of homes, where women often are changing their clothes. Mel is engaging in:
































9- Which of the following is required for sexual sadism or sexual masochism to be considered a psychological disorder?






An individual must engage in both sadism and masochism for a period of one year.





The behavior must be considered illegal before it can be classified as a disorder.





The behavior must cause significant distress, impairment, or personal harm or risk of harm to the self or others.





Romantic or sexual partners must object to the behavior for it to be considered a disorder.











10- Which of the following is a recommended bystander intervention strategy to reduce sexual assault?






Cover your drink when you are at a party and help your friends protect their drinks as well.





Avoid using drugs and alcohol on a date.





Work to disrupt the situation if you see a situation that could potentially involve sexual harassment.





Lock your doors and always walk with a friend if you are outside at night.











11- What percentage of males report they have ever been sexually aroused by cross-dressing?






Less than 1%.





Less than 3%.





Less than 10%.





Less than 20%.











12- Which statement about sexual coercion in dating situations is true?






The most common form of sexual coercion in dating situations is physically forced sexual activity.





20-45% of adult men report having been victims of coerced sexual activity.





Alcohol is rarely involved in instances of sexual coercion.





Until recently, much of the research on sexual coercion examined women as victims and men as perpetrators.











13- Which of the following statistics about rape is true?






According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, about 1 in 10 American women has been raped in her lifetime.





Women from ethnic minority groups are less likely to report being victims of rape than women of European heritage.





Rape is the most underreported crime in the United States.





Men and women serving in the military are significantly less likely to be victims of rape than civilians.











14- The word erotica is rooted in eros, or






“passionate love.”





“chaste love.”










“sexual relations.”











15- Which of the following types of incest is most common?
































16- According to the American Psychological Association (APA), transvestic disorder is appropriately applied to:






anyone who dresses in garments of the other gender.





individuals who dress as the other gender because that is a more accurate reflection of their gender identity.





individuals who experience psychological distress or dysfunction as a result of frequent cross-dressing.





any individual who obtains sexual pleasure from dressing in the garments of the other gender.











17- According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which of the following is a criteria for a person to be diagnosed with a paraphilic disorder?






The behavior causes distress resulting from societal disapproval.





The behavior causes discomfort or disgust in a sexual partner.





The sexual desire or behavior involves another person’s psychological distress, injury, or death.





The behavior must have occurred for at least 1 year on more days than not.











18- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the workplace or academic setting is also known as:






sexual abuse.





acquaintance rape.





sexual harassment.





sexual coercion.











19- Anita’s boss makes frequent sexual comments about her clothing and appearance, such as claiming he knocked something to the floor just so he could look down her shirt as she picks it up. Anita:






is not experiencing sexual harassment because her boss is not actually asking her for sexual contact.





can only file a complaint if she is a government employee.





is only likely to experience anxiety and depression from this harassment if she is already diagnosed with a mental health issue.





may feel unable to report or even complain about her boss’s behavior due to fears of retaliation.











20- Which of the following is an exhibitionist LEAST likely to do?






Masturbate while exhibiting himself





Masturbate later to the mental image of the observer’s reaction to his exposure





Physically assault the person to whom he is exposing himself





Expose himself in a subway











21- Which of the following is true of call girls and call boys?






Anal sex is the most common sexual service they provide.





They are less safe than other sex workers.





They generally earn less than other sex workers.





They commonly have several regular customers.











22- An inflated sense of self-importance, an unreasonable sense of entitlement, deficient empathy for others, and exploitive tendencies toward others are all characteristics associated with:
















posttraumatic stress disorder.





dependent personality disorder.











23- The annual number of sexual harassment complaints filed with the EEOC:






likely closely reflects the actual incidence of sexual harassment in the United States due to the high likelihood such events will be reported.





reached a peak in the late 1990s and has decreased in recent years.





increased substantially during the economic downturn that began in 2008.





reveals that males are rarely if ever the target of sexual harassment.











24- What percentage of girls in the U.S. are sexually abused as children according to current best estimates?






























25- All of the following are characteristic of men who are more likely to rape EXCEPT:






being self-centered.





having greater empathy for the feelings of others.





feeling anger toward women.





holding traditional gender roles.