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Perspective- Taking Study “Hello, I am conducting a study for my…

Perspective- Taking Study

“Hello, I am conducting a study for my research methods class. I
was wondering if you would be willing to participate. The study
takes about five to ten minutes. There are no risks to participating,
and the main benefit is that I can complete my class assignment.
Will you participate?”
Yes No
If yes, move on to the survey and look over the four sections …


Instructions & WhatsApp Chat
ÜPart A- Your Opinions
ÜPart B- WhatsApp User Opinions
ÜPart C-Demographics & Attention Check
ÜPart D- Recall (Manipulation Check)


In this study, we want to see whethertaking the perspective of
a cheaterwill lead participants to find cheating acceptable.



Instructions A: Thank you for participating. In this study, we want you to read the WhatsApp chat below between three students discussing an upcoming midterm exam for one of their classes. However, we want you to imagine that YOU are one of the chat members. That is, imagine that you are User #1. As you read the chat session (which takes over several phone screens from A to D), think about how you would feel if you were User #1. When you finish, answer the questions that follow.


Below is a transcript of the chat:

a. User #1: Hi everyone! Thanks for joining the chat. Okay, I now have access to the answer key for the upcoming midterm exam, which comes from a very reliable source.

b. User #2: I’m curious about that. Who is the source?

c. User #1: A former student who aced the class told me where to find it online. She said the prof

uses the same midterm exam each semester. In fact, she found it on the internet herself. The

exam hasn’t changed in years, and it was easy to find online.

d. User #3: Isn’t it cheating if we get the answer key from you?

e. User #1: Not at all. The prof said we could work together. He gave us tons of study guides and

even said we could search the internet or discuss the exam material with former students.

f. User #3: But working together implies WORKING together, right, not just getting the answers we found online.

g. User #1: My understanding is that the professor wants us to learn this stuff. He reuses the same midterm exam each semester, and EVERYONE knows it. All the students know it. Even the prof knows it. I mean, he changes the final exam, but never the midterm exam. If he considers it cheating, then why leave the midterm exam unchanged but change the final?

h. User #2: I don’t know. It all sounds a bit sketchy. So, you think the professor expects students to use the midterm answers since they are already online?
i. User #1: EXACTLY! He literally said we could look at the internet, and that’s where the exam is already posted. I mean, why would he point that out if he doesn’t want us to find the answers
j. User #2: Well, I guess that makes sense. It’s not like we are paying someone for the exam if it is easy to find online. So, where do we find the answers? I’m in.
k. User #3: I’m not convinced, and I don’t want to see the answers. I think this is just a form of
cheating. I think I’ll just leave the group, but thanks for the invite.
l. User #1: Are you sure? It’s supposed to be a really hard midterm exam.
m. User #3: Yeah, I’m sure.
n. User #1: Okay, your loss. Keep in mind that most of our classmates can find the answers online, too, so you might be alone in avoiding the answers. If you change your mind, let me know.


After reading the chat, participants complete the following short
answer question:
1-In your own words, summarizethe position of User #1 when it
comes to using the answer key. In your mind’s eye, visualize
clearly and vividly what User #1 might be thinking and feeling,
and what User #1’s intentions and goals are:

2- Part A – Your Opinions
Rate the statements below based on your own opinions
(regardless of what you saw in the WhatsApp chat). Circle the
scale number (from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly
Agree) that best represents your personal opinion.

??. Personally, I think using an exam answer key is cheating

??. Personally, I think using an answer key is acceptable if

???-the answer key is easy to find

???-the professor does not bother to change the exam answers

???-the exam is extremely difficult

???-the person using the answer key is not paying for it

???other students are likely using the answer key, too

3- Part B – WhatsApp User Opinions
For the questions below Rate based on your own opinions
(regardless of what you saw in the WhatsApp chat). Circle the
scale number (from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly

1)??. The WhatsApp user probably thought that using an exam answer key was cheating

2)??. The WhatsApp user probably thought that using an answer key was acceptable if.

???the answer key was easy to find

???the professor did not bother to change the exam answers

???the exam was extremely difficult

???they were not paying someone for the answer key

???other students were likely using the answer key, too.

3). I found it easy to imagine being the WhatsApp user


4-Part C – Demographic Information

Note: You can leave blank any question that you feel uncomfortable answering

1. What is your gender? (Select one)





??What is your age?
???What is your race/ethnicity? (Select one):?White







(Please Indicate)

4. Is English your first language? (Select one):?If no, what is your first language?




5- Part D: Recall (Manipulation Check)


1. Without looking back, recall the user you were asked to imagine being in the WhatsApp chat.

Which of the following best describes the final decision of that user? (Select one):

a)The user was eager to use the online answer key

b)The user was hesitant but then

c)The user refused to

okay with using the online answer key use the online answer key

In our study, we will alter theperspectivethat participantstakeas
they read a WhatsApp chat involving proposed cheating.
Some participants will take an “Eager-Cheater” perspective
Some participants will take a “Hesitant-Cheater” perspective
Some participants will take a “Non-Cheater” perspective


I want you to  respond this questions about the study written up


1). What is the hypothesis? You can either give me the “gist” of the study here or copy them from the researcher instructions for Study One.

2). Do you agree with the predictions? That is, do you expect something different than the hypothesis in the researcher instructions? If yes, what and why? If no, justify why you think the predictions are inaccurate)?

3). Do you think this is a good, testable hypothesis (If no, what would be a better, more “testable” phrasing for the hypotheses)?

4). Do you see any ethical problems with this study? If so, how should you deal with those problems? 

5). Finally, with your discussion group, assess your project, noting one thing different you would do if you had the chance to redesign a similar study on your own or if you wanted to do a follow-up “Study Two” that reuses some of your study material but adds a new independent variable to the design (Note: Summer C students do carry out a Study Two “Replication-with-extension” study where they add a new IV to their design. While you will also have a study two, we won’t be adding a new IV but rather reanalyzing some of your original data. Still, I want you to think about a follow-up study. If you could do anything for a follow-up study, what would that design look like? Discuss it with your group.).