Answered step-by-step
Please go ahead and rate robyn just like i did. I want to know if i…

Please go ahead and rate robyn just like i did. I want to know if i am right or far off from her rating. Please rate Robyn from beginning to the end




When completing the vignettes, there is a vignette assumption. That is, when reading assume that a full assessment has been done and no mention means ‘no evidence’. This is the standard quality assurance if it is not documented it does not exist assumption. What that means, then if there is no mention of a need, the rating should be a ‘0’. If there is no mention of a strength, then the rating should be a ‘3’. So, no mention of any suicidality would result in a rating of ‘0’ on Suicide Risk. No mention of any talents or interests would result in a rating of ‘3’ on Talents/Interests.

Another way to think about it is that you start the assessment with all 0 ratings on the Needs and all 3 ratings on the Child/Youth Strength and then you look for evidence to adjust your scores accordingly using the action levels. Caregiver ratings use the Need action levels for the vignettes.

Ordinarily certain items would have an N/A option (for example Job Functioning for an underage child, or Foster Caregiver for a child not in foster care). For the purposes of this test please rate such items as ‘0’ for needs and as ‘3’ for strengths.

Good luck!


Robyn is a 37-year-old cocaine addict. Robyn has two small children that her mother currently takes care of; Robyn has not seen her children in over 6 months. Robyn’s mother says she will not see them until Robyn goes to rehab. Robyn states that she does not care to see her children, because getting high is more enjoyable than playing with kids. Robyn and her mother do not get along at all. When her mother comes to check up on her, Robyn becomes very angry and aggressive, and often ends up pushing or hitting her mother until she leaves.  

Robyn is currently unemployed, and has been fired from every job she ever had because she is too aggressive with coworkers and customers. Robyn’s only acquaintances are other drug addicts, but even those relationships are very troubled and filled with fighting and arguments. 

Robyn has lived in various low-rent apartments but always gets evicted. She struggles with money management and spends her money on drugs and alcohol instead of paying rent. She currently lives in subsidized housing but is at risk of losing this apartment as well. Robyn is usually high for most of the day, and spends the rest of the day watching television alone.  Robyn has been arrested two times in the last year because of her drug use (for drug possession), but is not currently involved in the legal system.  Robyn has severe self-care needs, as she is not able to get through the day without using cocaine. This means that bathing, grooming, and proper hygiene always come second to getting high.  Robyn’s mother tries to get Robyn to go to rehab, but Robyn has no interest in going, and does not see her addiction as a problem. 

Robyn’s mother is concerned about her and often checks up on her.  She worries about Robyn overdosing and not being there to see her kids grow up. Robyn aggressively resists her mother’s offers for assistance in her life, and says she is just ‘lecturing her.’ Robyn tells her mother that she has friends who care about her, but these are other addicts that she does not actually get along with. Robyn does not have any real friends.  When Robyn’s mother talks to her about the future, Robyn says that there is ‘no hope’ for her, because she will always be a drug user. She has never been able to maintain a job, and says that it would be impossible for her to ever have a career, and she doesn’t want one anyways. 

Robyn does not have any cultural needs. 

Robyn’s drug problem has caused her to lose all of the friends she once had, her kids, and all of her jobs.  She says that she sometimes feels sad about this, but will just get high to numb those feelings.  She states that she often gets into physical fights with those around her and realizes she has an anger problem.

Robyn does display violent behavior but has not been violent in the past 24 hours.  She realizes that her reckless drug use could kill her, and most days states that she does not care. Occasionally she has moments of clarity about her problems and seems willing to consider change, but those moments pass.  It’s not clear how much of her behavior is impulsive or under her control. She states that she has shoplifted in the past but has not done so in the past year and feels good about it.





How would you rate Robyn? please see my ratings below

Behavioral/Emotional Health Needs 0. No evidence of need. No action needed 1. Significant history or possible need that is not interfering with functioning. Watchful waiting/prevention/additional assessment 2. Need interferes with functioning. Action/intervention required 3. Need is dangerous or disabling. Immediate action/intensive action required 



1. Depression=2     2. Anxiety =1     3. Eating Disturbance=0    4. Adjustment to Trauma=1     5. Impulsivity/Hyperactivity=1   6. Anger Control/Frustration Tolerance=2

7. Substance Use=0 

8. Psychosis=0

9. Conduct/Antisocial Behavior=0

10. Interpersonal Problems=2

1. Mania=0

12. Somatization=0 


How would you rate Robyn?

Life Functioning 0. No evidence of need. No action needed 1. Significant history or possible need that is not interfering with functioning. Watchful waiting/prevention/additional assessment 2. Need interferes with functioning. Action/intervention required 3. Need is dangerous or disabling. Immediate action/intensive action required  1. Family Functioning =2   2. Living Situation =1  3. Residential Stability=1     4. Social Functioning =2    5. Recreational/Play=0     6. Developmental/Intellectual =0   7. Communication=1   Physical/Medical=2 

. Medication Compliance=0

10. Transportation=0

11. Sleep=2

12. Decision Making=1

13. Legal=0

14. Sexual Development=0

Job Functioning/Employment=1

6. Parental/Caregiving Role(s)=0

17. Independent Living Skills=1

18. Intimate Relationships=2

19. Basic Activities of Daily Living=1

20. Routines=0

21. Functional Communication=0

22. Loneliness=1


How would you rate Robyn?


Risk Behaviors/Factors 0. No evidence of need. No action needed 1. Significant history or possible need that is not interfering with functioning. Watchful waiting/prevention/additional assessment 2. Need interferes with functioning. Action/intervention required 3. Need is dangerous or disabling. Immediate action/intensive action required 1. Victimization/Exploitation =0   2. Suicide Risk=0    3. Intentional Misbehavior=0   4. Runaway (6-21) =0   5. Sexually Problematic Behavior=0   6. Bullying Others=0    7. Delinquent/Criminal Behavior=0 

8. Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior=0

9. Other Self Harm=0

10. Danger to Others=0

11. Fire Setting=0

12. Grave Disability=0

13. Hoarding=0


How would you rate Robyn?

Strengths 0. Centerpiece strength. Central to planning 1. Strength present. Useful in planning 2. Identified strength. Build or develop strength 3. No strength identified. Strength creation or identification may be indicated 

 1. Family Strength/Support=2    2. Interpersonal/Social Connectedness=3   3. Natural Supports=2   4. Spiritual/Religious=1   5. Education Setting=0   6. Relationship Permanence (0-21) =0  7. Resiliency=1   8. Optimism =1  9. Talents/Interests =1  10. Cultural=0  Identity=0   11. Community Connection=0  . Involvement with Care=1  

13. Vocational=1

4. Job History/Volunteering=1

15. Self-Care=2


Please rate Robyn?

Culture 0. No evidence of need. No action needed 1. Significant history or possible need that is not interfering with functioning. Watchful waiting/prevention/additional assessment 2. Need interferes with functioning. Action/intervention required 3. Need is dangerous or disabling. Immediate action/intensive action required

 1. Language =0 2. Traditions and Rituals=0  3. Cultural Stress =0