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  Define selected personality facets. Support your analysis with…


Define selected personality facets. Support your analysis with detailed descriptions of your past behaviors 

(for this homework help, I have already have all the information, I just need help rewriting it in a way that is understandable and smart. I am using this information below to make para graph explaining my results from my IPIP-NEO assessment which is a personality test. 


Disuss the three facets (Extroversion, Consciousness, Open to Experience) of your personality from the IPIP-NEO 

     four behaviors in which you regularly engage for each facet (the 4 behaviors are bulleted under each facet). These behaviors are 


Social engagement: I am very social, I love to host parties, attend parties, gather people for events because it unites people, keeps things entertaining. I love the opportunity to meet as many people and learn from others as well as exchange stories, laugh, or even connect more deeply. I have hosted a many gallery opportunities showcasing artwork, even my own where I love to have all my friends and family, and friends of friends come connect, talk over drinks, food, and artwork. I have socially connected by going on spiritual retreats where we connect on a deeper level through strangers meeting and speaking out there deepest troubles, I did this specifically when I went on a retreat in Lake Tahoe California, where I met 9 random women strangers from all over, we connected through sisterhood and social engagement by getting to know each other through games, astrology sign readings, kundalini yoga, hiking, etc.
Excitement seeking: Some of my favorite things to do ever is go to music festivals and connect through the loud music and the chaos of thousands of people coming together to connect through dance and music. I find this so exciting and probably a big reason why I scored high in this section. I can get bored fast so I enjoy fast paced world, I want to move to New York where I visit every month, because of this hustle and faced pace that motivates and excites me.
Friendliness: I really try to look for the good in everyone I meet, it’s rare that I do not like someone because I see people as individuals and we are all different. I find myself to be very open to making new friends and one of my mottos is always “more the merrier” so it’s super fun to meet my friends friends and then friends of those friends. I love meeting new people. I am always reaching out to people and hoping to connect, I am always looking for more friends.
A specific incident in my extroversion is an art show I threw together and invited 100 people, designed the entire event with food and drinks and decor and artwork just to gather some of my favorite people and also to strangers as well.

Consciousness (I scored really low in this categories) I really try to live for the moment and do what feels good in the now. My work can sometimes tend to be careless and disorganized at times. 

Self-discipline: self discipline is really hard for me. I have extreme ADHD and so this is why I think I scored lower in this facet of Consciousness. I have internal struggles with this in my head because I have to many goals and ideas and plans in my brain but sometimes it is hard for my execute them because of my ADHD, leaving my discipline to be lower. I do think because I am very critical of myself, I do not give myself much credit and that’s another reason why I think I scored so low in this section. It is hard for me to begin and stay on track with tasks. I am always starting projects and paintings and never finishing them or it taking longer to finish.
Cautiousness: My level of cautiousness was low, Sometimes I do not fully think through things before I act. I think that comes from the spontaneous and in the moment part of myself. I am also very stubborn so I usually do things in the moment, this has gotten me in trouble at times and as I get order I find myself getting more cautious. An example of me being not so cautious that is positive is in my artwork, when I have an Idea I don’t hesitate to write it down or sketch it out. If I am feeling inspired in the moment I will go for it. I think this gets me in trouble when I am driving, I am not the best driver because I do not think through timings that well and tend to go pretty fast and get tickets for speeiding
Orderliness: I also scored low in this category because I am very unorganized. I have a very scattered brain. My art studio is a mess, there is no free space because I have projects and supply all over, I call it :”organized chaos” other probably would just call is chaos but I work really well like this but at times it can be overwhelming to not have a clean space. I tend to not really be good at schedules and routines, I blame this on the artist in me, one day I am feeling creative and the next day I am feeling uninspired. so my routine is really off and this is something I do not like about by unorganizedness. My room, car, and studio always seem to be cluttered.
A specific incident is the state of my room right now being extremely unorganized as well as my art space.

 Open to Experience: I scored very high in this facet 

Emotional: I am very aware of my emotions and feelings. I am very good at expressing my emotions, and I find emotions to be a tool not a weakness. I am considered to be very emotional and I love to use my emotions in my artwork. I think this shows up when I watch tv or movies I am always crying when the characters are going through stuff or when there is a sad scene. My emotions are depicted in my artwork as well. I had an entire series of paintings dedicated to my emotions using abstraction.
Artistic: I find this to be very accurate that I scored high in this section. I am an artist, a painter, muralist, sculptor, and photographer. I always love creating and I appreacte the beauty of things. Examples include me being an artist and also just expeieriencing the arts in general. I love viewing others artwork and taking classes in the fields I have not yet dived into yet,
Adventurous: I scored high in this section because I have always considered my self to be adventurous, I am up for anything, and love to try new things,. I have traveled all around Europe, did a week of scuba diving and have sky dived. I am going to the same in Asia this summer. I know one day I’ll be living somewhere across the world from Atlanta. I am eager to try new things. I find routine boring and I love to mix it up. Another example of this is I purposely chose online classes so that I had the option to travel anywhere I wanted and an online job to do the same. I have been to Charleston, New York, Maine, and Florida all in the past two months. I find a way and sometimes sleep in my car. I love it!
A specific incident is that I decided one day when I was traveling in Europe that I went sky diving