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Synthesis Literature Review Summary You must gather research…

Synthesis Literature Review


You must gather research sources for the topic you chose and presented in WA #1, the Proposal Memo. Using these research sources, you must compose a Literature Review that Synthesizes what your sources say about your topic. Your Synthesis Literature Review should be at least 1000 words long and use at least seven (7) sources.


How Your Synthesis Literature Review (WA #2) relates to the Proposal Memo (WA #1) and the Research Report (WA #4)


The Synthesis Literature Review is the “middle step” in the sequence of assignments in WRTG 394. In the ProposalMemo, WA #1, you chose your topic by identifying a problem in your workplace or community (neighborhood) and proposing one or more possible solutions. In the Synthesis Literature Review, WA #2,  write a paper that looks at what your sources say about your topic and reports that information to readers discussing how sources agree, disagree, add to each other’s work, and diverge from your topic (this is what is called synthesis – you synthesize – bring together by showing relationships between – your sources in relation to their themes and your topic). This kind of reporting on and reviewing your sources will help you understand the sources you have found better and help you do a better job of using them to identify your problem and offer one or more possible solutions in the Research Report, WA #3.


What You Must Provide for WA #2, the Synthesis Literature Review


Your review has a clear thesis that explains to readers that you will report on and review the sources you have gathered based on themes you have identified in those sources.
Your review uses headings for every section (see below for a template).
In each section that discusses a theme you have identified in the sources, you report what each source has to say about the theme and discuss how sources agree, disagree, add to each other’s work on the theme, and where any sources diverge from other sources in exploring the theme.
Your review meets word length requirements and follows correct business style.
Your review uses American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition citation style for citing sources within the text of your paper and in providing a reference page.


A Helpful Template for Structuring Your Synthesis Literature Review

For this assignment you will want to follow an assignment template (a template is a frame or format that you will use for completing your memo. Such templates are common in business writing).

Note: Please adapt the format presented below, adapting the headers provided, for the synthesis literature review. Be aware that you should identify 2-5 themes within your research sources concerning the topic you are researching. Not all sources will have information about all the themes you identify. For a successful review, you should only discuss themes which you find in at least two (2) sources.



In this section of your review, you introduce your topic, mention why it’s important, and present a thesis statement that identifies the themes you have discovered in your sources’ treatment of the topic.


Theme I

Report what your sources say about the theme and then discuss how they agree, disagree, add to each other’s work, or diverge from the theme.


Theme II

Report what your sources say about the theme and then discuss how they agree, disagree, add to each other’s work, or diverge from the theme.


Theme III

Report what your sources say about the theme and then discuss how they agree, disagree, add to each other’s work, or diverge from the theme.


(You may find that you have as many as five themes to discuss in your review. Three is an average number.)



In this final section of your review, you remind readers of the themes you have identified and discussed and summarize what your discussion of the themes has been. You might take the opportunity to mention that you have demonstrated why your topic is an important one that needs to be researched and written about. ?


 WA #1, the Proposal Memo. 


To: [The CEO and HR Director of XYZ Corporation]

 From: [John Smith, HR Manager]

 Date: [Today’s Date]

 Subject: [Request to conduct research and report on establishing on-site daycare or providing other childcare benefits]


 I am writing this memo to request permission to research and write a report on the feasibility of establishing on-site daycare or providing other childcare benefits at our organization. This research will help us understand the challenges faced by working parents in our company and suggest possible solutions to address them.

What the problem is and why it needs to be investigated As an HR Manager, I have noticed that many working parents in our company struggle to balance their work responsibilities with their family obligations, particularly when it comes to childcare. They face several challenges such as finding reliable and affordable childcare options, managing sick days, and juggling their work schedules around their children’s needs. These challenges lead to stress, absenteeism, and reduced productivity, which ultimately affect our company’s bottom line.

Research has shown that companies that provide on-site daycare or other childcare benefits have lower turnover rates, higher employee satisfaction, and increased productivity. By addressing this issue, we can improve our employees’ work-life balance, increase employee retention rates, and attract talented job seekers who value family-friendly benefits.

Secondary research

To understand the feasibility of establishing on-site daycare or providing other childcare benefits, I plan to conduct research using both trade and scholarly sources. The UMGC library provides access to several academic journals, books, and reports that will help me understand the benefits, challenges, and best practices of offering childcare benefits.

For trade/professional sources, I will search databases such as ProQuest and Business Source Complete for articles related to on-site daycare and other childcare benefits in the workplace. Some specific keywords I plan to use for my search include “on-site daycare,” “workplace childcare benefits,” “employee retention,” “employee productivity,” and “work-life balance.” I will focus on articles published within the last 5-10 years to ensure that the information I gather is current and relevant.

As for scholarly sources, I plan to search databases such as JSTOR and Google Scholar for academic articles related to the topic. I will look for research studies and literature reviews that examine the impact of on-site daycare and other childcare benefits on employee productivity, retention, and work-life balance. Some specific keywords I plan to use include “on-site childcare,” “workplace family policies,” “childcare subsidies,” and “employee well-being.” I will also pay attention to the authors of the articles and their credentials to ensure that the information I gather is credible and reliable.

In addition to searching for articles, I plan to look for case studies and reports from companies that have implemented on-site daycare or other childcare benefits in the workplace. I will also look for best practices and guidelines for implementing and managing on-site daycare programs.

Benefits of the research and the report’s recommendations 

The research and report I will conduct will benefit our organization in several ways. First, it will help us understand the challenges faced by our employees when it comes to childcare and how these challenges affect our company’s productivity and profitability. Second, it will provide us with insights into best practices and successful models of offering childcare benefits that we can adapt to our company’s needs and culture.

The report’s recommendations will enable us to make informed decisions on the feasibility and design of on-site daycare or other childcare benefits. Implementing these recommendations will lead to improved employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity, as well as a more positive company culture that values work-life balance.


 In conclusion, I request permission to conduct research and write a report on establishing on-site daycare or providing other childcare benefits at our organization. I am confident that this research will provide valuable insights into addressing the challenges faced by our working parents and help us create a more family-friendly workplace. Thank you for your consideration.