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The topic of the LGBTQ+ community in the language of history has a…

The topic of the LGBTQ+ community in the language of history has a dark contour. One may “write” about the first historically recorded LGBTQ+ individuals and their fate. It would also be wise to include dates in the 1960s about individuals like Francis Bacon who was known to be gay and published “The Advancement of Learning—an argument for empirical research and against superstition”. Instrumental people like Francis Bacon will be wise to be used as individuals to represent the community that has had a positive influence on history. Including years like the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the 1980s will also be wise in exposing the entire truth in the LGBTQ+ community. All actions and preferences have consequences. The discussion made by the written paper should be something that the readers could have a free judgment to follow through. Dates like the 1979’s National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights are also essential and must be included in the discussion. It will serve as the basis of how gay rights have progressed to what is it now today. The topic in itself will stay as a controversy as the world is shrouded in different cultures and therefore is maintained by different belief systems. We cannot disregard those belief systems that no matter how cruel have been to a group of society have furthered civilization and prevented mankind from extinction. Although this is true one must also consider how the stereotypes that still haunt the LGBTQ+ community cause them great pain to be ameliorated, and this will be discussed in the paper. The relevance of the topic was heightened through time as it became a modern trend and differing opinions about it have risen. Historical authors like Lillian Faderman, Randy Shilts, Debbie Cenziper and Jim Obergefell, and David France have provided an unbiased and transparent record of the  LGBTQ+ community’s history and everything that it entails like health risks and human rights movements related to the topic.

My first-hand experience with diversity comes from my upbringing in a multiethnic home, where I was given the opportunity to learn about a variety of ethnic groups, religious traditions, and philosophical orientations. Because of this, I now have a deeper comprehension of the significance of inclusiveness and acceptance, as well as an appreciation for the necessity of gaining exposure to a variety of cultures and points of view. In addition, during the course of my research, I have developed an appreciation for the historical backdrop of diversity, including the battle for civil rights as well as the fight against racism and other forms of discrimination.

Culture is a very big determiner of behavior therefore the influence of the LGBTQ+ community in modern tradition should be thoroughly analyzed through the lens of psychological development. A careful analysis should be discussed in the paper on how the distinction between the ween LGBTQ+ community parenting style and the archetypal biologically male and biologically female parents’ parenting style differs and its effect on the children. The paper should be “written” in a way that looks at the LGBTQ+ community as something that should be deconstructed and tested if its philosophies will prove to preserve the fundamental values of humanity. The topic in itself is very meaningful when it comes to culture as some cultures do not permit homosexual relationships. Some cultures also have an authoritarian construct in which parents choose their children’s future relationship partners. Therefore, in this case, LGBTQ+ community members will not have freedom for their preferences if it goes against their parent’s will. These changes will become a controversy in cultures and therefore would spark interests that are subject to debate and even go to a national level of importance. Sometimes a person’s political inclination has an influence on their views and expressions about the topic. those who are leaning toward the conservative political party exhibit a refusal to conform to the demands of the LGBTQ+ community while those that lean toward the liberal party show a significant amount of support towards the group. Individuals’ experiences differ when it comes to the topic. Some were abused by a member of the LGBTQ+ community therefore they straightforwardly do not support it while some wanted to express themselves differently and find solace in the group.

Health is relevant to this kind of topic as community members usually undergo hormonal regulation and surgery to resemble their desired gender. The high risks of doing such should be discussed. This falls under natural and applied sciences therefore the natural biological inclination of a biological man and a biological woman should be discussed. Information on people that have regretted their decision of undergoing surgical procedures to resemble their desired gender should also be discussed in the same way that the positive effects to a person that such practices have provided. The main chemicals or hormones of the body that are regulated should also be included in the paper. Details about how the hormone works and what possible risks go with tampering with the natural and biological metabolic processes of an individual should also be discussed. The scientific method through clinical practice and observation could provide concrete and relevant results wherein opinions about the topic could be based on. The scientific method could be used to gather sufficient data that provides results of what happens to the body of an individual who undergoes surgery or hormonal regulation if it is positive or negative or if the consequences outweigh the gain of such procedures.  The topic in itself is comprised of the material and the physical category of existence. The topic is cannot be separated from the fact that those in the LGBTQ+ community who undergo gender change surgical procedures and hormonal regulation to resemble the desired gender are not satisfied with the gender they are born with. Therefore a physical change will be done if they so desired. It cannot also be separated from its material context because surgeries costs and there would be a philosophical notion about materialism and the aims of the LGBTQ+ community to arrive at the discussion. There would be challenges to viewing the topic objectively especially when it comes to considering those individuals with negative experiences with the community who also have a relatively negative connotation of the topic. 



1. It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.

Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.

2. Describe your topic with effective details and contextual information.

What main points should you include about your topic? What other details are needed to ensure a thorough description?

3. Describe a population significant to your topic. Include information such as demographics, cultural practices, social identity, and key challenges. Examples could include a population who is directly impacted by the topic, a group that works with those directly impacted, or a group that has strong feelings about the topic.

4. Articulate how the topic has shaped the lives and experiences of your chosen population. What stories clearly illustrate how the topic has impacted the lives and experiences of your chosen population?

5. Explain your choice of one general education interdisciplinary lens for analyzing your topic. What made you choose one lens over the others? Was it an easy decision? Why or why not?

6. Construct a thesis statement that combines your topic, population, cultural situation, and choice of general education interdisciplinary lens. Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely state the relationships between your topic, population, cultural situation, and lens. It acts as a hypothesis proposing how these elements will work together during your critical analysis.