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Pick any of these films, watch it and then write a paragraph for…

Pick any of these films, watch it and then write a paragraph for each question for that movie.  For every film analysis, you need to answer these two questions first:

What did you like about the film?
What did you dislike about the film?

Topic: Personality Disorders

Question for The Caine Mutiny

Discuss the personality traits of Captain Queeg (Humphrey Bogart). Give several specific examples of his behavior which support your interpretations. Which personality disorder is most likely?

Question for Adaptation

Discuss the personality traits of Charlie Kaufman (the main character). Give several specific examples of his behavior which support your interpretations. Which personality disorder is most likely?

Question for All About Eve

Discuss the personality traits of Eve. Give several specific examples of her behavior which support your interpretations. Which personality disorder is most likely?

Question for Fatal Attraction

Discuss the personality traits of Alex Forrest. Give several specific examples of her behavior which support your interpretations. Which personality disorder is most likely?

Question for Sunset Boulevard

Discuss the personality traits of Norma Desmond. Give several specific examples of her behavior which support your interpretations. Which personality disorder is most likely?

Question for To Die For

Discuss the personality traits of Suzanne Stone. Give several specific examples of her behavior which support your interpretations. Which personality disorder is most likely?



Topic: Stress Disorders, Depression, and Search for Meaning.

Questions for Fearless

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
Identify the symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder exhibited by Max (Jeff Bridges). Give specific examples from the movie.
Was Max really “fearless” or was he fighting against his fears? Support your opinion and specifically address the end of the movie.

Questions for American Splendor

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
Both Harvey and his wife, Joyce, have depressed moods. Compare and contrast their depressions. Would they both be given the same diagnosis?
Apply the concept of Generativity vs. Stagnation to Harvey. What crises did he experience and were they resolved? If so, how?

Questions for Little Miss Sunshine

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
Dwayne and Frank are experiencing depression. Compare and contrast their depressions. Would they both be given the same diagnosis?
What role did social support play for Dwayne (the mute son) and Frank (Steve Carrell)?

Questions for Ordinary People

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
Compare Conrad and his mother in their recovery after loss: Rebuilt Self, No Meaning/No Growth, Minimal Threat/Minimal Growth.
Was Conrad depressed? How do we know? Give specific examples of diagnostic symptoms.

Questions for The Hours

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
All 3 women in the movie are experiencing depression. Pick 2 and compare and contrast their depressions. Would they both be given the same diagnosis?
Why did Richard commit suicide (fall out the window)? Consider both external and internal forces.

Questions for The Weather Man

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
David (Nicholas Cage) seemed depressed. Do you think this is major depression or dysthymia, or neither?
David is in the Generativity vs. Stagnation stage of identity development. Discuss his identity crisis and whether or not it was resolved.

Topic: Psychotic Disorders

Questions for A Beautiful Mind, Canvas,Shine, Revolution #9, and Clean, Shaven

Give at least 5 examples of film techniques used to set mood/give insight into the character’s mood state.
Discuss the presence of positive and negative symptoms. What type of schizophrenia do you think the character had?
Discuss how the symptoms of schizophrenia were presented. What film methods were used to show psychosis?
What do you think of the movie’s portrayal of schizophrenia? Did it seem accurate? Did it perpetuate stigma associated with schizophrenia?

Topic: Dissociative Disorders

Question for Sybil

Compare the portrayals of mental illness in these films. Positive? Stigmatizing? Accurate?
What did Dr. Wilbur’s mentor mean when she said, “”Be careful – don’t fall in love with her illness, or she could be obligated to seem just more complex than she is?”

Question for Me, Myself, and Irene

Compare the portrayals of mental illness in these films. Positive? Stigmatizing? Accurate?
How consistent was this portrayal with the discussion in the lecture notes (assuming that the diagnosis should be Dissociative Identity Disorder, not the type of schizophrenia mentioned in the movie)? In particular, discuss the onset and resolution of his dissociation.

Question for Nurse Betty

Compare the portrayals of mental illness in these films. Positive? Stigmatizing? Accurate?
What diagnosis should be given Betty? Was the portrayal consistent with the descriptions of this disorder in the lecture notes?

Question for Primal Fear

Compare the portrayals of mental illness in these films. Positive? Stigmatizing? Accurate?
How consistent was the portrayal of Dissociative Identity Disorder in this movie with the discussion in the lecture notes? What should have been Roy’s diagnosis?

Question for The Snake Pit

Compare the portrayals of mental illness in these films. Positive? Stigmatizing? Accurate?
What type of dissociative disorder did Virginia have? Was its portrayal accurate, as compared to the lecture notes?

Question for Three Faces of Eve

Compare the portrayals of mental illness in these films. Positive? Stigmatizing? Accurate?
How consistent was this portrayal with the discussion in the lecture notes? Was the trauma really kissing the grandmother, or was in an adaptive strategy for dealing with the abusive husband?

Topic: Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors

Question for The Pickpocket

Do you think the movie fans have OCD? What behaviors would support this diagnosis and what behaviors would be less consistent?
Do you think Michel had OCD? Why or why not?

Question for As Good As It Gets, The Odd Couple, Matchstick Men, The Aviator, and Dirty, Filthy Love

Do you think the movie fans have OCD? What behaviors would support this diagnosis and what behaviors would be less consistent?
Did the primary character in the film have OCD or OCPD or both? Give sufficient examples from the movie to support your opinions.

Topic: Memory and Addictions

Questions for Memento

Based on what was reviewed in lecture and the assigned reading on Memento, identify accuracies in the presentation of anterograde amnesia. Give specific examples.
Discuss how you imagine the experience is to have anterograde amnesia.

Questions for 50 First Dates

Based on what was reviewed in lecture, identify accuracies in the presentation of anterograde amnesia Give specific examples.
Do you think the way she was “reminded” of her life each day would really work? How might this not be effective?

Questions for Lost Weekend

Based on what was reviewed in lecture, identify accuracies in the presentation of alcohol addiction. Give specific examples.
Do you think that the responses of his friends and family was accurate? Why or why not?

Questions for Requiem for a Dream

Based on what was reviewed in lecture, identify accuracies in the presentation of the illegal substance abuse addiction (cocaine, heroin). Give specific examples.
Discuss the mother’s addiction experiences. Was this storyline surprising? Different than the others?

Questions for Rounders

Based on what was reviewed in lecture, identify accuracies in the presentation of pathological gambling. Give specific examples.
Do you think both Mike (Matt Damon) and “Worm” (Edward Norton) had the same motivation for gambling? Why or why not? Give specific examples.

Questions for Safe House

Based on what was reviewed in lecture, identify accuracies in the presentation of anterograde amnesia in the movie. Give specific examples.
Do you think the presentation of Alzheimer’s disease was accurate? Why or why not?

Topic: Mental Health Treatment and Treating Professionals

Questions for Lars and the Real Girl

What was your impression of the doctor in the movie? Was what she did ethical? Why or why not?
How did the community help “treat” Lars? Do you think this could really work?

Question for Cosi, Lilith, K-Pax, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and Girl, Interrupted

Was the fil
m you watched stigma-producing, anti-psychiatry, or neither? Give examples to support your conclusion.

Questions for What About Bob?, Analyze This, The Prince of Tides, Good Will Hunting, and  Antwone Fisher

Give examples of specific ethical violations by the treating mental health professional. Use the terms from the lecture notes.
Identify the Wedding & Niemiec theme which is consistent with the treating professional. Give examples to support your conclusion.