durga406Answer the following questions  1. 2. 3 4 5. 6.   7.   8. 9. 10….Answer the following questions 1.Image transcription text”Comorbidities” often occur with people who arechallenged with psychological disorders. While conductingassessment in counselling, a counsellor can disregard … Show more… Show more2.Image transcription textGrossly Disorganized or Abnormal Motor Behavior is one of fivekey features of psychotic disorders. How may a counsellor see thismanifested in a client? (select all applicable answers) … Show more… Show more3Image transcription textA brief Psychotic Disorder is characterized by the sudden onset ofeither one of the following symptoms: delusions, hallucinations,disorganized speech, or grossly abnormal psychomoto… Show more… Show more4Image transcription textAssessment in counselling is only carried out for diagnosticpurposes Select one: C) True 0 False … Show more5.Image transcription textThrough assessment, a counsellor notices that his/ her client hasunrealistic ideations of an impending catastrophic event.Regardless of being presented with evidence to prove … Show more… Show more6.Image transcription textDevelopmental deficits in a person that manifest in impairment oftheir personal, social, academic or occupational functioning isindicative of O a. Depressive disorders O b. Neurodev… Show more… Show more 7. Image transcription textObservation is a skill that is utilised throughout the entirecounselling interview. By accurately observing non-verbalbehaviour, a counsellor can gauge the affect her/his w… Show more… Show more8.Image transcription textThe essential feature of delusional disorder is the presence of oneor more delusions that persist for at least 1 month. Which of thefollowing are seen as subtypes of delusional disorder&… Show more… Show more9.Image transcription textPsychotic disorders affect brain function by alterin thoughts,beliefs or perceptions. Which of the following are considered keyfeatures of psychotic disorders? (select all applicable a… Show more… Show more10.Image transcription textOf the 5 key features that define psychotic disorders, the one thatis assessed from an individual’s speech impairment/ ineffectivecommunication (unrelated answers to questions) is cal… Show more… Show more11.Image transcription textThe correct order of the stages of assessment in counselling is:Stage One: Assessing the client’s problems Stage Two: Evaluatingthe Counselling Stage Three: Selecting and implement… Show more… Show more12.Image transcription textPerception-like experiences that occur without an externalstimulus, which are vivid and clear, with the full force and impactof normal perceptions, and not under voluntary contr… Show more… Show more13.Image transcription textAutism spectrum disorder is not degenerative. Individuals withASD can continuously improve with time Select one: O True OFalse… Show more14.Image transcription textCatatonia can occur in the context of several disorders includingneurodevelopmental, psychotic, bipolar, depressive disorders, andother medical conditions. Which of the following are f… Show more… Show more15Image transcription textIn the stages of assessment in counselling, which of the followingis the first? O a. Assessing the client’s problems O b. Evaluatingthe Counselling O c. Conceptualizing and Defining the … Show more… Show more16.Image transcription textAssessment in counselling stops once treatment begins Selectone: O True O False… Show more17.Image transcription text”Behavioural observations” are not considered to betool/ method for assessment in counselling. Select one: O True OFalse… Show more18.Image transcription textWhich interview method generally follows a guide or protocolthat is devised prior to the interview and is focused on a coretopic to provide a general structure. This interview me… Show more… Show more19.Image transcription text’Talanoa’ or casual ‘story-telling” can be seen as a culturally/contextually effective method of counselling assessment in FijiSelect one: O True O False… Show more20.Image transcription textA variable in assessment refers to a construct or concept that cantake on more than one value. Value can be qualitative orquantitative. An example of a quantitative variable is. … Show more… Show more21.Image transcription textAutism spectrum disorder is one of the fastest-growingdevelopmental disorders in the United States. ASD is morecommon than childhood cancer, diabetes and AIDS co… Show more… Show more22.Image transcription textIncluding the client as a collaborator in selecting topics forassessment and in interpreting the results is one guiding principleof assessment in counselling. Select one: O True O False… Show more23.Image transcription textAn interview process in which questions asked are notsystematized across candidates, and the interviewer focuses onopen discussion to evaluate candidates is called O a. U… Show more… Show more24.Image transcription textis a category on the schizophrenia spectrum that a practitionermay use in situations where there is insufficient information tomake a more specific diagnosis…. Show more25.Image transcription textA client presents with psychotic symptoms that persist for at least2 weeks. It is likely that this client is schizoaffective. Select one: OTrue O False… Show more26.Image transcription textIs an instrument that is used to assign scores to people or itemsalong some numerical dimension, such as agreement with anattitude statement or frequency of occurrence. O a. In… Show more… Show more27.Image transcription textSelect the applicable physiological measures below that may bemore effective in assessing a condition like anxiety in a client. J a.Muscle contractions O b. Heart rate c. Ambiguous pict… Show more… Show more29.Image transcription textAssessment in counselling can be defined as… Answer:… Show more30.Image transcription textWhich of the following may a counsellor observe in a child/ clientwho is challenged with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder(select all correct answers) J a. Has difficulty getting al… Show more… Show more31.Image transcription textSchizophrenicorm disorder lasts 2+ years. Select one: True OFalse… Show more32.Image transcription textThe American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 is a standardreference text for clinical practice in the mental health field. Thelong form for the abbreviation DSM-5 is… Answer:… Show more33.Image transcription textThrough interviews and ohsenrations, a counsellor finds out thefollowing about a client: – Is an adult that believes he exists in afantasy world — Believes that he has magical powers … Show more… Show more34.Image transcription textMany children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) also have a specific learning disorder. Select one: O TrueO False… Show more35.Image transcription textRating scales are a tool counsellors can use for assessment in thecounselling process. It often provides a series of items and scoringcriteria and are frequently useful as pre- and post- tes… Show more… Show more36.Image transcription textThrough observations and relevant assessment methods, acounsellor finds that his client presents with: Persistent deficits insocial communication and social interaction across mu… Show more… Show more37.Image transcription textA client that presents with delusions (false ideations) of anotherperson being in love with them is classified as a persecutorydelusion. Select one: O True O False… Show more38.Image transcription textA counsellor observes that a client presents with reducedvocabulary, limited sentence structure and general impairmentsin discourse/ ability to have a conversation. The couns… Show more… Show more39.Image transcription textThe psychotic features of schizophrenia typically emergebetween the late teens and the mid-30s Select one: O True OFalse… Show more40.Image transcription textNeurodevelopmental disorders are often detected late in aperson’s life Select one: O True O False… Show more41.Image transcription textThrough assessment, a counsellor notices that his/ her client hasunrealistic ideations of bizarre bodily functions affecting him.Regardless of being presented with evidence to prove … Show more… Show more42.Image transcription textAn important stage in the assessment in counselling process is theevaluation stage. It requires the counsellor to evaluate his/ hereffectiveness. Give one reason why this is important. Answer:… Show more43.Image transcription textFrom the options displayed below, select all that are GuidingPrinciples of Assessment in Counselling D a. Delusions are ilIE’dbeliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conf… Show more… Show more44.Image transcription textDyslexia and Dyscalculia are 2 examples of Specific LearningDisorders Select one: O True O False… Show more45.Image transcription textCounsellors need to have effective communication, assessmentand appraisal skills Select one: O True O False… Show more46.Image transcription textWhich of the following is an advantage/ strength of unstructuredinterviews? O a. Wording of questions may influence clientresponses O b. Potential for misdiagnosis O c. Fosters … Show more… Show more47.Image transcription textWhich of the following can be considered standardizedassessments in counselling? (Select all correct choices) O a. Valuesinventories O b. Rating scale O c. Intelligence tests O d… Show more… Show more48.Image transcription textSchizotypal disorder is seen as a pervasive pattern of social andinterpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, andreduced capacity for, close relationships as well as by c… Show more… Show more49.Image transcription textIn the assessment process, a counsellor observes that a childpresents with deficits in functions like reasoning, problem-solving,planning, abstract thinking, judgement and general aca… Show more… Show more50.Image transcription textA counsellor may assess a client’s inability to show emotions,apathy, difficulties talking, and withdrawing from social situationsand relationships as negative symptoms. Select one: O… Show more… Show more51.Image transcription textThe rating scale below is a tool that counsellors can use to assess/measure what kind of disorders? Clinician-Rated Dimen Name:Instructions: Based on all the informatic of the followi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIII. Disorganized speech 0 Not pres IV. Abnormal psychomo- ONot pres tor behavior V. Negative symptoms 0 Not pres(restricted emotional expression or avolition)… Show moreImage transcription textO a. Psychotic disorders O b. Somatic disorders O c. Depressivedisorders O d. Neurodevelopmental Disorders… Show more Social SciencePsychology