Answered step-by-step
Question 1  Personality is defined as        ?a. the degree…

Question 1 

Personality is defined as      
 ?a. the degree of popularity or social approval accorded an individual.        b. the common characteristics that all individuals share regardless of superficial differences.        c. unpredictable deviations from an individual’s usual pattern of behaviour.        d. an individual’s unique and stable pattern of characteristics and behaviour.      
 Question 2?

According to Freud, the bulk of the human mind is in the realm of the      
 ?a. preconscious.        b. superego.        c. unconscious.        d. conscious.      
 Question 3?

According to Freud, the id  
 ?a. serves as the individual’s conscience.        b. desires immediate, total gratification of needs and urges.        c. acts according to the morality principle.        d. operates according to the reality principle in satisfying needs.      
 Question 4

?The purpose of a defense mechanism is to      
 ?a. protect the superego from the ego.        b. complete the development of the mind so that all three parts can express themselves.        c. protect ourselves against anxiety and maintain self-esteem.        d. allow the expression of the id in its raw form.      
 Question 5

?According to Allport, the kind of trait that is a defining characteristic of one’s personality is a ________ trait.      
 ?a. source        b. cardinal        c. common        d. secondary      
 Question 6?

Freud believed only measurable behaviour was meaningful      
 ?True  ?False 
 Question 7

?In the five-factor theory, the dimension that differentiates people who are moody, irritable, nervous, and prone to worry from people who are calm, even-tempered, easygoing, and relaxed is called      
 ?a. conscientiousness.        b. openness to experience.        c. agreeableness.        d. neuroticism.      
 Question 8

?Identical twins are score far more alike than do fraternal twins on personality tests. This shows the lack of impact of parenting on personality.      
 ?True  ?False 
 Question 9

?According to B.F. Skinner, which of the following ideas about personality was acceptable?      
 ?a. Rewards and punishments shape our behaviour.        b. We initiate and direct our own behaviour.        c. Abnormal behaviour is primarily biological in origin.        d. Personality is a useful concept.      
 Question 10

?Which of the following concepts does Skinner find useful in explaining behaviour?      
 ?a. self-determination        b. personality characteristics        c. conscious        d. learning      
 Question 11?

Which of the following statements is true of the social-cognitive theories of behaviour and personality?      
 ?a. Behaviour is initiated by inner forces called personality.        b. Behaviour is an interaction of inner cognitive processes and situational forces.        c. Behaviour is caused by forces outside the person and based upon past rewards and punishments.        d. Behaviour and personality are determined primarily by our heredity.      
 Question 12?

According to class discussion, students and professors impact each other equally in a process called False Dichotomy.      
 ?True  ?False 
 Question 13

?Compared to Freud’s psychoanalytic view, the humanistic view of human nature is ________; it emphasizes ________.      
 ?a. negative; free will        b. positive; determinism        c. negative; determinism        d. positive; free will      
 Question 14?

Humanistic psychologists see human beings as all of the following, except      
 ?a. capable of directing their lives.        b. having a tendency toward growth.        c. innately good.        d. determined by the environment.      
 Question 15

?What is the type of personality test that may consist of inkblots, drawings of ambiguous situations, or incomplete sentences for which there are no correct or incorrect answers?      
 ?a. projective test        b. multiphasic personality test        c. personality inventory        d. rating scale      
 Question 16?

Which of the following statements is true regarding the distinction between normal and abnormal behaviour?      
 ?a. You are either totally normal, or totally abnormal; there is no middle ground.        b. If a person is considered normal in one culture, then they are normal in all cultures.        c. Not all people whose behaviour is abnormal experience personal distress.        d. It is relatively easy to differentiate normal behaviour from abnormal behaviour.      
 Question 17?

The earliest explanation of abnormal behaviour was that disturbed people      
 ?a. were possessed by evil spirits or demons.        b. acted oddly by their own free will.        c. had biological imbalances.        d. came from dysfunctional families.      
 Question 18

?Which of the following causes of mental disorders is not consistent with the biological perspective?      
 ?a. genetic inheritance        b. biochemical imbalances or abnormalities        c. structural abnormalities within the brain        d. negative thinking as a cause of psychological disorders      
 Question 19?

Which perspective suggests that the way to treat psychological disorders is to increase self-acceptance and become more inner-directed?      
 ?a. the psychodynamic perspective        b. the learning perspective        c. the humanistic perspective        d. the cognitive perspective      
 Question 20

?Charlene gets hysterical when she sees any knife that is larger than a paring knife and cannot keep them in her house. Her therapist believes that her fear of knives is a defence against an unconscious desire to kill her husband who is psychologically abusive to her. The therapist’s belief is based on the      
 ?a. psychodynamic perspective.        b. biological perspective.        c. cognitive perspective.        d. learning perspective.      
 Question 21?

Which of the following perspectives has, as its goal, getting rid of the behavioural symptoms of the disorder (such as the fear, the inappropriate behaviour, etc.. rather than identifying and treating an underlying cause?      
 ?a. the biological perspective        b. the psychodynamic perspective        c. the humanistic perspective        d. the learning perspective      
 Question 22

?Which of the following perspectives suggests that faulty thinking or distorted perceptions contribute to some types of psychological disorders?      
 ?a. the learning perspective        b. the biological perspective        c. the cognitive perspective        d. the humanistic perspective      
 Question 23?

Theo is going to see a therapist for his anxiety attacks. The therapist spends the session discussing with Niall his negative thinking about himself and his abilities. The therapist attempts to have Theo replace his negative thoughts with rational, positive ones. Which of the following perspectives is the therapist using?      
 ?a. the cognitive perspective        b. the biological perspective        c. the learning perspective        d. the humanistic perspective      
 Question 24

?Devon is seeing a therapist because he is hearing voices that tell him to do bad things to his neighbour. The doctor prescribes medication for the hallucinations and explores his family history for signs of mental illness. Which of the following perspectives is the therapist using?      
 ?a. the cognitive perspective        b. the biological perspective        c. the psychodynamic perspective        d. the learning perspective      
 Question 25

?Emily is feeling depressed. Her therapist shows her a picture of two cannibals eating a missionary to determine the reason for her depression. Her therapist is a      
 ?a. humanist        b. psychoanalyst        c. behaviorist        d. neuropsychologist      
 Question 26

?Which of these is not one of the criteria we used to analyse personality theories?  
 ?a. Stable or flexible        b. Conscious or Unconscious        c. Acceptable or Unacceptable        d. Choice or Automatic      
 Question 27  

Which is not an example of cognitive dissonance?      
 ?a. Theo hates cars but drives often.        b. Theo loves animals and loves eating them.        c. Theo dislikes students and he teaches a lot.        d. Theo loves the Habs and cheers for the Leafs