Answered step-by-step
Question 11 pts Of the following, which has the longest sensitive…

Question 11 pts
Of the following, which has the longest sensitive period to teratogens during pregnancy?
Group of answer choices

the heart

the ears

the eyes

the central nervous system

Flag question: Question 2
Question 21 pts
During the first two weeks of pregnancy, teratogens:
Group of answer choices

typically result in malformations of internal organs, such as the brain and heart.

rarely have any impact on the developing organism.

cause the most serious damage to the developing organism.

usually affect the growth of sensory organs, such as the eyes and ears.

Flag question: Question 3
Question 31 pts
Which of the following is NOT something that impacts the potential damage caused by teratogen exposure on the developing fetus?
Group of answer choices

the age of the developing fetus

the genetic makeup of the mother

the quantity of the exposure

the location of the exposure

Flag question: Question 4
Question 41 pts
Which of the following is NOT a maternal factor in healthy prenatal development?
Group of answer choices

the nutrition of the mother

emotional stress experienced by the mother

the genetic constitution of the fetus

the age of the. mother

Flag question: Question 5
Question 51 pts
“Synaptic pruning” in the young child’s brain is
Group of answer choices

very important because many synapses are overproduced at first.  Only those important connections which are stimulated frequently need to be maintained and committed.

of no importance.  It is simply the brain’s natural clean-up process as the child matures.

very problematic because as connections are lost, the child can no longer remember important information.

has been discredited by current technology.  We now know that the brain is able to maintain all connections formed by neurons since birth.

Flag question: Question 6
Question 61 pts
Before brain lateralization occurs,
Group of answer choices

each hemisphere of the cortex controls only one side of the body.

the right hemisphere reacts more strongly to speech stimuli than the left hemisphere.

if a part of the cortex is damaged, other parts can take over tasks it would have handled.

each hemisphere of the cortex receives sensory information from only one side of the body.

Flag question: Question 7
Question 71 pts
In a highly plastic cerebral cortex,
Group of answer choices

the left hemisphere reacts more strongly than the right hemisphere to nonspeech sounds.

the hemispheres have lateralized into specific functions.

many areas are not yet committed to specific functions

the right side of the body is favored in motor abiities.

Flag question: Question 8
Question 81 pts
During the first few years of life, the _______ grow(s) faster than any other part of the body.
Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 9
Question 91 pts
______ and ______ are examples of fine motor activities.
Group of answer choices

climbing on a jungle gym; blinking

crawling; standing

pointing; drawing

skipping; grasping a raisin between two fingers

Flag question: Question 10
Question 101 pts
Of the following, which of these is the best example of a gross motor skill?
Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 11
Question 111 pts
Which of the following illustrates the adaptive value of reflexes?
Group of answer choices

premature babies need extra catch-up time

tonic neck reflex involves reflexive arm movements

infant reflex to grasp finger encopurages parents to respond lovingly

step reflex drops out early

Flag question: Question 12
Question 121 pts
The development of motor skills is an illustration of dynamic systems theory.  This means that:
Group of answer choices

the development of each motor skill must be looked at in terms of the influences of each level of the ecological system as outlined by Bronfebrenners ecological systems theory.

a classification system for motor skill development has been established to assist parents in identifying where their child fits in the development of individual motor skills.

each motor milestone is achieved and mastered by the child in separate and innate ways that emerge in a fixed sequence, governed by a built-in maturational timetable.

separate abilities blend together as they are developed, each cooperating with others to produce more effective ways of exploring and controlling the environment.

Flag question: Question 13
Question 131 pts
Of the following motor skills, which is believed to play the greatest role in infant cognitive development?
Group of answer choices

voluntary reaching

holding head steady and upright


rolling back to front

Flag question: Question 14
Question 141 pts
Bühler uses the term “differentiation” to describe the acquisition of motor skills.  In this context, differentiation means:
Group of answer choices

the range in points at which developmental milestones are achieved in months

the acquisition of motor skills move from being global reactions to more precise and adapted actions

the development of a conditioned response

the maturation of body systems

Flag question: Question 15
Question 151 pts
Which of the following is NOT an influence on the physical growth and health of the young child?
Group of answer choices

sleep and nutrition

emotional well-being

infectious diseases, immunizations and child health care

child’ home language and culture

Flag question: Question 16
Question 161 pts
The rooting reflex:
Group of answer choices

may have helped the infant cling to the mother in our evolutionary past.

may prepare the baby for voluntary reaching.

helps a breastfed baby find the mother’s nipple.

helps babies adjust their sucking pressure to how easily milk flows from the nipple.

Flag question: Question 17
Question 171 pts
The ________ reflex may prepare the infant for voluntary reaching.
Group of answer choices

tonic neck




Flag question: Question 18
Question 181 pts
Proximodistal development refers to which of the following?
Group of answer choices

Physical growth occurs outwards from the center toward the hands.

Physical changes in growth as a conssequence of hormonal activity.

A very rapid increase in size and weight.

Growth occurs in a head to toe direction.

Flag question: Question 19
Question 191 pts
________ is the least developed of the senses at birth.
Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 20
Question 201 pts
Which of the following would NOT be considered a reflexive behavior that infants display which contribute to infant survival.
Group of answer choices


responding to his/her name.

palmer grasp


Flag question: Question 21
Question 211 pts
Your video lecture proposed an alternative hypothesis to considering the challenges faced by Deaf people as “physical” challenges.  I proposed that, in reality, the issue is NOT about the ears at all. What kind of an issue might be a better representation of the unique needs of Deaf people?

Challenges for Deaf children in our education system might be better thought of as a/an ___________________ issue than a “physical” issue related to the ear.

Group of answer choices




amount of hearing loss

Flag question: Question 22
Question 221 pts
What percentage of deaf children are born to hearing parents?
Group of answer choices

> 95%

10 – 20%

70 – 75%

40 – 50%

Flag question: Question 23
Question 231 pts
Which of the following is NOT a type of hearing loss?
Group of answer choices

all of the above are types of hearing loss




Flag question: Question 24
Question 245 pts
Identify if the following statements about children with visual impairment are TRUE or FALSE.
Group of answer choices
A visual loss is in the area of physical development, so it does not impact the other areas of language, communication of social/emotional development.

[ Choose ]
An individual who is served in the category of “visually impaired” can be totally blind, functionally blind, or have low vision.

[ Choose ]
Less than 1 in 1,000 children are functionally or totally blind.

[ Choose ]
The concept of “field of vision” is NOT a relevant measure when considering visual impairments.

[ Choose ]
The IDEA definition of visual impairments does NOT include a reference to the impact on the child’s educational performance.

[ Choose ]

Flag question: Question 25
Question 251 pts
Identify each of the following statements is TRUE?
Group of answer choices

Learning the concept of objects takes repeated, direct contact with concepts through nonvisual senses.

A child who is “legally blind” and a child who is “functionally blind” have basically the same visual acuity.

It is quite easy for sighted children to conceive of all of the ways that vision plays a role in their lives.

Childfren with visual impairements are not able to develop schema for things in the world around them.

Flag question: Question 26
Question 261 pts
A common theme in this class is the interrelationship between developmental domains.  In this case, the impact that a child’s visual impairment has on early infant behaviors.

A visual impairment  can impact the development of which critical infant behavior?

Group of answer choices

palmer grasp

moro reflex



Flag question: Question 27
Question 271 pts
Which of the following statements about assistive technology (AT) for persons with disabilities is TRUE?
Group of answer choices

AT includes both high-tech and low-tech products.

AT includes both hardware and software products.

All statements are true.

AT includes products, equipment and systems that enhance learning, working and daily living

Flag question: Question 28
Question 281 pts
Strategies and interventions used with children with physical disabilities would NOT include:
Group of answer choices

opportunities for making choices and exerting control in the environment

placement decision made outside of the IEP meeting

therapeutic activity embedded in typical activities

early intervention

Flag question: Question 29
Question 299 pts
Match the physical disability or health impairment with the correct explanation.
Group of answer choices
cerebral palsy

[ Choose ]
spina bifida

[ Choose ]
muscular dystrophy

[ Choose ]
spinal cord injuries

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]
cystic fibrosis

[ Choose ]
human immunodeficiency virus

[ Choose ]

Flag question: Question 30
Question 302 pts
When working to develop communication skills in children who are deaf-blind, it is first very important to determine the child’s 
[ Select ]
and also to determine the 
[ Select ]

Flag question: Question 31
Question 311 pts
When we consider the development of LITERACY with children who are deaf-blind, we need to broaden our concept of literacy to include:
Group of answer choices

book boxes that include book plus relevant objects referred to in the book

ALL are ways to conceptualize literacy

books made of objects to represent target concepts

baggies stapled together to include objects representing steps of a task.