Answered step-by-step
1.  Which statement is an accurate summary with regard to drug…

1.  Which statement is an accurate summary with regard to drug use?


      (a) Only in recent years have people used chemicals to change their moods or levels of 


      (b) Throughout history, people have used chemicals to change their moods, behavior, and

             levels of consciousness.

      (c) All chemicals used today to change people’s moods are considered illegal.

      (d) The primary goal for most people who use substances is to cure their illnesses.


2.  Psychoactive substances are substances that _________.


     (a) are considered illicit drugs only

     (b) are available over-the counter

     (c) have dependence potential, but not abuse potential in users

     (d) alter moods, thought processes, or other psychological states


3.  Tolerance and withdrawal are the hallmarks of substance ________.


     (a) dependence

     (b) consumption

     (c) abuse

     (d) use


4.  Frankie has been snorting cocaine for over a year.  In his attempts to achieve a high that is as

     euphoric as his first (which he will never be able to do), he now needs increasingly greater

     amounts of the drug.  This demonstrates _________.


     (a) physical dependence

     (b) withdrawal

     (c) tolerance

     (d) addiction



5.  Jerry has been using heroin for two years.  While visiting his mother, he decides to stop. 

     When he stops using the drug, Jerry experiences shaking, irritability, and an inability to

     concentrate because he is going through _________.


     (a) psychological dependence

     (b) tolerance

     (c) addiction

     (d) withdrawal


6.  In 2018, an estimated __________ adolescents and adults met the criteria for a substance-

     use disorder at some time during the year.


     (a) 20.3 million

     (b) 12.5 million

     (c) 5.2 million

     (d) 8.3 million


7.  The most commonly abused substance is _________.


     (a) heroin

     (b) cocaine

     (c) LSD

     (d) alcohol


8.  Which term refers to episodic drinking involving five or more drinks on a single occasion for

     men and four or more drinks for women?


     (a) binge drinking

     (b) heavy drinking

     (c) moderate drinking

     (d) sporadic drinking


9.  Which category of substance causes a slowing down of responses, feelings of relaxation, and

      lower interpersonal inhibitions?


      (a) hormones

      (b) stimulants

      (c) depressants

      (d) hallucinogens






10.  Sally is dependent on a drug that energizes her central nervous system and produces 

        euphoria.  It is likely that the drug is a _________.


       (a) depressant

       (b) stimulant

       (c) hallucinogen

       (d) painkiller


11.  Kathy is feeling the negative physiological consequences of heavy, prolonged alcohol use.

        These effects probably include _________.


        (a) extreme hyperactivity and delusions of persecution

        (b) having flashbacks and hallucinations

        (c) withdrawal symptoms of headache, fatigue, sweating, body tremors, and mood 


        (d) increased feelings of depression and anxiety


12.  The most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world is __________.


        (a) caffeine

        (b) nicotine

        (c) marijuana

        (d) Valium


13.  Heroin and opium _________ and are derived from the _________.


        (a) stimulate the central nervous system; cannabis plant

        (b) stimulate the central nervous system; coca plant

        (c) depress the central nervous system; opium plant

        (d) depress the central nervous system; marijuana plant


14.  Mrs. Jones originally took this widely prescribed sedative medication to reduce anxiety and 

        muscle tension.  Now, however, she cannot deal with stress without using it, and she has

        developed a tolerance to it.  What drug is she probably taking?


        (a) Antabuse

        (b) Valium

        (c) phencyclidine

        (d) caffeine






15.  Which drug belongs to the sedative category?


        (a) amphetamine

        (b) caffeine

        (c) nicotine

        (d) benzodiazepine


16.  A certain substance inhibits sleep, increases alertness, and speeds up the central nervous

        system. It easily becomes habit forming, with rapid development of tolerance.  Chronic

        users experience paranoid delusions and brain damage.  What drug is this?


        (a) amphetamine

        (b) caffeine

        (c) barbiturate

        (d) heroin


17.  The single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States is __________.


        (a) drunk driving

        (b) cigarette smoking

        (c) drug overdose

        (d) alcohol toxicity


18.  Darryl, age 15, likes this drug because it is freebased, produces an intense and immediate

        high, and like cigarettes, is smoked.  The drug is _________.


        (a) PCP

        (b) crack

        (c) amphetamine

        (d) powder cocaine


19.  Mrs. Kowalski has cancer and glaucoma.  To relieve her symptoms, she uses an illegal drug

        (still illegal in parts of U.S – but, as of October 2018 not in Canada) that she receives from

        her 18-year-old grandson.  The drug is most likely _________.


        (a) heroin

        (b) phencyclidine

        (c) crack cocaine

        (d) marijuana






20.  Which drug is associated with hallucinations, bad trips, and flashbacks?


        (a) LSD

        (b) amphetamine

        (c) marijuana

        (d) Valium


21.  Which negative consequence of using phencyclidine is most likely?


        (a) uncontrolled aggression

        (b) emphysema and lung cancer

        (c) AIDS

        (d) total tranquility and passivity


22.  Stephanie meets Sam at a rave.  As they are talking, Sam put a drug into Stephanie’s drink

        as she turns her head to talk to a friend.  When she wakes up the next morning, she finds

        herself in bed with Sam and learns that he raped her the night before, although she has no

        memory of the assault.  It is most likely that the drug Sam put into Stephanie’s drink was



        (a) ecstasy

        (b) MDMA

        (c) Rohypnol

        (d) LSD


23.  Genetic influences that make alcohol consumption aversive and thus reduce the risk of

        alcoholism include the protective effects of __________.


        (a) living conditions

        (b) hormonal balancing mechanisms

        (c) variations in genes that produce ALDH enzymes

        (d) gene and environment interactions


24.  Many addiction specialists view ___________ as a “gateway” drug associated with later 

       use of other illicit drugs.


       (a) cannabis

       (b) caffeine

       (c) nicotine

       (d) alcohol





25.  The two main psychological motives for substance use appears to be _________.


        (a) hostility and depression

        (b) sexual desire and aggression

        (c) anxiety and inhibition

        (d) coping with stress and emotional symptoms


26.  The personality characteristic of _________, associated with rebelliousness, novelty-

        seeking, risk-taking and impulsivity, increases the risk of substance use.


        (a) aggression

        (b) introversion

        (c) extroversion

        (d) behavioral undercontrol


27.  Which term best describes the interaction of drugs that multiply one another’s effects 

        when taken simultaneously?


        (a) synergistic effect

        (b) polysubstance effect

        (c) dopamine effect

        (d) intoxication effect


28.  Researchers have found that major relapse among alcoholics trying to quit drinking

        is related to _________.


        (a) interpersonal conflicts

        (b) negative emotional states

        (c) positive emotional states

        (d) social pressure


29.  Studies of biological factors affecting development of substance-use disorders implicate 

        the neurotransmitter __________.


        (a) adrenaline

        (b) epinephrine

        (c) dopamine

        (d) acetylcholine






30.  Which term indicates intoxication from chemical vapors found in a variety of common

        household products?


        (a) “huffing”

        (b) “sniffing”

        (c) “cleaning”

        (d) “crashing”


31.  Why has methadone treatment turned from being a simple solution to a major problem?


        (a) It is extremely expensive.

        (b) It has severe physical side effects, such as nausea and vomiting.

        (c) It creates anxiety and depression in many people who take it.

        (d) Like heroin it replaces, it can also become addicting.


32.  Mr. Henderson leaves work every Friday, cashes his check, and heads to the local casino.

        He usually spends his entire pay check there in one night, and then heads home with a 

        list of excuses for his wife.  They are about to lose their house because they cannot pay 

        their mortgage.  This case illustrates __________.


        (a) substance use related disorder

        (b) impulsivity disorder

        (c) Internet gambling disorder

        (d) gambling disorder


33.  Who has a higher risk of developing Internet gaming disorder?


        (a) American adolescent females

        (b) Canadian adolescent males

        (c) Hispanic adolescent females

        (d) Asian adolescent males


34.  Which medication has been used to treat alcohol abuse by producing an aversion to alcohol

         by creating unpleasant symptoms if alcohol is consumed?


         (a) Methadone

         (b) Naloxone

         (c) Chantix

         (d) Antabuse






35.  Which medication is used for smoking cessation?


        (a) Methadone

        (b) Naloxone

        (c) Chantix

        (d) Antabuse


36.  Which medication is used to treat an “acute” overdose of heroin?


        (a) Methadone

        (b) Naloxone also known as Narcan

        (c) Chantix

        (d) Antabuse


37.  Which life stressors influence substance use and the development of substance-use



         (a) General life stress

         (b) Stress resulting from trauma or catastrophic events

         (c) Childhood maltreatment

         (d) All of the above stressors can lead to substance-use disorders


38.  Dextromethorphan (DXM) if consumed in large quantities can lead to which medical issue?


        (a) Regular heart rhythms

        (b) Low blood pressure

        (c) Hypothermia

        (d) Hyperthermia


39.  Nicotine releases both _________ and ___________, which increases energy and feelings 

       of pleasure.


        (a) estrogen; serotonin

        (b) testosterone; dopamine

        (c) adrenaline; dopamine

        (d) oxytocin; serotonin


40.  Which of the following drugs is not considered to be an amphetamine?


        (a) Oxycodone

        (b) Ritalin

        (c) Adderall

        (d) Dexedrine