Answered step-by-step
*True or False: Joe puts his two children on the school bus every…

*True or False: Joe puts his two children on the school bus every morning. One day, the usual driver, who Joe knows well, is sick, so there is a substitute driver, whom Joe has never met. Still, Joe puts his kids on the bus with the new driver without thinking twice about it. Joe’s stereotype of school bus drivers dictates that he will put his kids on the bus regardless of who is at the wheel:”



You’re trying figure out how to fix your computer which has somehow contracted a virus. Which of the following problem solving techniques would represent an analogous approach?

You use the example of how a doctor figured out how to cure a rare virus in his patients
You work backwards to try to deconstruct the problem
“You take inventory of all of your actions up to yesterday, and work backwards”
You throw the computer out the window


Ben is using a heuristic approach to decide on a solution to a problem. What does this mean?

“Ben is applying broad rule of thumb about the problem at hand, without investigating the minute details”
Ben is arriving at a decision after considering all possibilities and details
Ben is using subgoals to deconstruct the problem
Ben is using sudden insight to overcome the obstacles to the solution


“Sam wins at the blackjack table, but then doesn’t win for two weeks. A week later he wins again, and then doesn’t win for another three weeks. He wins again, and then doesn’t win anything until two months later.. Which of the following statements best describes Sam’s actions after that?”

Sam will continue to gamble because his wins are occurring at variable intervals
Sam will stop gambling because his wins are occurring at consistent intervals
Sam will stop gambling because he has habituated to winning
Sam will continue to gamble because he wins at fixed ratios

“Consider the following situation: You’re driving your battered old car. Each time you hear a bang from the exhaust, your car breaks down, and you get upset. You keep fixing it and continue to drive, but it continues to bang and thus continues to break down. You get angrier each time. Then, one day, the exhaust bangs, but your car continues to drive.

Even so, you immediately get very angry. Why?”

Your anger has become the unconditioned stimulus
The bang has become the conditioned stimulus
Your anger has become the unconditioned response
The bang has become the conditioned response

“You recently learned some extremely interesting facts in psych class. At the time, you were also experiencing a severe headache. Which of the following describes State Dependent Learning?”

You would do better on the quiz if you take it in new York State
You would do better on the quiz if you took it in the same room you learned the facts in
You would do better on the quiz if the lighting is the same as when you learned the facts
You would do better on the quiz if you had a headache

*When asked about where he was when he heard about 9/11, John can describe the exact place, time, and can describe exactly what he was doing and who he was with, even after 15 years. Which of the following describes why this may be so?”

John has spent 15 years processing exact details of these events in his working memory
John remembers these details because they are flashbulb memories
John’s long term memory is extracting the details from his thalamus
John’s short term memory is extracting the details from his sensory memory

*Which of the following is associated with the following statement: After constant exposure to the same stimulus, we tend to habituate to said stimulus:”

We tend to stop paying attention to the sounds of traffic outside after a few days
We tend to ignore all of those flyers that go up on the wall
We tend to stop thinking about how our shirts feel while we wear them
All of the above

“True or False: Consider the same situation above. After a month, the exhaust keeps banging, but your car no longer breaks down. According to the theory of classical conditioning, because you were so conditioned by the previous response of your car to the bangs (the breakdowns), you can never stop getting angry when the exhaust bangs.”



“You reach into your lampshade to check if there is a light bulb in the socket. In the process you stick your finger into the socket, and receive a very nasty shock. You are very distressed, and in some pain. The next time, you make sure to look at the socket before sticking your finger in. Which of the following statements does NOT explain this effect?”

You learned to check the socket because your amygdala processed your fear and distress and this resulted in emotional learning
You were operantly conditioned to check the socket visually so you would not once again experience the unpleasant response
Your Primary Motor Cortex has responded to the shock by activating the Primary Somatosensory to release pain avoidance hormones
You have become motivated to avoid pain and thus engage in actions designed to avoid the unpleasant shock


“Samantha is very driven to get a promotion at her job. She works late, and consistently gets compliments on her work from her supervisors. Which of the following scenarios could be related to why she may be so driven:” 

Samantha has a high need to achieve
Samantha’s drive is related to her need to pay rent for a more expensive apartment
• Samantha’s supermarket has recently raised prices and she needs to afford the food
All of the above


True or False: Babies do not have to learn primal emotions. They are already born with the capability to show those emotions


“John encounters a college student who, surprisingly to John, is quiet, studious, and does not party. As pertains to John’s stereotypes about college students, which of the following is FALSE.”

John thinks all college students are loud party animals
John will create a new concept for the quiet and studious college students
John alters his stereotype about college students based on the student’s behavior
John’s stereotype about college students will remain stable in spite of the student’s behavior

Sally is Heather’s best friend. Sally predicts that Heather will engage in risky behavior in high school. Which of the following is true about Sally’s prediction?

We can’t make conclusions yet. We haven’t looked into Heather’s family life and other factors
We can absolutely conclude that Sally is correct because she’s Heather’s best friend
Sally’s closeness to Heather means none of her predictions can possibly ever be true
Sally knows nothing about Heather because best friend predictions are invalid

“Johnny gets fired from his job. His response is to become angry, and to rail against those who fired him. Subsequently, he cannot find another job. He becomes more angry, and continues to blame those who interview and evaluate him. Which of the following best explains this response?”

His personality involves an Internal locus of control
His personality involves a Humanistic locus of control
His personality involves an External locus of control
His personality Involves a Person-Centered locus of control

Sandra has generalized anxiety disorder. Which of the following is FALSE?

“Sandra’s disorder likel occurs with another condition, such as panic, for instance”
Sandra’s symptoms present only when she leaves her house
Sandra’s diagnosis is probably the result of various observations and self reports
• Sandra’s anxiety may be comorbid with depression


Which of the following may be consequences of agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)?

• Not going out and completing errands
Not meeting people
• Not getting a job
All of the above


True or False: Joe has a fear of flying. Joe can never feel anxiety when he’s just thinking about flying


“True or False: Joe is scared of flying, but he flies when he needs to. Joe has a phobia of flying”


“You cannot stop eating lollipops. According to Freud, Which Psychosexual stage have you not properly resolved?”

The anal stage
The genital stage
The oral stage
The phallic stage


“You steal a loaf of bread. Afterwards, you respond to your action by chastising your kids on the evils of disobeying the law. You are using the defense mechanism of.”

Reaction Formation


You steal a loaf of bread. According to the Humanism theory of personality:

You’re a thief and should be incarcerated
Your actions do not diminish your inherent goodness as a person
Your thought patterns are those of a psychopath
• Your thieving overrides your inherent goodness


True or false: You will do anything to get that promotion. You are expressing a primary drive



True or False: Babies do not have to learn primal emotions. They are already born with the capability to show those emotions


“True or False: After peak, the male and female sexual urges decline steadily and significantly”


Which of the following is NOT an attribute of the Kinsey Scale?

It attempts to glean people’s sexual likes and dislikes
It attempts to categorize people as either heterosexual or homosexual
It attempts to understand varying human sexual behavior
It attempts to understand how both men and women view sexuality

“After embarrassing yourself in front of a group of people, you continually avoid them, even after they invite you out. As pertains to personality, which of the following may best explain why?”

Your incomplete sense of self
Your high self esteem
Your ongoing conflict between the Id and the Superego
Your life long fear of being around people

“You have been invited to a party. You don’t know most of the people there and you know that the host’s girlfriend doesn’t like you. Thus, you decide not to go. Which of the following may explain why?”

Your self-esteem is too high for you to attend
You are listening to your sociometer
You have not successfully resolved the oedipal psychosocial stage
“You have snake phobia, and thus cannot attend”


“You take a new job, and have a female supervisor. Your working relationship with her is unremarkable, but you feel anxious every time you’re around her. After a while, the anxiety gets so intense that you quit your job. Examine the choices below, and select the correct combination of personality theory and its associated hypothesis of why this might have happened:”

Behavioral: The presence of the female supervisor has invoked a learned anxiety response due to negative experiences with female authority figures in the past
“Psychodynamic: The presence of the female supervisor invoked conflicts between the Ego and the ID, due to the Electra Complex”
“Person Centered: Your supervisor is failing to provide you unconditional positive regard, resulting in your deep depression”
“Trait: You are an extrovert, and are thus unwilling, and unable to interact with your supervisor”

“True or false: You eat too much, and your room is a severe mess. According to Freud, you are an Anal Retentive personality”


“Harold displays behaviors which emotionally harm his family and friends. These behaviors are also compromising HaroldOs ability to develop relationships, and keep a job.

HaroldOs family stages an intervention, and force him into therapy. Harold reluctantly agrees. Which of the following is DEFINITELY TRUE?”

Harold has the best chance to succeed in therapy if the therapist uses cognitive restructuring
Harold has the best chance to succeed in therapy only if he accepts the truth of his condition and the need to change
Harold has the best chance to succeed in therapy if the therapist engages him in dream analysis and free association
Harold’s therapy will only succeed if he takes medication at the same time


True or False: Exposure therapy exclusively uses behavioral techniques


Mike is undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Mike will likely need more than one session to control his depression
Mike did not sufficiently respond to any other therapy
Mike likely suffers from deep Clinical Depression
The seizure induced by ECT will cause Mikes classically conditioned mood change

“True or False: Once someone has started a medication for their depression, they can no longer effectively receive counseling as well”


Which of the following is the best example of a Primary Motivation?

Changing jobs for higher pay
Performing the breast crawl to suckle
Getting ready for an audition
Studying hard for your final

“John is actively seeking to buy a house with his wife and two small kids. Tomorrow, he starts a great new job. Which of the following is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?”

“By purchasing his home, John is satisfying a primary urge”
John has satisfied the first level of the needs hierarchy
John’s home purchase is a secondary need. His marriage is a primary need
John has satisfied the highest level of the needs hierarchy


“Alice is showing signs of psychosis. Her symptoms began when her husband suddenly left her. A review of Alice’s family history shows that both her grandmother and her mother suffered from schizophrenia. Considering all of this information, which theory of mental illness best explains why Alice became ill?”

“Diathesis stress: Alice was bor with a predisposition to schizophrenia, but the symptoms did not develop until her husband left her”
“Biopsychosocial: Alice is displaying faulty brain chemicals. A change in her socioeconomic status, brought on by her divorce, causes psychotic thoughts to develop”
Reciprocal Determinism: A combination of personal and environmental factors leads to Alice’s behavior
C Trait Approach: Alice displays psychotic traits


“Joe presents with the following symptoms: A persistent worry, that has lasted more than a year. There is no specific trigger. This causes difficulty in social situations, and he is unable to control it. Which of the following best fits Joe’s diagnosis?”

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobia
Panic Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Randy presents with the following symptoms: A pervasive pattern of risky behavior; consistently maladaptive relationships; extreme fears of abandonment; very unstable moods. which of the following diagnoses below best describes Randy?

Dissociative Identity Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Borderline personality Disorder

“Joe presents with the following symptoms: A persistent worry, that has lasted more than a year. There is no specific trigger. This causes difficulty in social situations, and he is unable to control it. Which of the following best fits Joe’s diagnosis?”

Panic Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

True or False: The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory uses objective techniques to determine your personality type


True or False: Sally has misbehaved. Her mother’s response is to take away her beloved iPad mini for one month. Sally’s mother is applying Negative Punishment

• True


“Joe is assigned to a group of 5, responsible for the completion of a project. Joe’s part of the assignment is to gather the requisite information so that the group may put together an extensive presentation. With two weeks left, the group notices Joe has not put in the effort they expected. The group puts pressure on Joe to get cracking. Joe continues to not put in the effort required. As a result, the project does not get completed. Which of the following phenomena/definition combinations best describes Joe’s behavior?”

Social Inhibition/Joe doesn’t care and lets others take responsibility
Social Anxiety/Joe’s performance improves as a result of the stress of the group
• Social Loafing/Joe doesn’t care and lets others take responsibility
None of the above are correct


Which of the following common behaviors least likely sources from normative conformity?

Wearing a tux to a formal so you don’t stick out
Staying in the game while injured so you can contribute to the team
Running in the same direction everyone else is even though you don’t know why
“Your job requires you to cut your hair, so you ahead and cut it”


“True or False: Mike has been experiencing deep sadness, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide for more than a year. Mike should be diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder”

“True or False: Bob is diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. Thus, he is considered to be on the mild side of the Autism spectrum”


“Alice tells her friend Jane that her group therapy session has done wonders for her depression. Jane also has depression, and Alice recommends group therapy for her. Whi of the following is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?”

Group therapy will definitely work for Jane
Group therapy will definitely not work for Jane
Group therapy may or may not work for Jane
Jane needs ECT

” Addie is in therapy. During the sessions, Addie talks about a number of topics, without guidance from the therapist. As sessions progress, Addie is able to reveal more and more. Finally, about 17 sessions in, the therapist seizes on something Addie says and makes an important interpretation. Addie is in agreement, and there is a breakthrough.

Which of the following statements about Addie’s therapy is FALSE?”

Addie and the therapist have allowed their therapeutic relationshiNto evolve naturally
The therapist will use the sudden interpretation to guide Addie’s actions from here on
“Addie is engaging in free association, and the sudden insight is a natural part of this process”
The therapist and Addie have a positive therapeutic relationship