Answered step-by-step
A 21 year old patient complained to the ethics board that his…

A 21 year old patient complained to the ethics board that his therapist violated the ethics of confidentiality when she informed the patient’s mother of his recent suicidal ideation. He had been discussing hurting himself for the past month, and abruptly refused to continue therapy. The therapist contended that she was acting in the patient’s best interest in light of the fact that the patient was no longer willing to attend sessions. According to the Ethical Principles discussed in class, the legal aspects of this case, and your clinical judgment, the therapist:

Select one:

a. Should have attempted to bring in the support system with the patient’s consent earlier in treatment b. Should have referred the patient to a suicide prevention hotline c. Should have involuntarily hospitalized the patient when he initially discussed suicide

d. Had no reason to violate confidentiality


A male who identifies as LGBTQ+ comes to you, a licensed therapist, for an evaluation. You do not know much about this population and find yourself nervous about the session. Your most ethical behavior would be to:

Select one: a. Refer him to his religious affiliation b. Refer him to a self-help group c. Begin seeing him immediately d. Begin the evaluation while seeking consultation from a therapist with expertise with this population


You receive a legal subpoena to answer questions about your patient in court in front of a judge. This is a situation that is generally covered by the concept of (pick the one that BEST answers this question):

a. CAMFTb. Privilege c. Your attorney d. Confidentiality


You find yourself angry with your patient but you do not know why. You could be experiencing the phenomenon of:

a. Counter-transference b. Projection c. Transference


TODAY (yes, I mean TODAY TODAY) you are contacted by your patient’s insurance company. They are requesting to speak with you about the patient’s progress. Since you had the patient sign a release of information specifically allowing you to answer insurance questions when he began treatment with you in January, 2009, the best thing for you to do is 

Select one:

a. Release only what is being asked for by the insurance company

b. Since you have a valid informed consent to release information, the ethics require you to speak with the insurance company c. Check with the insurance company to be certain they have a release from the patient d. Discuss this with the patient before releasing any information


You have arranged to see a referral for the first time to do an evaluation session for possible therapy. When the patient comes to the first session, you discover he is a Latino male who has very strong feelings about God and religion, which conflict with your own beliefs. The best course of action is to:

Select one:a. Begin the evaluation while seeking consultation from a senior therapist b. Immediately refer him to a Latino therapist c. Cancel the appointment d. Try to avoid the topic of God and religion