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According to the textbook, which training policy would work best…

According to the textbook, which training policy would work best for airport TSA agents?

Question 1 options:

  Raj looks for knives, Sheila looks for box cutters, and Daryn looks for guns.
  Raj focuses on facial features, Sheila focuses on weapons, and Daryn focuses on movements.
  Raj is trained in top-down processing, Sheila is trained in bottom-up processing, and Daryn is trained in perceptual organization.
  Raj is trained in edge completion, Sheila is trained in image-ground organization, and Daryn is trained in perceptual grouping.


Research has found that size constancy _____.

Question 2 options:

  does not occur under binocular viewing conditions
  ?holds under all viewing conditions
  is more likely to occur if you have more depth cues
  is rarely seen with humans


The ______ appears to be a specific region in the brain designed for the recognition of familiar faces, whereas the ______ appears to be responsible for making the initial identification of a face as being a face, regardless of its familiarity.

Question 3 options:

  pulvinar; medial geniculate nucleus
  posterior parietal; angular gyrus
  V4; MT



A Quiroga et al. (2005) study examined the response of specific neurons within the temporal cortex of surgery patients. Which statement best exemplifies their results?

Question 4 options:

  They found neurons coded by distributed processing, but others have not been able to demonstrate their results.
  They found neurons coded by distributed processing, and others have been able to demonstrate their results.
  They found specific neurons that responded to specific people or locations, and others have been able to demonstrate their results.
  They found specific neurons that responded to specific people or locations, but others have not been able to demonstrate their results.



When viewing photograph of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, humans are most likely to ______.

Question 5 options:

  infer the continuation of the building behind the trees
  mentally replace the building with a familiar one
  recognize the building by its geons
  assume that obscured parts of the building are in motion


Which of the following is true about V4?

Question 6 options:

  It is linked to color vision.
  It is linked to shape perception.
  It is found in the occipital lobe.
  All of the above are true.


Our ability to recognize these as chairs reflects ________.

Question 7 options:

  viewpoint invariance
  object variety
  image clutter
  variable views


It is rare for a person to encounter a truly unfamiliar object.

Question 8 options:



Researchers believe dolls’ lack of animate eyes may explain why people view them as “creepy.”

Question 9 options:



Our ability to detect objects must overcome three aspects of the environment: image clutter, object variety, and variable views.

Question 10 options:
