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After reading the William case study, assess and explain William’s…

After reading the William case study, assess and explain William’s behavior based on theories and research related to infant development.

Case Study:  William Part 1

Melissa is 17 years old, single and the mother of William, a two-month old infant.  William’s father did not want to be involved with Melissa or the baby once he found out she was pregnant.  Melissa has been working with the court system in an attempt to get him to pay child support.  Due to the financial strain on the family and limited resources, William’s mother went back to work early. She found the financial worry quite stressful.

She lives with her own grandmother who is on a fixed small income. Melissa is not receiving any financial support, but has applied for her state assistance.  She has dropped out of high school in order to work full-time as a waitress.  She hopes to work towards earning her GED once things have settled down, with her ultimate goal of becoming an elementary school teacher. 

Melissa receives lots of advice from her grandmother and her grandmother’s friends and neighbors. She is breastfeeding William and feels that breastfeeding is going well. She likes to go out with her high-school friends, who are off for the summer. Sometimes she pumps milk before she goes out, but she does not like pumping. Her grandmother has assured her that giving water or a little tea is good for William.

Melissa brings two-month old William for his first immunization. He has grown in length and head circumference but he has gained less than 1 pound since his last appointment one month ago. William smiles at his mother when his mother is talking to him and turns his head when you make a loud sound. He kicks his feet and opens and shuts his hands. All of his reflexes appear normal. He cries when he receives his immunization and his mother picks him up to comfort him.   

In paragraph form, please address the following questions:

1.  Which developmental milestones is William “on track” with?

2.  Are there any areas of development that you are concerned with?  Why or why not?

3.  Compare William’s development with the development of a “typical” two-month old.

4.  What more would you like to know about the situation?  What would you discuss with the mother?

5.  What factors might contribute to William’s poor weight gain?

Important:  All assessments must be substantiated by information from the case study and research. As an example, “Alice does not appear to be meeting physical developmental milestone for infants. At 6 months, Alice has not yet lifted her head or pulled herself up on her elbows. According to the CDC (2018), infants should begin physical lifting themselves around 2 months. Based on Alice’s history, this could have resulted from her mother drinking and smoking during pregnancy (you would then cite research that substantiates drinking and smoking could cause a physical developmental delay).”