PresidentSnowLapwing30After reading this case study discuss how one of the following four…After reading this case study discuss how one of the following four theories relates to this case. 1. Life cycle theory 2. Teleological Theory 3. Dialectical Theory 4. Evolutionary Theory  An Invitation to Wellness at Whirlpool Corporation Source: O’Rourke, J.S. IV (2013). Management Communication 5th edition, Pearson Publishing (pp. 175- 176) “We know there is a direct correlation between employee wellness and the use of insurance benefit dollars. Employees who are well spend less of the company’s money. They feel better. They’re more productive. And, of course, they lead healthier, happier lives.” Dana Donnley is Director of Employee Communication for Whirlpool Corporation, a $12.1 billion appliance manufacturer and marketer with assets placing it 143rd on Fortune magazine’s list of 500 largest business organizations. With corporate headquarters in Benton Harbor, Michigan, Whirlpool has more than 39,000 employees in the United States and 30 foreign nations. “During the month of his or her birthday,” Donnley said, “we offer each employee in the headquarters a free mini-physical. Our company health nurse sends a letter to each employee sometime toward the end of the month before their birthday, inviting that person to participate.” Is this letter persuasive or directive in tone? “Oh, it’s persuasive,” Donnley replied. “The program is entirely voluntary. We pick up the cost and certainly encourage each employee to participate, but we can’t make them do it. We’ve got to persuade them that it’s in their best interest to have a physical at least once a year.” “The biggest objection,” said Donnely, “usually revolves around confidentiality. People are concerned about that and sometimes have questions regarding how the information will be used. We do our best in that letter, and in personal conversations, to convince them that the results of these physicals are entirely confidential. The company doctor will see the results and then mail them to the employee. We don’t keep any records – the employee gets the original and no copies are made.” What’s involved in the physical? “Well, it’s fairly comprehensive. The nurse records each employee’s height, weight, blood pressure, and vital signs. A routine exam is performed, testing various functions and reflexes, providing each employee with a relatively complete work-up.” What’s the doctor looking for? “This is a screening program designed to let our employees know the general condition of their health. A number of different illnesses and diseases can develop without any outward symptoms. And, or course, if he catches something early – before it has a chance to progress very far – it’s all to the employee’s benefit. In such cases,” she added, “we’ll recommend that the employee contact his or her family physician and seek appropriate treatment.” Does Whirlpool have trouble getting people to participate? “Not really,” said Donnley. “Most people are eager to be involved. That hasn’t always been the case, though, and it’s taken a concerted effort on our part to persuade them that this wellness program benefits them at least as much as it benefits the company. This year, in fact, we’ve opened the program to spouses of our employees, as well.” The task of convincing a husband or wife to participate, according to Donnley, is really a two-step process. “First, we’ve got to sell each employee on the idea. Then, they’ve got to go home and convince their wife or husband to get involved.” Is that important to Whirlpool? “Listen,” she replied, “an employee with a healthy spouse is more likely to have healthy diet and exercise habits. They’re certainly more conscious of what’s involved in a personal wellness program. And that,” she added, “is good for all of us”. Social SciencePsychology