Answered step-by-step
After your meeting with Jim you go back to the community service…

After your meeting with Jim you go back to the community service office for a meeting with your supervisor. There has been a number of miscommunications between your department and other support services.


At times, this has meant no one has arrived to support the client or the community services worker has arrived at a time different to what has been communicated to the client.


You know that the person whose role it is to schedule services is feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work at the moment and so mistakes are being made. This person also has been in conflict with quite a few staff and is not giving them the appropriate number of shifts, leaving you and other staff supporting a large group of clients or clients missing out.


Q1) Your supervisor has called this meeting to review your role as they hope you will be able to take on more responsibility in the service within your current role.  Your supervisor would also like you to offer any insight into the issues the organisation is experiencing and potential ways to improve current practice.


You are to role play this meeting with your assessor who will play the role as your supervisor. In your role play you must demonstrate the ability to:

Read workplace documents relating to your role and clarify understanding with you supervisor.
Contribute to identifying and voicing improvements in work practices.
Identify and communicate issues that are impacting on employee and client rights.
Refer any unresolved conflict to the supervisor.
Consult supervisor regarding options for skill development opportunities and discuss initiation of action.
Clarify work instructions and negotiate time frames in regard to the management of potential conflict issues and professional development opportunities.


Your supervisor has called this meeting to review your role as they hope you will be able to take on more responsibility in the service within your current role. 


Your supervisor would also like you to offer any insight into the issues the organisation is experiencing and potential ways to improve current practice. 


Ensure you go into the meeting with some ideas relevant to what will be discussed.


Take note that your assessor will be evaluating you against the following criteria: 

Use verbal communication appropriately
Use non-verbal communication appropriately
Use appropriate listening skills during the conversation
Communicate in a way that showed they were respectful of the other person
Ensure the other person understood what was being talked about
Speak using appropriate language
identify and communicate issues that are impacting on employee and client rights
Respond to the discussion in appropriate ways
Use appropriate techniques to clarify any points as necessary
Clarify instructions and time frames, negotiating where required

Collaborate to identify options and time frames for skills development

Volunteer information relevant to workplace issues and potential improvements
Report signs of complicated or difficult situations according to organisation procedures

Submit potential professional development opportunities.

You can access this information on the assessor checklist found in your assessment documents. 



Your supervisor will:

Talk with you about some of the difficulties experienced with the service lately and how that has affected clients and potential clients
Ask the questions about your thoughts on what has been happening – what insights you have
Question you about your thoughts on your own capacity within your role – e.g. “how are you handling the workload?”  “what else can we do to support you?”.   this will lead into a discussion of upskilling and feedback and some types of PD you could undertake to develop your knowledge and skills to any extra responsibilities in the role
Ask questions about improvements you can suggest.


Q2) You are to take action on the discussion with your supervisor.  Research possible professional development opportunities as discussed with your supervisor in the role play.


You are to submit three (3) internet websites (URL) of potential professional development opportunities and a brief synopsis explaining the opportunity.