Answered step-by-step
Among sexually-reproducing species, females are always the sex with…

Among sexually-reproducing species, females are always the sex with greater obligatory parental investment.







Which of the following types of foods have more available energy when cooked than eaten raw? 







all of these





A scientist is interested in studying variation among Chimpanzees in the timing of their first reproductive event (i.e. the point in development when individuals start reproducing). The scientist is interested in a question at the ___________________ level of analysis.











Question at position 4






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Question at position 4 

Which of the following are research goals that might be facilitated by comparing the traits of different species?

Which of the following are research goals that might be facilitated by comparing the traits of different species?

testing for evidence of homology


testing for evidence of convergent evolution


testing hypotheses about the selection pressures that cause the evolution of the trait


all of these




Question at position 5






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Question at position 5 

A scientist conducts a study in which Rhesus macaques are shown images of the same sex or opposite sex while having their brains scanned to determine which neural circuits are selectively activated by visual cues to potential mates. The scientist is interested in a question at the ___________________ level of analysis.

A scientist conducts a study in which Rhesus macaques are shown images of the same sex or opposite sex while having their brains scanned to determine which neural circuits are selectively activated by visual cues to potential mates. The scientist is interested in a question at the ___________________ level of analysis.











Question at position 6






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Question at position 6 

A scientist examines the distribution of mating systems across extant primate species in order to determine whether the most recent common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees practiced promiscuity or polygyny. This research question is at the _______________ level of analysis.

A scientist examines the distribution of mating systems across extant primate species in order to determine whether the most recent common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees practiced promiscuity or polygyny. This research question is at the _______________ level of analysis.











Question at position 7






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Question at position 7 

“Culture” can be defined as _______________. 

“Culture” can be defined as _______________. 

that which you have if you’re sophisticated and wear top hats


socially transmitted information that is represented by members of a given society


a non-biological trait


none of the above




Question at position 8






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Question at position 8 

Urban raw foodists are likely to experience which of the following?

Urban raw foodists are likely to experience which of the following?

low BMI




negative energy balance 


all of these




Question at position 9






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Question at position 9 

Wrangham argues that cooking is necessary to explain the evolution of _____________.

Wrangham argues that cooking is necessary to explain the evolution of _____________.

our large brains and small guts


our ability to use tools




none of these




Question at position 10






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Question at position 10 

Which of the following benefits did our ancestors’ control of fire likely provide? 

Which of the following benefits did our ancestors’ control of fire likely provide? 

predator deterrence


increasing available energy in cooked food


decreasing pathogen content in cooked food


decreasing the amount of chewing necessary to digest cooked food


all of these




Question at position 11






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Question at position 11 

Which of the following hominin species was the first to control fire and use it to cook? 

Which of the following hominin species was the first to control fire and use it to cook? 

Australopithecus Africanus


Homo Neanderthalis


Homo Sapiens


Homo Erectus




Question at position 12






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Question at position 12 

Parental investment theory posits that the sex with lower obligatory parental investment will __________________.

Parental investment theory posits that the sex with lower obligatory parental investment will __________________.

be seen as highly valuable to members of the opposite sex


never provide direct parental care


be the choosier sex in mate choice


compete for access to the higher-investing sex




Question at position 13






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Question at position 13 

Which of the following favors the evolution of high levels of paternal care? 

Which of the following favors the evolution of high levels of paternal care? 

high compatibility with other activities


offspring whose prospects would be poor without biparental care


high paternity certainty


all of these




Question at position 14






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Question at position 14 

Which of the following would NOT likely suppress follicular estradiol secretion (and thus women’s fertility)?

Which of the following would NOT likely suppress follicular estradiol secretion (and thus women’s fertility)?

negative energy balance


positive energy balance 




an extreme exercise regimen




Question at position 15






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Question at position 15 

According to Motivational Priorities Theory (Roney, 2019), which of the following peaks during the “fertile window” of women’s ovulatory cycle?

According to Motivational Priorities Theory (Roney, 2019), which of the following peaks during the “fertile window” of women’s ovulatory cycle?



food intake


sexual motivation 


desire to cheat on a physically unattractive male partner




Question at position 16






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Question at position 16 

Testosterone production is down-regulated in pair-bonded men (especially upon entry into fatherhood). Which of the following is a likely function of this physiological shift?

Testosterone production is down-regulated in pair-bonded men (especially upon entry into fatherhood). Which of the following is a likely function of this physiological shift?

decrease investment in mating effort


decrease investment in maintenance effort


decrease investment in parenting effort


none of these




Question at position 17






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Question at position 17 

Which of the following stimuli would likely elicit a reactive testosterone increase in human males?

Which of the following stimuli would likely elicit a reactive testosterone increase in human males?

a bout of exercise


fighting with another male in public


interacting with an attractive woman


all of the above




Question at position 18






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Question at position 18 

Which of the following is NOT an input to the Kinship Index?

Which of the following is NOT an input to the Kinship Index?

living together during childhood


seeing someone else suckling upon your mother’s bosom 


seeing someone else come out of your mother’s body


having the same food preferences as the other person




Question at position 19






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Question at position 19 

Which of the following cognitive ingredients are necessary in order for the mind to produce behavior toward kin that approximates Hamilton’s Rule?

Which of the following cognitive ingredients are necessary in order for the mind to produce behavior toward kin that approximates Hamilton’s Rule?

an estimate of fitness benefits to others of specific acts


an estimate of fitness costs to yourself of those same acts


an estimate of genetic relatedness to specific others


all of these




Question at position 20






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Question at position 20 

Evolution produces three types of traits: ____________, ____________, & ____________. 

Evolution produces three types of traits: ____________, ____________, & ____________. 

quantitative change; qualitative change; noise


adaptations; qualitative change; by-products


adaptations; by-products; noise


adaptations; by-products; crazy eyes




Question at position 21






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Question at position 21 

What are the four key ingredients of natural selection identified by Charles Darwin?

What are the four key ingredients of natural selection identified by Charles Darwin?

reproduction; variation in traits; inheritance of traits; differential reproduction related to variation in inheritable traits


genetic replication; variation in traits; mutations; differential reproduction related to variation in genetically-based traits


limited resources; self-restraint in reproduction; mutations; differential reproduction of populations related to limited resources


none of these




Question at position 22






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Question at position 22 

A scientist conducts research testing the hypothesis that women are averse to eating vegetables during pregnancy because plant foods contain relatively high levels of toxins that are potentially harmful to developing fetuses. Which type of explanation is being advanced?

A scientist conducts research testing the hypothesis that women are averse to eating vegetables during pregnancy because plant foods contain relatively high levels of toxins that are potentially harmful to developing fetuses. Which type of explanation is being advanced?











Question at position 23






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Question at position 23 

According to mixed-mating theory, human females experience elevated attraction around the time of ovulation to traits of a good dad who will provide direct care for offspring. 

According to mixed-mating theory, human females experience elevated attraction around the time of ovulation to traits of a good dad who will provide direct care for offspring. 





Question at position 24






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Question at position 24 

Among humans, female ovulation is mostly concealed. 

Among humans, female ovulation is mostly concealed. 





Question at position 25






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Question at position 25 

In general, women’s reproductive physiology and psychology appears specialized for converting energy into opportunities to mate with as many men as possible over her lifetime.

In general, women’s reproductive physiology and psychology appears specialized for converting energy into opportunities to mate with as many men as possible over her lifetime.





Question at position 26






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Question at position 26 

Chapais argues that human monogamy evolved most directly from promiscuity. 

Chapais argues that human monogamy evolved most directly from promiscuity. 





Question at position 27






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Question at position 27 

Among primates, fathers typically only provide direct or indirect paternal investment when their paternity certainty is low. 

Among primates, fathers typically only provide direct or indirect paternal investment when their paternity certainty is low. 





Question at position 28






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Question at position 28 

Sexual reproduction likely evolved as an inter-generational defense against rapidly-evolving pathogens.

Sexual reproduction likely evolved as an inter-generational defense against rapidly-evolving pathogens.





Question at position 29






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Question at position 29 

Homo Erectus likely controlled fire and used it for cooking. 

Homo Erectus likely controlled fire and used it for cooking. 





Question at position 30






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Question at position 30 

The distinction between a “genotype” and a “phenotype” is that genotypes are inherited while phenotypes are primarily determined by environmental causes.

The distinction between a “genotype” and a “phenotype” is that genotypes are inherited while phenotypes are primarily determined by environmental causes.





Question at position 31






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Question at position 31 

Asia was the last major continent reached by migrating populations of modern humans. 

Asia was the last major continent reached by migrating populations of modern humans. 





Question at position 32






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Question at position 32 

The human adaptive complex is correlated with a shift toward a dietary niche defined by high-quality, difficult-to-acquire foods. 

The human adaptive complex is correlated with a shift toward a dietary niche defined by high-quality, difficult-to-acquire foods. 





Question at position 33






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Question at position 33 

One of the ingredients of natural selection as described by Darwin is inheritable variation. We know now that genes are the mechanism of inheritance that makes children more like their parents than other individuals who are not their parents.

One of the ingredients of natural selection as described by Darwin is inheritable variation. We know now that genes are the mechanism of inheritance that makes children more like their parents than other individuals who are not their parents.





Question at position 34






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Question at position 34 

The human adaptive complex is a set of coevolved characteristics that distinguish our life history from that of other great apes.

The human adaptive complex is a set of coevolved characteristics that distinguish our life history from that of other great apes.





Question at position 35






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Question at position 35 

Around 40k years ago, modern humans were interbreeding with Neanderthals. 

Around 40k years ago, modern humans were interbreeding with Neanderthals. 





Question at position 36






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Question at position 36 

The first of two “out of Africa” migration events in hominid evolution involved Homo Erectus.

The first of two “out of Africa” migration events in hominid evolution involved Homo Erectus.





Question at position 37






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Question at position 37 

Modern humans had evolved in Africa by ~200k years ago. 

Modern humans had evolved in Africa by ~200k years ago. 





Question at position 38






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Question at position 38 

Among extant great apes, humans are most closely related to the Chimpanzees.

Among extant great apes, humans are most closely related to the Chimpanzees.





Question at position 39






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Question at position 39 

Adaptations in males designed to facilitate direct physical contests over access to fertile females likely evolved as a result of intersexual selection. 

Adaptations in males designed to facilitate direct physical contests over access to fertile females likely evolved as a result of intersexual selection. 





Question at position 40






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Question at position 40 

Hormones such as testosterone, estradiol, and cortisol function to couple the body’s overall response profile with current environmental situations and challenges.

Hormones such as testosterone, estradiol, and cortisol function to couple the body’s overall response profile with current environmental situations and challenges.





Question at position 41






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Question at position 41 

The process of evolution by natural selection always moves populations of organisms toward increased complexity, intelligence, and sophistication.

The process of evolution by natural selection always moves populations of organisms toward increased complexity, intelligence, and sophistication.





Question at position 42






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Question at position 42 

An ontogenetic explanation traces the ancestral history of a behavior back over evolutionary time.

An ontogenetic explanation traces the ancestral history of a behavior back over evolutionary time.





Question at position 43






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Question at position 43 

More genetic mutations have a harmful (than beneficial) effect on fitness-related traits.

More genetic mutations have a harmful (than beneficial) effect on fitness-related traits.





Question at position 44






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Question at position 44 

All genetic variation arises initially from random copying errors called mutations.  

All genetic variation arises initially from random copying errors called mutations.  





Question at position 45






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Question at position 45 

A scientist interested in which hormones are involved in regulating a particular foraging behavior has a question at the ontogenetic level of explanation. 

A scientist interested in which hormones are involved in regulating a particular foraging behavior has a question at the ontogenetic level of explanation. 





Question at position 46






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Question at position 46 

If a researcher is testing whether a trait shared by two species is explained by homology or convergent evolution, she is primarily focused on the phylogenetic level of explanation.

If a researcher is testing whether a trait shared by two species is explained by homology or convergent evolution, she is primarily focused on the phylogenetic level of explanation.





Question at position 47






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Question at position 47 

A behavioral trait is likely an adaptation to the degree that it shows evidence of ‘special design’ – functional specialization for solving a particular adaptive problem. 

A behavioral trait is likely an adaptation to the degree that it shows evidence of ‘special design’ – functional specialization for solving a particular adaptive problem. 





Question at position 48






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Question at position 48 

In order for a mutation to be selected for by natural selection, it must have a relative advantage over alternative genetic variants in the population.

In order for a mutation to be selected for by natural selection, it must have a relative advantage over alternative genetic variants in the population.





Question at position 49






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Question at position 49 

All extant species of organisms on earth are thought to have descended from a common ancestor.

All extant species of organisms on earth are thought to have descended from a common ancestor.





Question at position 50






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Question at position 50 

Convergent evolution (homoplasy) occurs when two species share a trait because they share a recent common ancestor. 

Convergent evolution (homoplasy) occurs when two species share a trait because they share a recent common ancestor. 

