Answered step-by-step
An avid watcher of the Dr. Phil TV show discovers that the guests…

An avid watcher of the Dr. Phil TV show discovers that the guests on the show often receive a monetary incentive to air their dirty laundry. This is an example of

Multiple Choice

extrinsic motivation.
negative emotional state.
intrinsic motivation.







Which eating disorder has the highest mortality rate?

Multiple Choice

binge eating disorder
bulimia nervosa
anorexia nervosa
distorted body image disorder







Ikenna recently got a promotion and an increase in his salary. Initially, he experienced an increase in happiness and gratitude. A month and half later, these feelings began to dissipate, returning to baseline. What phenomenon is being described?

Multiple Choice

positive accommodation
hedonic treadmill







A doctoral student has been using mindfulness to help control their emotions and thoughts while working on their PhD dissertation. Their long-term goal has always been to complete their doctorate. However, at times, they feel frustrated with the writing process.  The practice of mindfulness has been helpful with

Multiple Choice

mindless eating.
regulating frustration.
enhancing concentration.
improving self-esteem.







A graduate student has poor self-regulation and tends to procrastinate. What other personality trait might this student also score high on?

Multiple Choice








A scan shows that the patient’s ventromedial hypothalamus has deteriorated because of a car accident. What is the patient at risk of?

Multiple Choice

high blood pressure







What is the technical term for fat cells?

Multiple Choice

hemoglobin cells
adipose cells
nerve cells
cilia cells







Doug automatically gets popcorn with a lot of butter when he goes to the movies. For him, watching movies always meant spending time with family and popping popcorn. Therefore, every time he watches a movie, he associates movies with popcorn.  How would a behavioral psychologist explain Doug’s behavior?

Multiple Choice

It is a learned behavior, stemming back to his childhood.
It is an unconscious wish that has not been fully fulfilled.
The amygdala in his brain has been activated by the smell of butter.
His physiological needs at the earliest stages have not been achieved.







Divya received a gift of an onion ring maker from a friend. Although she doesn’t even like onion rings, Divya smiles widely and gushes over her gift. This is an example of a

Multiple Choice

valenced emotion.
display rule.
well-rehearsed behavior.
learned behavior.








You are a high school football coach and your team has an important game tonight. As the coach, you are in charge of the pre-game meal menu. Which of the following would you choose and why?


Multiple Choice

Complex carbohydrates—Players need to maintain their energy level.
Simple sugars—Players will obtain their maximum energy level quickly.
Fruits, doughnuts, and carbonated drinks—Players need to store sugars.
Fruits and juices—Players must not have a sugar drop







Ron, a high school student, woke up late and did not get a chance to eat breakfast. At the team run, the coach noticed that Ron was lagging, and asked him what was going on. The coach told him to get something to eat and then continue. What assumptions is this coach operating on?

Multiple Choice

drive reduction theory
Maslow’s first level of satisfying physiological needs
Yerkes-Dodson law
Darwin’s natural selection principle







A teacher is adding a diversity component to her curriculum for her junior high school students. One of the learning outcomes is to increase their knowledge of different groups of people. An indirect outcome is to ultimately reduce prejudice and implicit biases. What might be an effective series of exercises to add on to the curriculum to help reduce prejudicial attitudes?

Multiple Choice

provide students with rewards to tap into extrinsic motivation
ask students to do 10 minutes of aerobic exercise twice a day to increase heart rate
have students keep a daily gratitude journal and reflect on ways they are grateful for different groups
have students eat something that that would produce a satiating experience so that they can equate this positive feeling with a particular group








A man receives a small dose of the peptide CCK (cholecystokinin). The results from previous studies that have utilized this procedure suggest that he will


Multiple Choice

shortly experience hunger pangs.
report feeling full after eating a smaller-than-normal meal.
be unable to respond to hunger or satiety signals sent from his stomach.
experience a strong desire to binge or overeat.







Ivy is a 65-year-old grandmother of five. She and her wife have close relationships with their children and grandchildren. They are active in their church and feel like they belong in their church family. It sounds as if she has reached the ________ level in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Multiple Choice









Which emotion is considered an avoidance-motivating emotion?


Multiple Choice








