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Answer in multiple choice question 1 1. Which condition is most…

Answer in multiple choice

question 1

1. Which condition is most likely to encourage ethical behavior in organizations?


 Group of answer choices 

a. cultural values for individual responsibility 

b. intense competition for valued rewards 

c. cultural values for obedience to authority 

d. strong emphasis on individual productivity


 Question 2 What is the most appropriate strategy for a leader when there is a decision that involves a conflict among the interests of different stakeholders? 


Group of answer choices 

a. play the stakeholders off against each other 

b. ensure that the weaker party get what it needs 

c. suggest an equal division of the benefits 

d. help the parties find an integrative solution 


Question 3 The _______ theory of leadership emphasizes the importance for leaders to help people satisfy their dual needs for fellowship and transcendence? 


Group of answer choices 

a. authentic 

b. spiritual 

c. transforming 

d. servant


 Question 4 Which theory has the most emphasis on the responsibility of leaders to oppose social injustice and inequality? 


Group of answer choices 

a. servant 

b. transforming 

c. authentic 

d. spiritual 


Question 5 Which theory includes the largest number of influence processes and follower characteristics? 


Group of answer choices 

a. servant 

b. transforming 

c. spiritual 

d. authentic 


Question 6 Compared to charismatic and transformational theories of leadership, ethical leadership theories place a greater emphasis on leader 


Group of answer choices 

a. behaviors 

b. values 

c. traits 

d. power 


Question 7 The research on ethical theories 

Group of answer choices 

a. is still in its early stages 

b. shows that the servant leadership theory is the most effective 

c. shows that ethical leaders have more profitable companies 

d. has shown that ethical leadership is easy to measure, but we are still not sure how it impacts employees 


Question 8 In their 2005 article on authentic leadership, Avolio and Gardner examine the similarities and differences between authentic leadership theory and transformational, charismatic, servant and spiritual leadership theories. One of the ways authentic leadership differs from the other theories is that authentic leadership pays much more attention to 


Group of answer choices 

a. the vision of the leader and how he or she communicates that vision 

b. the leader’s need for a positive moral perspective 

c. the leader’s need for positive psychological capital 

d. the leader’s need for self-awareness 


Question 9 In their 2005 article on authentic leadership, Avolio and Gardner examine the similarities and differences between authentic leadership theory and transformational, charismatic, servant and spiritual leadership theories. Avolio and Gardner state that authentic leadership theory is the only one that predicts the benefit of veritable performance when applying the theory. Veritable performance 


Group of answer choices 

a. is organizational performance that can be causally tied to leadership actions

b. is made up of financial, human, social, and psychological capital returns. 

c. is made up of organizational performance measures that can be objectively verified 

d. is based on sacrificing long-term gains for large short-term financial benefits 


Question 10 In their 2006 article on ethical leadership, Brown and Trevino point out that ethical leadership has two dimensions: _______ and _______. 


Group of answer choices 

a. a leader who role models ethical behavior / an organization with an ethical culture 

b. concern for others / integrity 

c. the morality of the leader / the leader’s moral management 

d. leader consideration / leader justice and fairness 


Question 11 In Brown and Trevino’s article, if a person knows the right (ethical) thing to do, but chooses not to do it, they are probably low in 


Group of answer choices 

a. extraversion 

b. moral utilization 

c. self-monitoring 

d. moral reasoning 


Question 12 In the 2008 article on Leadership Worth Following, Thompson, Grahek, Phillips, and Fay propose that worthy leaders posses three things: the Capacity to Lead, the Commitment to Lead, and the Character to Lead. When selecting candidates for top executive positions, most companies focus their attention on selecting the candidate with the most _______, according to the article. 


Group of answer choices 

a. Character to Lead 

b. friends on the Board of Directors 

c. Capacity to Lead 

d. Commitment to Lead 


Question 13 When selecting candidates for top executive positions, many/most companies do not focus much attention on _______, according to Thompson, Grahek, Phillips, and Fay. 


Group of answer choices

 a. the Commitment to Lead

 b. the Capacity to Lead 

c. the Character to Lead