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  Answer the following questions   Question 1 In Path-Goal…


Answer the following questions


Question 1 In Path-Goal theory, there are four types of leadership behaviors: task oriented, relations oriented, participative, and achievement oriented. The correct type of behavior depends on the situation. When a subordinate is unsure about how to do their work because the tasks are complex and difficult and the subordinate is inexperienced, the best type of leader behavior is 


Group of answer choices 

a. relations oriented 

b. task oriented 

c. achievement oriented 

d. participative 


Question 2 In Leadership Substitutes theory, my leader may be able to ignore one aspect of leadership if I have coworkers who help me and who I like and I like my work. This would be an example of 


Group of answer choices 

a. leadership neutralizers 

b. substitutes for supportive leadership 

c. substitutes for instrumental leadership 


Question 3 In Hersey and Blanchard’s theory of Situational Leadership, there is one situational variable that determines when to be task oriented, when to be relations oriented, when to delegate a lot. That variable is


Group of answer choices

a. whether the team has to perform independently or interdependently 

b. the level of competence and confidence possessed by one’s subordinate 

c. the amount of official power possessed by the leader 

d. the easiness or complexity of the subordinate’s task 


Question 4 In Fiedler’s Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) model, low LPC leaders (i.e., task oriented leaders) perform best when a situation is either highly favorable or highly unfavorable, while high LPC leaders perform best in moderately favorable situations. An example of a highly unfavorable situation would be one in which the leader’s position power is _______, the quality of leader-member relations is _______, and the team’s task is highly _______. 


Group of answer choices 

a. strong / bad / structured 

b. weak / bad / structured 

c. weak / bad / unstructured

d. weak / good / unstructured


 Question 5 According to Chapter 7, which of the contingency theories of leadership has been strongly supported by laboratory and field studies. 

Group of answer choices 

a. Multiple-Linkage model 

b. Path-Goal theory 

c. none of these

d. all of these

e. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership theory



 Question 6 According to the Multiple-Linkage model, there are six aspects of successful team performance. A good leader is one who recognizes when one of these aspects and deficient and jumps in to make corrections. For example, if the team demonstrates poor teamwork and cooperation, the leader might need to 


Group of answer choices 

a. mediate some of the conflicts existing between team members

b. eliminate unnecessary activities that no one likes 

c. reduce the difficulty of the team’s expected performance 

d. recruit and hire people who work together better


 Question 7 Yukl suggests some things to do to better manage crises. Which is NOT one of them? 


Group of answer choices 

a. Consult with people who have expert, relevant knowledge 

b. Keep people informed about a major problem and the steps that have already been taken 

c. Identify the nature and scope of the crisis as quickly as you can 

d. When a crisis is likely to reoccur, use it as an opportunity to make changes 



Question 8 In the Multiple Linkage Model, long-term group effectiveness depends primarily on the leader’s 


Group of answer choices 

a. technical skills 

b. interpersonal skills 

c. ability to make the situation more favorable 

d. ability to gain more power over subordinates 



Question 9 Kerr and Jermier’s (1978) Substitutes for Leadership include a number of subordinate, task, and organizational variables. Although it is highly unlikely, but if all of these substitutes were in place, there would little for a leader to do. In such a case, if a leader engaged in task oriented or relations oriented leader behaviors, Kerr and Jermier hypothesize that such behaviors will 

Group of answer choices 


a. neither help nor hurt, as they will be redundent 

b. decrease subordinate satisfaction and morale 

c. improve subordinate performance, but at the expense of job satisfaction



 Question 10 According to Kerr and Jermier’s (1978), which of the following task substitutes for leadership will neutralize the need for the leader to engage in relations oriented behaviors? The subordinate’s task Group of answer choices a. provides its own feedback concerning accomplishment b. is methodologically invariant c. is unambiguous and routine d. is intrinsically interesting


 Question 11 In Kerr and Jermier’s (1978) field study of police officers, for both city and university police, the strongest leader substitute was 


Group of answer choices 

a. organizational rewards not within the leader’s control 

b. intrinsically satisfying tasks 

c. subordinate ability, experience, training, and knowledge 

d. the spatial distance between leaders and suborninates 



Question 12 With the police officers, the three variables that combined to predict organizational commitment were intrinsically motivating tasks, _______, and _______. 

Group of answer choices 


a. leader work assignment / a closely-knit, cohesive work group 

b. leader work assignment / subordinate ability, experience, training, knowledge 

c. leader role clarification / task providing its own feedback 

d. leader role clarification / subordinate ability, experience, training, knowledge 


Question 13 In Graeff’s (1983) analysis of Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership theory, they complain that subordinates who are _______ are considered more mature (M3) than subordinates who are _______ (M2). Would not both types of subordinates suffer performance problems, Graeff argues. 


Group of answer choices 

a. motivated but lacking in ability / able but unmotivated 

b. able but unmotivated / motivated but lacking in ability 

c. lacking in ability but motivated / lacking in both motivation and ability



 Question 14 Graeff complains that Hersey and Blanchard provide no theoretical reason for why relations oriented behaviors have a _______ relationship with subordinate maturity, while task oriented behaviors have a _______ relationship with subordinate maturity.

 Group of answer choices 

a. curvilinear / negative

b. negative / positive 

c. positive / negative 

d. positive / curvilinear