ElderClover9632apply the two ethical standards that you believe are most important…apply the two ethical standards that you believe are most important in your case and analyze issues specifically related to professional boundaries. Next, discuss two personal biases that will impact you with respect to this case. Analyze two cultural concerns associated with the case using only the cultural concepts below. evaluate how biases and cultural concerns will specifically impact your ability to build a healthy therapeutic relationship. Remember to use the counselor’s identity that you have been given and not your own. Micro aggressions, Stereotypes, Inclusive language, Assimilation, Privilege, Power, Protection.Introduction.Summarize what the reader should expect in the coming pages.Application of Ethical Standards and Professional Boundaries.For two ethical standards, select the ethical standard number and language that relates to your case for each standard, and apply that standard specifically discussing how and why that standard is related to the case.Specifically analyze the concerns related to professional boundaries in the case.Discussion of Personal Biases.Discuss two biases that you have related to the case. How might this bias impact your client in treatment? Identify one behavioral strategy that you may employ to address your bias.Analysis of Cultural Concerns.For each of the two identified cultural concerns, specifically identify a cultural concern based on the list in the assignment instructions. Do NOT use a term that is not listed. How does this cultural phenomenon show up in this case? How would the presence of this phenomenon impact your ability to establish a healthy therapeutic alliance with the client?Conclusion.Summarize the contents of your paper.Derric Armstrong Case You, The Counselor You are a 36-year old gay man who identifies as European American. You have been a licensed mental health counselor for the last six years, and you specialize in working with bireligious relationships (i.e., relationships where the partners identify with two different religions). You identify as Catholic, and you have resentment toward people who abandon the Catholic faith, especially when people leave to became “a Jew” or “an Islam person.” You are in therapy working on these issues. You are in the process of ending your 10-year relationship with your partner, which is another reason that you are in treatment. You are the youngest of five siblings, four of whom are still living. Your oldest sister was killed in a drive-by shooting. The shooting was never solved, but the streets say a gang member intended to kill her boyfriend who was in a rival gang. You have quite the disdain for anyone who joins a gang and believe that this is a “stupid, desperate move.” Derric Armstrong, Your Client Derric Armstrong is a 47-year-old, heterosexual, cisgender man who presents and identifies as an African American. The client described his relationship with his mother as “distant,” but pointed out that they are on good terms. “I don’t see my mom as much as I used to.” Derric described his current feelings as “depressed, defeated, unsupported, and overwhelmed” for the last two months. He reported that he has had trouble concentrating, tiredness, and fatigue since the problems in his marriage have escalated. He is married with three biological children and one stepchild. He has no reported disabilities. He described his religious affiliation as “Jewish,” although he was raised Catholic. The client acknowledged that he sleeps about five (5) hours per night. He further explained that he only has trouble with sleep maintenance 1-2 times per month. He explained that his sexual interest has been unchanged and that he is intimate with his wife about 2-3 times per week; however, their intimacy is impacted greatly by their trust issues. He initiated psychological treatment because of marital difficulty. He reportedly has difficulty communicating with his partner and wants to work on being a more functional partner in his marriage. Derric indicated that he has recently been on the verge of separation from his wife because they have a history of trust and communication issues. Derric denied problems with his appetite and indicated that he typically doesn’t eat breakfast, but does eat two meals per day. Derric’s wife is Jewish and requested he convert to Judaism before they married. He converted in 2004 after working with a rabbi for one (1) year. The family regularly attends synagogue and participates in major religious holidays and traditions. 1 Derric acknowledged that he was arrested for selling cocaine several times between 20 -30 years old. He reportedly did six (6) months in jail for the crime. He indicated that when he was 35 years old, he was arrested for selling drugs again and spent two (2) months in jail. Derric reported that in his recent past he used to drink to calm himself down. However, he noticed how much alcohol contributed to the escalation of his arguments with his wife. He reported that he has committed to not drinking so much. When he drinks, he typically drinks beer and liquor. According to the client, he has an extensive trauma history. He indicated that he has experienced two house fires when he was a child. The first house fire occurred when he was 10 years old. Derric indicated that his next-door neighbor had a fire that resulted in two other homes catching on fire including his family home. He indicated that his family lost everything in that fire. About five (5) years later, lightning struck his home and it caught on fire. He indicated that only the back part of the house was damaged in the latter fire. He also reported that he was knocked unconscious during a neighborhood fight when he was 12 years old. At 13 years old, he was initiated into a gang. During his time in the gang, he experienced shooting at people and being shot at. The gang eventually broke apart because gang members started moving out of the neighborhood. Derric acknowledged that he was shot once in his upper thigh outside of a club after engaging in a fight with another club-goer. Lastly, he also reported that he has experienced finding someone dead on his back porch as a child.Social SciencePsychology