Answered step-by-step
Applying Psychology to Real Life: You are to find ONE item from the…

Applying Psychology to Real Life: You are to find ONE item from the following list: ads, newspaper articles, advice and medical columns, cartoons, web sites, songs, TV shows, blogs, video games, etc. that incorporate ideas, concepts, and topics that relate to Sensation and Perception psychological principles. Your job is to find an example over the course of the term that relate to a concept from that section. You cannot use a cartoon, etc. from your psychology books or from a psychological resource that already tells you what the concept is (for example, you cannot discuss bat sonar). Additionally, you can’t use any example that identifies the concept (that might be from a newspaper article, blog, etc.). Thus, an article on dark adaptation can’t be used as an example of dark adaptation, because you didn’t have to make the connection between the concept and the example on your own – YOU must make this connection. An item may display more than 1 concept but you must choose which concept to discuss.


You completed this in Module 4 and now Module 7 so you may not use more than ONE of each type. For example, you may only use ONE cartoon over the course of the term – this is not saying you MUST use cartoons – just that you should use a variety types  Please also do not use the SAME item twice (so if you used a cartoon show for 1 concept, do not use the same cartoon for another concept and claim it is something different).  Also make sure to accurately identify the concept.  If you found something on YouTube, but is it a TV show or movie clip, it is the TV show or movie – NOT a YouTube video, so reference appropriately.


Remember, you will need a detailed example that addresses points 1, 2, 3, and 4 (detailed below) to earn full credit. Please note that one sentence answers are not going to earn students full credit. A paragraph should be written for point 3 (at LEAST 6 to 7 sentences). You should TAKE YOUR TIME and formulate THOUGHTFUL responses to these written assignments. 


For this assignment, use this YouTube video titled “Yanny v Laurel: Which Sound Do You Hear? (SOLVED with SCIENCE)” posted by AsapSCIENCE as the example to be used. 


Here is the link to the video: 


For this part, use the concept Speech Perception from Ch 12.  


1. What is the example: copy and paste (or describe) the example, and include an APA-format reference on where you retrieved the example. You must clearly indicate where you found this material since you cannot use material that has been described by someone else. Please review the link below on how to reference web material, TV shows, songs, etc. DESCRIBE what this is that you are giving. (5 points for reference and originality/creativity).


2. What is the concept that this relates to: in your words, define, describe, and explain the psychological concept that relates to your example. Indicate where in the book you found the definition for this concept, but put the concept into your own words – you must use the textbook, not Wikipedia or other unreliable sources, but direct quotes from the text are NOT permitted. I recommend looking for sections in the textbook.  Be as specific as possible (for example, “smell” would be too vague). Please make sure to give the Chapter AND page numbers where this concept is found as part of this answer. For example, you might use doppler effect or supertaster. Discuss this in some depth as to how it relates.  There may be multiple concepts you need to cover (so if you are discussing pictorial depth cues, discuss what those are and the ones that image shows). As you are using the textbook, you will need to cite and reference the book (5 points for correctness and completeness of the concept and reference).


3. Apply the concept to your example: explain, IN DETAIL, how this item/example you found relates to the particular psychological concept, theory, or research finding. How exactly does it show this concept – describe. You will be graded based on relevance of the clippings to topic, accuracy of description, depth of coverage, and writing. Assume that the course instructor doesn’t know the topic. See above for expected detail. You need to cite and reference here as well (5 points for correctness and completeness).


Points may be removed for lack of organization, sentence fluency, grammar, etc.  You are to use complete sentences, double space, and appropriate references.  In addition, please make sure that you stick to 1 concept. Do not try to discuss multiple ideas from multiple chapters.


The assignment must be typed in a Word file (no other files will be accepted) in the following way. Please number responses!

Example with APA style reference (see web links for help on writing APA style references).
Concept identified, page number given, and clearly defined (paraphrased) in your words – textbook cited and referenced.
How the concept applies to the example given in depth with citations.