Answered step-by-step


1. According to Erikson’s theory, what must individuals achieve before they can develop intimate relationships with others?


an identity


secure attachment







2. Based on research related to factors that predict attraction and liking (e.g., proximity, similarity), which of the following statements is TRUE?


“Opposites attract.”


“Birds of a feather flock together.”


“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”


none of the above


3. Senescence is to __________ as secondary aging is to _________.


biological factors; cognitive factors


cognitive factors; biological factors


nature; nurture


nurture; nature

4. According to the text, a large body of research has traditionally found that_______________


cohabiting before marriage increases marital satisfaction.


cohabiting before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce.


cohabiting couples have less stress and pressure in their relationship than married couples.


relationships in cohabitation are not as equal as in marriage.

5. Which of the following BEST exemplifies the psychological concept of consensual validation?


complimenting someone on the positive changes made in their life


being curious about someone whose native culture differs considerably from your own


being comfortable with someone who belongs to the same campus organization as you 


working with someone to find an acceptable solution to a problem


6. What seems to be at the root of conflict between adolescents and their parents?


contradictory values on major issues (e.g., religion, career goals)


tension between parental supervision and the need to be independent


hormonal influences associated with puberty


the generation gap


7. Research shows that adolescent susceptibility to peer pressure


increases with age and throughout the period of adolescence.


is a major source of tension and conflict between parents and adolescents.


tends to be higher for social versus non-social issues and choices.


none of the above


8. Based on Marcia’s work, __________ describes individuals who have established identities based largely on the influence of adults, rather than from personal exploration.










9. As illustrated in the video shown in class, research by Lawrence Steinberg on adolescent risk-taking showed that the presence of peers


decreases adolescents’ tendencies toward risk taking.


does not change adolescents’ tendencies toward risk taking.


increases adolescents’ tendencies toward risk taking.


increases activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain



10. An adolescent experimenting with different vocational possibilities is experiencing what James Marcia referred to as __________.










11. Longitudinal research has shown that the quality of the attachment relationship in infancy is unrelated to subsequent attachment relationships in young adulthood.






12. The developing prefrontal cortex plays a major role in the adolescent’s ability to do all of the following EXCEPT __________.


make decisions


exhibit emotional control


perform visual spatial tasks


plan for the future


13. According to Piaget, what question is 15-year-old Jackson better equipped to discuss and answer than when he was 10-years-old?


Are six pennies worth more than two dimes?


Is there a heaven?


Was Delaware one of the original thirteen colonies?


How is a horse different than a donkey?


14. Developmental research and theory supports Piaget’s notion that cognitive change stops at adolescence with formal operations.






15. Normative history-graded influence has resulted in all of the following changes in relationships during the young adulthood period EXCEPT:


the pursuit of education and career delaying marriage and parenthood.


more stable levels of marital satisfaction over time due to changing views of gender.


increasing rates of cohabitation.


more equal distribution of labor in homosexual versus heterosexual households.


16. Of the following adolescents, who is MOST LIKELY to make gains in and experience autonomy earlier?


Sue, born and raised in Bejing


Jin, born and raised in Bejing


Karen, born and raised in California


John, born and raised in California


17. Regi gets into a lot of arguments with his parents. Research on parent-adolescent conflict suggests that the type of thing that Regi and his parents argue about is MOST likely


whether or not Regi uses drugs.


Regi’s delinquent behavior.


Regi’s refusual to go to church.


Regi’s clothing and hair style choices.


18. As discussed in the lectures, __________ refers to the notion that the more we encounter a stimulus, the more we grow to like it.


the familiarity effect


the mere exposure effect


stimulus generalization


the similarity phenomenon



19. Kelsey is 11-years-old, lives in the United States, and has experienced menarche. Based on the information presented, Kelsey is


at the average age for the onset of menarche in the US.


older than the average for the onset of menarche in the US.


younger than the average for the onset of menarche in the US.


consistent with age of onset of menarche in the early 1900s.


20. Menarche occurs later in the sequence of pubertal changes for females.






21. Based on the results of research discussed in the text, which of the following adolescents would be MOST likely to experience adjustment issues related to puberty?


Eric, an on-time maturer


Trisha, a late maturer


Stephen, an early maturer


Sara, an early maturer


22. John is 25-years-old. All of the following are TRUE about what he is experiencing in terms of physical and cognitive development EXCEPT:


strong visual acuity


increased development of neural connections


increased thinking about and future planning


fast reaction times


23. When concrete operational and formal operational thinkers are asked to combine a number of clear liquids to produce a blue liquid


neither the concrete operational child nor the formal operational adolescent test the combinations of liquids in a systematic manner.


only the concrete operational child tests the combinations of liquids in a systematic manner.


only the formal operational child tests the combinations of liquids in a systematic manner.


both the concrete operational child and the formal operational adolescent test the combinations of liquids in a systematic manner.



24. Today in the U.S., financial independence is viewed as the primary criterion for defining adulthood.






25. When Stan and Wendy became engaged, they discussed having children. If they are typical of families today, they will MOST likely have __________.


no children


one child


no more than two children


three or more children