Answered step-by-step
ASAP PLEASE, IT’S A MCQ.    1. Christine’s parents enjoy…



1. Christine’s parents enjoy listening to and having conversations with her and rarely have to discipline her as they don’t restrict her behaviors. Christine is MOST likely to be


friendly and get good grades in school.


impulsive and have little self-control.


anxious and unhappy.


insecurely attached


2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a child engaging in symbolic activity?


Eric is spontaneously kicking his legs to make a mobile above his crib move.


On Sunday morning, Betsy watched her father make pancakes. On Tuesday, she made pancakes with modeling clay at her day care.


Carmen uses an overturned pot as a drum and two wooden spoons as drumsticks.


Peter is moving his hand like a car and saying, “Vrrrooomm.”


3. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of children’s thinking in Piaget’s preoperational stage?


failure to solve conservation problems


difficulty seeing the world from another’s perspective


the inability to understand and use symbols in thought


concentrating on one aspect of a situation or problem while ignoring others


4. To remember that Madison is the capital of Wisconsin, Greg thinks about a cupcake (because Dolly Madison is a cupcake company) with a slice of cheese on top (because Wisconsin is the cheese state). This is an example of using _________ to improve memory.










5. A researcher presents the following scenario to a 9-year-old child, “If a suitcase can eat four rocks in one day, how many rocks can it eat in two days?” Based on Piaget’s stage theory, the child quickly responds that


“the suitcase can eat eight rocks.”


“the suitcase can eat twelve rocks.”


“a suitcase can not eat rocks.”


none of the above


6. A researcher presents the following scenario to a 9-year-old child, “If a suitcase can eat four rocks in one day, how many rocks can it eat in two days?” Based on Piaget’s stage theory, the child quickly responds that


“the suitcase can eat eight rocks.”


“the suitcase can eat twelve rocks.”


“a suitcase can not eat rocks.”


none of the above


7. Stan was in a car accident and as a result his left and right hemispheres can not communicate with one another. Apparently, Stan’s __________ was damaged in the accident.

Group of answer choices

cerebral cortex


corpus callosum




spinal cord


8. All of the following are TRUE about physical development during childhood EXCEPT:


children typically look leaner due to changes in height and loss of baby fat.


the hemispheres of the brain become increasingly specialized.


there is a pronounced reduction in the development of neural connections.


all of the above are true



9. In the “Terry the Troll” study, DeLoache and colleagues found that two-and-a-half year-olds were MOST likely to find Terry the Troll when they


thought of the smaller room as a symbol of the larger room.


were faced with a conflict between appearance and reality.


were told that the room was shrunk by a shrinking machine.


all of the above


10. What is the term for parents who are firm, set clear and consistent limits, and try to reason with their children, giving explanations for why they should behave in a particular way but at the same time providing love and support?










11. Which of the following memory strategies would a preschooler (i.e., 3-4-year-old) use?






both A and B


none of the above



12. Which of the following statements is NOT consistent with what research shows about factors related to family life?


African-American and Hispanic families typically have strong family values and a sense of family community.


On average, Hispanic families are larger compared to Caucasian and African-American family sizes.


Developmental outcomes for children of gay and lesbian parents generally match those of children raised in heterosexual households..


Self-care children generally face future challenges in their development due to spending time alone


13. Of parents who maltreat their children, statistics show that the majority were vicitms of abuse themselves as children.






14. According to Vygotsky, which of the following would be within a child’s zone of proximal development?


A task that a child cannot accomplish alone or with the help of an adult.


A task that a child has recently mastered independently following the assistance of an adult.


A task that a child cannot yet handle on her own, but can do with the help of an adult.


A task that a child figures out how to accomplish through his own independent activity.


15. Which of the following statements accurately represents material that was covered with regard to gender development?


While preschoolers display knowledge of gender stereotypes, they tend to regard them as flexible.


Children begin applying gender labels during the infancy period.


Explanations of understanding gender rely heavily on nature or biological influences.


Views on approaching the concept of gender as a dichotomy remain unchanged in today’s society.


16. Sam was involved in a car accident when he was 6-years-old. He sustained damage to his left hemisphere. Which of the following would be MOST difficult for him to do after this accident?


expressing emotions


spatial tasks such as reading a map


appreciating music


thinking critically about issues



17. Androgynous persons display both desirable instrumental and expressive traits.






18. ____________ and __________ seem to account for the increase in the capacity of children’s short-term/working memory throughout the childhood years.


Acquisiton of conservation; decentering


Acquisiton of conservation; reversibility


Use of rehearsal; egocentrism


Use of rehearsal; improved attentional abilities



19. Four-year-old Saul tells his mother, “Girls can’t mow the lawn because they are weak.” Saul is displaying a(n) __________.

Group of answer choices

gender identity


gender stereotype


androgynous perspective


gender role


20. Dr. McDaniel is a psycholinguist who studies how people use language to communicate effectively. Dr. McDaniel is interested in which component of language development?

Group of answer choices









21.  Five year old Howie and his little sister Stephanie are each given one large cookie. The mother breaks Stephanie’s cookie into four pieces to help her eat it more easily. Howie immediately begins to cry and says that it isn’t fair for Stephanie to get so many cookies when he only has one. Howie is showing a lack of __________.




intuitive thought




symbolic function


22. In general, research on children’s eyewitness memory has demonstrated that


preschool children are less susceptible to leading or suggestive questions than older children.


preschool children are more susceptible to leading or suggestive questions than older children.


there are no differences in susceptibility to leading or suggestive questions between younger and older children.


none of the above


23. By the time children enter elementary school, they know very little about gender stereotypes.






24. Children are more compliant when their parents do not enforce rules consistently.






25. As discussed in the lectures, sex refers to the __________ dimension, whereas gender refers to the __________ dimension of being male and female.


environmental; social


social; biological


biological; social


social; environmental