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Assignment Criteria This paper requires a great deal of critical…

Assignment Criteria

This paper requires a great deal of critical thinking (application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation). For your survey response, an exemplary paper will:

Introduce your analysis with a focus on the importance of group dynamics for teams and the survey topic.
Accurately and clearly describe survey results. Look to the Scoring and Discussion sections of the survey for guidance.
Contain detailed analysis related to meaning of scores. Look to the Scoring and Discussion sections of the survey for guidance. Correct interpretation and answering all discussion questions are key here.
Explicitly connect research/theory to support assertions. Look in the survey’s chapter to determine the big idea to connect to survey results or professional development opportunities. 
Clearly communicates professional development opportunities. Focus on either/both enhancing your strengths and/or developing your weaknesses. Let the survey chapter’s big ideas guide your focus.
Clearly discusses relevant faith integration or other spiritual application. Make a connection that aligns with your spiritual worldview.

Suggested Format

Introduction (suggested length one-half page)

Survey Results (suggested length one page)

Survey Analysis (Connection to Research) (suggested length one page)

Opportunities for Growth (suggested length one-half page)

Faith Integration (suggested length one-half page)


Survey: Leadership Styles
Purpose: To help you understand your preferred leadership styles. Situational leadership theory says that the best style of leadership depends on the characteristics of the situation. However, people often have preferred leadership styles that they use frequently, regardless of the situation.

Directions: Imagine that you are the leader of a team facing the eight situations that are listed below. How should you as the team leader make the decisions to resolve the situations? Review these four decision options, and select which approach is best for each situation:

Option A: Make the decision yourself, and tell the team what to do.

Option B: Ask the team members for advice but make the decision yourself.

Option C: Facilitate the team’s decision-making process.

Option D: Let the members of the team decide by themselves what to do.

_____ 1. The team’s performance has been dropping, and personality clashes are increasing. You have tried to be friendly and sympathetic to their problems, but this does not seem to be working. What should you do to improve the team’s performance?

_____ 2. Because of financial problems in the organization, you have been ordered to make budget cuts for the team. There are a variety of options, including reducing the number of team members or work hours. How should you make the budget cuts?

_____ 3. You are considering a major change—replacing the office computer system. The team works well together and has been consistently successful. They respect the need for change, but they are not computer experts. How should you make the decision and manage the change program?

_____ 4. It is the beginning of the sports season, and your team needs to reduce the number of players on the roster from 27 to 25. How should you decide who will be removed from the team?

_____ 5. You have received information that indicates some recent quality problems in the team’s work. The team has a good record of accomplishment. You are not sure what is causing the performance problems. What should you do to improve the situation?

_____ 6. The team has just completed a major project deadline, and it is time to celebrate. You think a party or social activity is an appropriate reward. What kind of celebration should you have?

_____ 7. The team has been performing fairly well. The previous team leader was very controlling. You want the team to continue to be successful, but you would also like to improve the social relations among team members. How should you try to improve the situation?

_____ 8. The team’s office is being redecorated, and there are many decisions to be made. These decisions relate to furniture, carpeting, wall colors, and so on. The budget for the project has already been established. How should these decisions be made?

The number of situations you marked A is your directing score.

The number of situations you marked B is your coaching score.

The number of situations you marked C is your supporting score.

The number of situations you marked D is your delegating score.

Discussion: Did you have a preferred leadership style? In which situations is this leadership style most appropriate? How flexible are you with your leadership style?