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  Assignment In light of the many demonstrated and presumed…



In light of the many demonstrated and presumed benefits of youth civic and community participation, it is noteworthy that numerous scholars and social commentators have remarked on how apathic contemporary youth tend to be toward community service and how disengaged most youth seem to be from politics and the political sphere. Indeed, in the past few years alone, hundreds of books and papers have been written from diverse perspectives on why North American citizens in general and adolescents in particular are failing in terms of civic and community participation. In reality, youth political participation and community service is somewhat better than dismal, but short of ideal. Youth voting has experienced an uptick in recent years. Moreover, it has been estimated that 15.5 million youth-or 55 percent of youth ages 12 to 18-participate in volunteer activities, a rate nearly twice the adult volunteering rate (29 percent). The typical youth community volunteer may contribute 29 hours per year, with youth as a whole contributing more than 1.3 billion hours of community service each year. However, the typical adult contributes 52 hours per year. Most youth participate in community service as part of a school activity or requirement and as such considerable youth civic participation should not be considered spontaneous or fully voluntary. Even so, many youth do engage in more volunteer forms of service, especially through religious congregations and youth leadership organizations (e.g., Boy & Girl Scouts, the 4-H Club, Kiwanis, Key Club, National Honor Society).

Part 1

For this part you will watch a short (7 minute) TED Talk video by Richard Turere. Turere is a young teenager. In the Maasai community where Turere lives with his family, cattle are all-important. But lion attacks were growing more frequent. In this short, inspiring talk, the young inventor shares the solar-powered solution he designed to safely scare the lions away. Below is his talk. Watch it, write short responses to the questions below. Each description should be 1 or 2 sentences long.  TED TALK LINK:–SeUIk (COPY AND PASTE IN BROWSER)


Is Richard Turere remarkable? That is, did he just do something that anyone might have done with the right inspiration or opprtunity or is there something special about people who, almost out of nowhere, do something for others?
Can learning to serve others be taught to youth? If so, how? If not, why?

Part 2

In the Maasai community where Turere lived, lions threatened the community’s livelihood. Yet, the community’s response threatened the lions’ survival. Reflect on the community you come from (your hometown). What are some of your community’s “lions”? What are some of the environmental, economic, social justice, or other problems your particular community faces? Use your specific knowledge of that community. These may be local problems or global problems faced locally. Select one that you think that youth could help with, if the were sufficient aware of it, motivated, and trained to help. Answer these questions:

Identify what the issue is, who might care about it, what negative impacts it is having and on whom, how long it has been happening, its past history, any previous attempts to rectify it, and anything else you think is important. Make me care.
What is your idea? This is a fantasy and need not be something you are actually capable of doing at the moment. On the other hand, I do not expect to see a project description that could not actually or ethically be carried out. Money, time, resources are not object–reality is. The more specific you are the better. How would you get youth involved? What role would they play? How would things work?
How would youth grow by getting involved in your project? How would they be changed?