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Assignment Overview:…

Assignment Overview:

You are a Child and Youth Care practitioner who has been asked to help a young family. Using the case study below is a tailored daily schedule that optimizes the physical, cognitive and social/emotional development of Brandon, an almost four-year-old boy.  Brandon’s mother is pregnant and will give birth in a couple of months.  She needs some assistance to set up a routine for Brandon that she can begin now and continue once the new baby arrives. 



Using the calendar template provided below, use a one-day schedule for Brandon.  This schedule must include one healthy growth and development activity from each domain of development (physical, cognitive, social/emotional).  This schedule will be given to and used by Brandon’s mother as a guide to follow every day to help her implement a new routine promoting optimal development for Brandon.


full daily schedule for Brandon
Include meals, hygiene routines, physical activities, cognitive activities and social emotional activities – be specific and creative!
Pick one activity from each domain of development (physical, cognitive and social/emotional) that you will write up for mom to facilitate
The activities you have selected to write up are to be one page each and include the following headings:
Name of the activity
Cost of the activity (all activities must be low or no cost)
Supplies needed for the activity
Location of the activity
Reason why this activity was chosen and the developmental domain (physical, cognitive, social/emotional)
How the activity promotes healthy growth & development
One-complete schedule
Activities for each domain of development:
Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Attachments for 3 activities (e.g. Instructions, directions, etc.) – 1 activity from each domain
Menu Meal Plan for the day with recipes and/or directions
Attachments for each snack and meal (e.g. Instructions, ingredients, etc.)


Case Study – Brandon

Client Background


Brandon is almost four years old (3 years and 8 months) and lives with his mother and father in a cooperative townhome in a small community near Algonquin College within the city. Brandon’s father is a navy marine and alternates between spending two weeks away at sea and two weeks home with his family, and is the only parent working outside the home. Brandon is presently the only child but that will be changing in a few months, as his mother is pregnant and due to give birth in two months. Brandon’s mother is the primary caregiver for Brandon and has been since he was born. She does not drive and uses public transportation. 


Brandon loves trains, ships, animals, milk, and playingat the park. His favorite movie is the Polar Express. Hedoes not like the word “no” and is having a tough time adjusting to his mom’s attempts to add more structure into their lives. Mom has requested some support in developing a daily routine for Brandon that she can implement easily, with no cost activities.  Mom is becoming more tired as her due date approaches and in anticipation of Brandon’s sibling arriving and of Brandon starting school in the fall; Mom would like to implement more predictability prior to these transitions in his life.


Physical Development


Brandon developed normally through the prenatal, infancy, and toddler stages. He was born via vaginal birth after a full term, normal pregnancy. At birth, he weighed eight pounds twelve ounces andmeasured twenty inches long. As aninfant, Brandon’s mother chose to feed him using formula.  As a toddler, Brandon achievedall the important milestones, including learning to walk which occurred when he was 14 months old.


As Brandon progressed from a toddler to preschooler, he continued to progress developmentally as he should with only one minor lapse. Shortly after Brandon turned three he broke his right arm during the spring while playing on the teeter totter at the playground. Having a cast on his arm only slowed him down and kept him outof the water. At almost four years old, he is forty- twoinches tall and weighs forty-six pounds. Brandon can run, hop, jump, walk up and down stairsalone, dress and undressand use the bathroom onhis own.  Brandon needs practice holding a pencil and using scissors.


Cognitive Development


Brandon’s cognitive development is maturing at an appropriate rate. Heprogressed through

the building blocks of language beginning with babbling, said his first word at 12months old and spoke his basic first sentence a couple of months later. Currently, he is speaking in full sentences that vary in length and purpose. He enjoys watching television shows about detectives and mysteries if given the chance; he will spend large amounts of time, sometimes up to twenty minutes, talking about them. Brandon demonstrates an inclination to want to read and will often ask someone around him to read him his favorite book, signs on the walls or play with the magnetic letters his mom bought him to help him spell words.


Emotional/Social Development


Brandon can show a wide range of emotions and is securely attached to hismother.             He is energetic and easy going in his temperament. Despite his easy going temperament, he does at times becomeincredibly frustrated.  During these moments Brandon is unable to expresshimself verbally; he hits, kicks, cries, and screams. This behaviour has increased lately as his mother is finding it hard to keep up with Brandon as she progresses in her pregnancy.


Brandon is beginning to understand differences in gender as his mother reported that, despite trying very hard to not gender stereotype clothing, colours and toys, Brandon has begun labelling clothes such as: the blue onesie is only if he has a little brother and the pink one is if he has a little sister. Brandon appears to play well with others on the playground and is beginning to move beyond parallel play and using some cooperative play with his peers.


Tips & Reminders:

Remember to be very specific as not everyone knows how to play certain games, cook certain foods, or get to certain places
Use your textbook and other resources as references
Remember to use in text citations and include an APA style reference list
Be professionaland creative in your presentation, pay attention to details
Remember your target audience is a parent who will implement your program to optimize healthy development for their child
Mom may want to post this schedule so making it visually appealing is important
An example excerpt of a daily schedule is provided below – you may not use the same activities (with the exception of waking up and meals)








Daily Routine Template

Times Daily Routine Development Category


Example excerpt of a daily schedule:

Physical Development=Blue

Cognitive Development=Green;

Social/Emotional Development=Purple

Times Daily Routine Development Category
7:00am Wake up: brush teeth, wash face; get dressed Physical
7:30am Breakfast (see Menu section for details) Physical
8:00am Read Detective Dinosaur* (See activity #1) Cognitive
8:30am Play find the Train* (See activity #2) Social/Emotional
9:00am Walk to and play at the park Physical
9:30am Snack at the park Physical
10:00am Play at the park and walk home Social/Emotional
10:30am Watch Scooby Doo Cognitive
11:00am Cut out train shapes* (See activity #3) Physical