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Background Essay: Infant Breastfeeding Introduction: Infant…

Background Essay: Infant Breastfeeding

Infant breastfeeding is feeding babies with breast milk directly from the mother’s breast. Breast milk is specially adapted to meet the baby’s needs from birth. It, therefore, has benefits for its health and development. In addition, breastfeeding also has benefits for the mother. It is widely recognized as the optimal infant feeding method, providing essential nutrients, antibodies, and numerous health benefits. This background essay explores the factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding practices, the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, the comparison between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, and the barriers to exclusive breastfeeding.

Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding practices:
Research by Sisko et al. (2022) examines parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding breastfeeding and infant nutrition. The study highlights that parental knowledge about breastfeeding, positive attitudes toward its benefits, and support from healthcare professionals significantly influence the initiation and continuation of exclusive breastfeeding. Similarly, Mekebo et al. (2022) identify various factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding in Ethiopia, including maternal education, maternal employment, and support from family members, healthcare providers, and community leaders.

Benefits of exclusive breastfeeding:
Exclusive breastfeeding offers numerous benefits to both infants and mothers. Abdulla et al. (2022) discuss the likelihood of infectious diseases due to the lack of exclusive breastfeeding among infants in Bangladesh. The study highlights that exclusive breastfeeding provides infants with essential antibodies and immune factors, reducing the risk of diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, and pneumonia. Ventura et al. (2021) also explore the differences between mother-infant interactions and infant intake during breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding expressed breast milk. The findings suggest that breastfeeding promotes a unique mother-infant bond and allows for optimal regulation of milk supply, resulting in better nutritional outcomes for infants.

Comparison of breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding:
Breastfeeding and bottle-feeding expressed breast milk are two methods of providing infants with breast milk. Ventura et al. (2021) discuss the differences between the two methods in mother-infant interactions and infant intake. The study reveals that breastfeeding facilitates a closer physical and emotional connection between the mother and infant, enhancing bonding and promoting mutual regulation. On the other hand, bottle-feeding expressed breast milk provides convenience and allows for shared feeding responsibilities among caregivers. The choice between breastfeeding and bottle feeding depends on individual circumstances, preferences, and the availability of support systems.

Barriers to exclusive breastfeeding:
Despite the recognized benefits, there are several barriers to exclusive breastfeeding. Mekebo et al. (2022) identify factors such as cultural beliefs, inadequate social support, lack of knowledge, and the influence of advertising for formula milk as barriers to exclusive breastfeeding in Ethiopia. These barriers can undermine maternal confidence, limit access to accurate information, and contribute to introducing complementary foods or formula milk early.

Infant breastfeeding is a critical practice that provides numerous benefits to infants and mothers. Factors such as parental knowledge, attitudes, support, and cultural and social factors influence exclusive breastfeeding practices. For example, exclusive breastfeeding protects infants against infectious diseases and fosters a unique mother-infant bond. Comparatively, breastfeeding promotes closer mother-infant interactions, while bottle-feeding expressed breast milk provides convenience. However, barriers such as cultural beliefs, lack of support, and formula milk advertising can hinder exclusive breastfeeding. Understanding these factors is crucial for healthcare providers and policymakers in developing effective strategies to promote and support exclusive breastfeeding for infants’ optimal health and well-being.


Tasks: Submit Hypothesis with a Plan of Action



– Give your hypothesis as a statement of prediction.

– Describe exactly what you think will happen.

– Use information from the Background Essay above to develop what you think you will find, including how social and/or cultural factors may have an impact. 

– The hypothesis does NOT have to be exactly like the background information, it can be tangential, somewhat related to that information.

– If you are starting with a question, answer the question.

– Operational Definitions (clearly define concepts in hypothesis so they are measurable in some way).


Plan of Action:

– Develop a plan of action to test whether your hypothesis is proven or disproven. Decide on your research methodology.

Key questions to answer in your plan that may also help with clarifying your operational definitions:

Who are your participants? Friends and family members? Classmates? Social media contacts? People between the ages of 18 to 30? Age groups 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s?
How will you gather data from your participants (i.e., What will you do with them)? Have them take a quiz? Fill out a survey? Conduct phone interviews? Break them into control and experimental groups using a memory quiz…?
How will you factor in social and /or cultural factors?
Please add a copy of your quiz/survey/interview Qs or at least some ideas of what you are working on.
How many participants are you aiming to have?
What ethical issues might you encounter?
The plan of action can be a summary paragraph or a bulleted list of ideas you are working on.