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Social Media and its Impact on Face-to-Face Relationships


The improvement and widespread use of social media for communicating ideas and professional and personal stories have immensely impacted how individuals communicate in the current world. However, it is important to acknowledge the significance of social media in various sectors, especially during the pandemic. During such periods, social media has become the essential form of communication despite its impact on declining face-to-face relationships. Besides, much reliance on social media results in its users losing interpersonal and verbal communication skills, further lowering their ability to communicate physically.  The commonly used social media platforms affecting face-to-face relationships include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. These platforms affect face-to-face relationships due to sharing and collaborating online through commenting, posting and interacting with one another. Online interaction undermines physical interactions, communication, personal expression, and how individuals communicate in various organizations. Thus, social media results in unfiltered communications that provide a veil between the individual receiving the message and the one sending the message. Such interactions are never face-to-face, which results in unfiltered communication as individuals have perceptions that they can say anything without consequences. Social media encourages more online communication, but in a real sense, it fails to build strong relationships like face-to-face communication. This issue is becoming astonishing in the current world, so examining it and providing reliable solutions is necessary. Therefore, the literature review utilizes scientific research articles and an experiment to examine the impacts of social media on face-to-face relationships.


Literature Review

Numerous researchers have examined the impacts of social media on face-to-face relationships. These researchers and scholars have provided various scientific articles that can be used to provide adequate information about the topic and thus resulting in a better understanding. Several theoretical frameworks have emphasized the significance of face-to-face relationships in facilitating human flourishing. Since social media limits face-to-face communication, social media has continued to undermine human flourishing, resulting in poor interrelation and societal conflicts. Social media platforms and networks result in poor interactions and do not account for individuals’ well-being compared to physical and social interactions (Hall et al., 2023, p. 334). Hall et al. examine the topic by investigating how social media interactions have resulted in poor social relationships, poor life satisfaction, and loneliness. The researcher utilizes a quota sample of 1869 American adults. The study monitors how the participants reported the rate at which they communicated with one another through interpersonal relationships and eight social media platforms. These participants were obtained through a survey by Siena College Research Institute. The researcher examined the relationships based on how they impacted the individual in socializing with one another and how it affected their well-being. For example, the study used participants to analyze how social media usage impacted the need to belong, access to relational partners, interpersonal relationships, and well-being. These elements are crucial in examining how social media affects individuals’ face-to-face relationships in real-life situations.

According to Hall et al., 2023, the face to face communication is greatly affected by the media. Special media consumes a lot of time for the users. The individuals tend to be disconnected from real life. As a result, they lack friends. The isolation due to the continuous use of the media makes individuals lonely. They cannot communicate with their peers to attain satisfaction in real life. For example, someone who tends to communicate online will have less time to hang out with friends for fun. Such individuals can encounter mental problems since pleasure is the core of living. The media facilitates the disconnectedness of individuals from the real world.

From the study’s findings, it is evident that interpersonal interactions resulted in strong relationships, improved life satisfaction and lower cases of loneliness. However, individuals who interacted through social media had poor relationships with their colleagues, poor life satisfaction and loneliness. Besides, those participants using overlying on social media experienced threats to their well-being due to poor interrelations, which deteriorated their wellness. The results revealed that people depending on social media for communication and interactions faced psychological challenges due to loneliness and lack of belonging. According to the researcher, social media usage undermines individuals’ fundamental need to connect and socialize. It is evident that for human beings to thrive, they should satisfy their need to relate with others which are undermined in social media usage (Hall et al., 2023, p. 332). According to the researcher, overdependence on social media for communication declines the effectiveness of belonging which is associated with severe outcomes like compromised psychological well-being, emotional distress, depression, and a weakened immune system. Thus, social media deteriorates face-to-face relationships, resulting in declined social interactions and a lack of belonging due to the absence of physical interactions. Besides, social media limits its users’ adequate opportunities to interact socially through face-to-face communication. The author suggests further research on how social media can improve individuals’ well-being and relationships since they are the key to a better life. However, the article provides reliable information vital to understanding the topic and realizing the negative impacts of social media networks on face-to-face communication.

Research has revealed that online interactions negatively impact offline mood. The influence on offline mood is based on social media’s impacts on the psychological well-being of an individual. It means face-to-face interactions promote the psychological more than social media and online interactions. Social media results in depressive feelings, and lower self-esteem, which are much assured when face-to-face communication (Walker, 2019, p. 1). Walker examines the topic by utilizing 114 undergraduate students from Pepperdine University. The sample comprised 94 females and 20 males aged between 18 to 23 years. The procedure involves measuring social media use among the participants and evaluating its impacts on face-to-face communication. Besides, the researcher utilizes a literature review by analyzing various research articles which provide reliable information. Thus, the article is credible and reliable in examining the topic due to the incorporation of scholarly sources, which are sources of significant information. This research is based specifically on how social media reliance results in poor psychological well-being due to the deterioration of face-to-face relationships. According to the researcher, social media platforms like Snapchat and Facebook have contributed to private interactions among strangers. Still, they have certain risks due to a lack of opportunity for face-to-face communication. Strong relationships are usually built through interacting and socializing physically because it is the only way to judge emotions and facial expressions, key communication elements.

According to the researcher’s findings, social media platforms have many possibilities of instigating a negative emotional response between the sender and the receiver, such as influence on self-esteem. They also have many possibilities of producing depressive emotions, which usually affect face-to-face communication due to many online interactions. The findings revealed that social media could result in issues like rejections which are likely to affect individuals’ self-esteem and further negatively impact their psychological well-being. Continued usage of social media negatively impacts face-to-face interactions and self-esteem. From the study, social media makes people feel less included, especially when they experience rejection, resulting in lower trait self-esteem (Walker, 2019, p. 8). The statement means that those individuals utilizing social media have poor relationships with others since they cannot handle rejections and some simple psychological issues which occur due to loneliness. The information from this research reveals that social media impacts one’s depressive feelings and self-esteem, and attitude towards face-to-face interactions. Social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are the leading causes influencing an individual’s self-validation and emotional wellness, impacting their interactions in consequent face-to-face communications. In the case of face-to-face interactions, there is high probability of improved self-esteem and acceptance than in the case of social media interactions. Instead, interacting online undermines numerous qualities key to fitting in face-to-face interactions. Thus, it is clear that analyzing the effects of online behaviors provide a better understanding of why numerous social media users’ interactions vary during face-to-face communication.

Although social media sites and networks are becoming chosen and reliable sources of communication, there is a risk of undermining face-to-face communication, which is the best form of communication for addressing various critical matters. Social media usage has adversely affected most youths’ ability to socialize through face-to-face communication because they are the largest group in the entire population that has increased the usage of social media networks. Thus, the overreliance and increased use of social media influence users in many ways, especially their interpersonal relationships. Social media has impacted human contact, crucial in promoting psychological, physical and social well-being (Parvez et al., 2019, p. 16). The statement means that social media overuse negatively impacts social relations and the ability to interact physically. Parvez examines the topic by conducting research through a questionnaire to generate data from three secondary schools in Bagerhat District. The questionnaire examined social and interpersonal interactions, demographic characteristics, benefits of using social network sites, and dangers associated with social media networks. According to the researcher’s findings, it is evident that social media and networks harm individuals’ interpersonal relationships with their friends and family members. The findings reveal that much time spent on social media networks has changed and undermined face-to-face relationships. The study also shows that overuse of social media results in a waste of time, immoral acts and poor skills in socializing through face-to-face interactions among the users.

According to the researcher, social media networks and sites negatively impact interpersonal relationships. They impact users’ online and offline well-being. If the offline wellness of the users is undermined, it becomes difficult to concentrate and focus on face-face communication. They develop a negative attitude towards socializing physically since they are addicted to socializing online. It is astonishing how numerous individuals prefer chatting and communicating online, even if they are close to the recipients. Some social media users would rather chat with online friends than involve in face-to-face interactions due to addiction to social media. This behavior hinders online users from expressing their thoughts openly regarding face-to-face communications. Online interactions through social media have become a global issue when it comes to impacting other ways of communication, like face-to-face interactions because many people rely on social media for communication (Parvez et al., 2019, p. 15). Although interacting through these social networks saves time, it is important to acknowledge their negative impacts on an individual’s wellness based on their ability to communicate face-to-face. The research suggests that many people who interact through social media cannot hold an effective face-to-face discussion as they lack skills and thus impacting their relationships with others. According to the study, although social media is improving significantly, it has brought many changes in interpersonal relationships between users and their friends and members of their families. The effective and reliable study focuses on youths at greater risk of misusing social media networks.

According to Parvez et al., 2019, social networking sites are the leading causes of deteriorated interpersonal relationships, usually among teenagers. Most teenagers have developed a perception that social media interactions are effective forms of interaction, and so they have neglected face-to-face interactions. Due to such negligence, the face-to-face relationship has been undermined, a situation which is causing greater challenges among social media users. According to the sociological evaluation of the topic, it is evident that social media life has negative impacts on interpersonal relationships. The reason beyond this argument is based on how numerous people spend much time browsing through their social media accounts. In this, we can acknowledge the shortcomings of the improved technology on deteriorating interpersonal relations. Although technology has enhanced numerous people to socialize, it does not address its impact on undermining face-to-face interactions; thus, it causes negative impacts.

There is worldwide concern that social media usage, especially smartphone communication, displaces face-to-face communication and thus undermines people’s well-being. According to Verduyn et al., 2021, more than 3 billion individuals have smartphones, where they spend most of their time. The authors suggest that people spend much time on their phones communicating with others by messaging, calling and connecting through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Although social media is beneficial in numerous domains like safety, healthcare and education, it has raised a public concern that it may displace the time we spend in face-to-face interactions (Verduyn et al., 2021, p. 1). The researcher strengthens this concern by carrying out research that shows face-to-face interaction is vital for well-being. The research works are based on a hypothesis on social displacement. The study involved 109 participants who reported daily about social media communication, face-to-face communication and emotional wellness for fifteen days. The hypothesis was not confirmed between person levels but at the within-person. The participants were volunteers recruited through digital advertisement and using printed methodologies.  Besides, they were over 18 years old, had a smartphone, and had an account on a social media networking site (Verduyn et al., 2021, p. 3). Thus, the study included all necessary elements to help evaluate how social media has impacted and displaced face-to-face relationships.

According to the research, it is evident that numerous participants participated in communicating through social media. They spend much time on their smartphones chatting with their friends on social network sites. Based on the findings, the authors suggest that technology and social media have killed face-to-face communication (Verduyn et al., 2021, p. 6). The statement is true based on social media’s negative impacts on face-to-face communication. It means that a person can spend much time interacting through social media and thus have less time to engage in face-to-face communication. However, individuals who spend much time communicating through social media have a greater risk of engaging in face-to-face conversations than individuals who generally refrain from social media usage. Besides, the study proposes that social media users are not a socially isolated group of people. Instead, their behaviors undermine their capability to participate in face-to-face conversations. Daily social media usage is negatively related to a decline in emotional well-being due to the inefficiency of the users to interact through face-to-face communication, which is highly associated with increased levels of emotional well-being (Verduyn et al., 2021, p. 6). The deterioration in emotional well-being is due to the much time users spend on social network sites, leading them to neglect the role of face-to-face communication in shaping and improving their lives. Thus, spending much time on social network sites is associated with inadequate physical interactions.  Although this research examines the topic effectively, the author suggests further research on exploring the public concerns on the continual usage of social media and proving reliable recommendations for better social media usage.

Digital communication through social media has limited face-to-face communication. According to Nguyen et al., 2022, social connectedness and interpersonal interactions have declined through using social media in communicating. Nguyen explores the topic by surveying and obtaining data from 2925 United States adults during the Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher drew data from the participants between 4th April and 9th May 2020. The researcher examines the topic through such a period because it was the necessary time when social media usage was prioritized and ignored face-to-face communication. However, during this period, physical distancing and lockdown strategies were implemented in numerous parts of the United States due to the pandemic. According to the study based on the US context, the findings revealed a great relationship between digital social media and social connectedness in reduced face-to-face relationships (Nguyen et al., 2022, p. 20147). The researcher suggests that digital communication on social media is associated with lower social connectedness and poor relationships with other individuals. The statement means that when individuals spend much time on online interaction, it undermines their ability to connect effectively with others. Thus, the inability to connect socially with other individuals is a greater challenge that social media has posed on face-to-face relationships. Poor social connection cannot result in a reliable and positive relationship with others since the victims of social media usually develop a negative mentality to socialize with others physically.

Nguyen links the topic with social presence theory to provide adequate information on the issue, which is slowly becoming a worldwide issue due to technological advancements and continued overreliance on social media for communicating. From the researcher’s findings, it is evident that social media results in low social presence which correlates to negative social connectedness and face-to-face relationships. Although social media and platforms are critical based on the Covid-19 pandemic, it significantly impacts relating with other individuals through face-to-face conversations. The authors suggest that social media cannot be a perfect replacement for face-to-face communication during pandemic times as it has limitations which can affect the well-being of numerous social media users (Nguyen et al., 2022, p. 2049). It is also clear that social media is less meaningful, has low quality, and is less vital in building emotional closeness and social connections. Individuals using social media should understand that it lacks social interaction, which is important in improving their well-being. Although various studies have examined the role of social media in interaction, it cannot strengthen interrelationships due to a lack of social presence. Based on the study’s findings, it can be seen that digital social media results in limited opportunities for face-to-face interactions, especially during pandemic times (Nguyen et al., 2022, p. 2057). During such times, many people are convinced to rely on social media for daily conversations, limiting their interpersonal relationships. It becomes difficult to engage in face-to-face communication due to a negative attitude and lack of efficient participation skills. Face-to-face communication is a normal and easy method of interacting. Still, it requires practice and a positive attitude to succeed, but overreliance on social media undermines these qualities. The researcher suggests effective future research on social media communication to improve social connectedness and face-to-face relationships.

Another study that effectively examines the topic is Vico’s research. The researcher examines the topic by carrying out two factorial designs, which would be vital sources of understanding the impact of online interactions on face-to-face interrelations. One design focuses on interactions from social media, and the other explores interactions through face-to-face communication. The author applied discourse analysis to interpret textual data from the focus groups and monitor interactions on Facebook and Twitter. To ensure the study’s effectiveness, the researcher considered ethical issues by asking focus group participants for their written past consent. They were asked for consent to examine their activities and interactions on Facebook and Twitter.  These actions are crucial in obtaining significant data that aid in developing a credible and reliable scientific article. Thus, the study’s findings reveal that participants utilizing social media had more significant cognitive dissonance than those interacting through face-to-face conversation (Vico, 2022, 5746). This finding means that individuals relying on social media for interactions have various cognitive issues which expose them to conflicts due to the inability to socialize well with others. The study also proposes that social network sites result in more aggressive and hostile interactions than face-to-face interactions. Thus, it is clear that these social media platforms are affecting face-to-face relationships because most users cannot build strong relationships with others. Social media discourage sharing ideas and experiences, which can help the users have close interpersonal relations and impact face-to-face relationships.

Cognitive well-being is a key factor in face-to-face communication because it enables participants to think critically and provide solutions to their issues. However, social media limits this factor by making numerous individuals develop cognitive issues affecting their ability to interact effectively. Furthermore, it results in changes in attitude and behaviors crucial in building better interrelations between individuals. Thus, the researcher positions social media as a key player that promotes cognitive dissonance. Social media usage limits various significant factors of dialogue, which include inquiring, facial expressions, and observations (Vico, 2022, p. 5750). Thus, it encourages cognitive dissonance, which affects social media users when they attempt to engage in communications involving dialogue. Various issues in real-life situations can only be handled through face-to-face communication because they are critical and require maximum attention. Most social media users are disadvantaged in such situations because they cannot participate and contribute positively. Due to such shortcomings, social media is an ineffective mode of communication and communication in matters requiring face-to-face communication. This impact opposes face-to-face communication because it is difficult for people to interact when they have psychological issues and conflicts. These negative outcomes of social media interactions discourage physical relationships since the users depend on social interactions, so they cannot engage in a successful dialogue. The self-oriented nature of social networking sites hinders face-to-face communications and dialogues. However, there is a need for further research that examines empirical evidence of the correlation of social media usage with cognitive dissonance and psychological triggers.

The impact of social media on face-to-face communication can be examined based on the effectiveness of the two forms of interactions in promoting patient satisfaction. According to Jiang’s research, effective communication is crucial in promoting health care. Based on the Institute of Medicine, patient-provider face-to-face communication is vital and a key factor in healthcare provision (Jiang, 2019, p. 1). Face-to-face communication is the major means for patients to interact with healthcare providers. Such communication enables prioritization of patients’ needs due to addressing their needs, experiences, and perspectives. It provides opportunities for them to participate in care and thus enhance the patient-provider relationship. However, with the developing technology, there have been efforts to promote the internet and online communication between the patient and healthcare providers. These efforts have been unsuccessful due to social media’s ineffectiveness in promoting face-to-face interactions. Jiang examines the topic by carrying out an analysis of two-wave panel data obtained in China. The study was comprised of participants collected in two waves in 2016. One wave had 379 participants, and the other had 265 participants aged 40. They were obtained through an online survey and recruited from a Chinese Survey Company. These participants were crucial in examining how social media and online interactions were overpowered by face-to-face communication in promoting patients’ well-being. Besides, from the study, we can examine how online interactions failed to support patient-centered communication, which is the key factor in the case of face-to-face communication. Thus, the findings provide crucial information that promotes better insight into the topic.

The results suggest face-to-face communication had a more positive and direct impact than patient-provider online interactions. Since social media and online interactions do not support patient-centered communication, it is evident that social media negatively impacts face-to-face relationships. For face-to-face interactions to be effective, communication should be centered to ensure all participants are acknowledged and their needs prioritized. The findings reveal that online interactions deteriorate patients’ trust towards healthcare providers (Jiang, 2019, p. 6). This case applies to other cases in real-life situations in which social media usage has resulted in a lack of trust as individuals have no physical contact. Social media usage promotes a lack of trust which is not the case in face-to-face communication. The level of trust in face-to-face interactions is higher, resulting in individual satisfaction. The study also revealed that face-to-face interactions resulted in positive relationships with patients compared to those individuals who utilized online communications. According to the author, face-to-face communication and interactions result in improved trust, satisfaction and well-being among the participants. Social media usage undermines these key elements, impacting socializing face-to-face. If social media fails to promote satisfaction and trust, it is a truth that it is killing face-to-face communication, and thus, there is a need for effective interventions. Thus, the results show the effectiveness of face-to-face communication in healthcare provision because it results in patient-centered interactions and strong interpersonal relationships. However, based on the Chinese health system, there is an increased digitalization revolution. Thus it is important to develop factors that ensure the continued use of face-to-face interactions or the way of making social media an effective form of interaction.

Social media is associated with causing inadequate social interaction due to loneliness, which results in poor psychological well-being. The form of interaction in social media is different because most people prefer the means even when they are physically close to other people. According to Tsang et al., 20222, the impacts of social media on social interaction, loneliness, and well-being and its difference from face-to-face interactions have been understudied. Thus, the authors examine the issue by carrying out a 21-study involving 91 young individuals with a mean age of 22 and older and 107 individuals with a mean age of 64. The researcher used these participants to explore how social media interactions impacted face-to-face relationships. The study examined some factors making social media users unfit for participating in face-to-face conversations. These factors include depressive systems, an effective balance, chronic health conditions, a sense of loneliness, and time spend interacting virtually and face-to-face with various social partners (Tsang et al., 2022, p. 8). These factors are crucial in understanding how social media has affected face-to-face relationships. The study’s findings showed that virtually interacting individuals encounter various challenges that hinder them from participating in face-to-face conversations. They usually lack affective balance due to how they perceive themselves and others. Based on the research, people who interact virtually develop traits that cause them to have a negative attitude towards others and undermine face-to-face relationships.

Social media users are limited to face-to-face interactions due to deterioration in their psychological well-being. They usually experience depressive symptoms, a sense of loneliness and deteriorated affective balance due to spending much time on social media and leaving less time for interacting physically. Face-to-face interaction has positive effects due to creating adequate time for the users to spend with their partners, friend, family and community. Social interaction limits these factors, which promotes face-to-face interaction and hence hinders it. According to Tsang et al., 2022, social media users impact face-to-face relationships due to factors like loneliness, chronic health conditions, time spent on virtual interactions, cognitive task performance, and depressive symptoms. Virtual interactions expose the users to depressive systems causing them to be depressed and develop little interest in performing various activities. Besides, individuals utilizing social media for most interactions usually feel “lonely” and “isolated” due to a high sense of loneliness (Tsang et al., 2022, p. 9). The development of loneliness impacts anybody willing to participate in face-to-face conversations due to their poor relationship skills. According to the researcher, users’ greater time spent on social media is highly associated with a higher sense of loneliness that alters face-to-face interactions. From the findings, social media interaction directly impacts poor psychological well-being. Face-to-face interactions have negative experiences for young and older individuals due to their impact on hindering interpersonal relationships.  Thus, it is evident that face-to-face is the most effective way of minimizing loneliness and promoting psychological wellness.

      Social media has impacted the population of all ages, especially the digital natives, who have grown up in technology-saturated and digital environments. Social media interactions result in situations that trouble users’ social relations making them ineffective in engaging in quality relationships with other individuals. Besides, virtual interactions hinder all elements which promote face-to-face interactions. These elements include body language, facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact (Gentina & Chen, 2019, p. 6). It means social media users have self-disclosure, which makes them have meaningless inte