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Book: LIfe-Span development by John Santrock 18 ed 18 questions, 1-…

Book: LIfe-Span development by John Santrock 18 ed

18 questions, 1- 18


1. A recent television documentary concluded that, from birth, girls are more nurturing than are boys. Daniel agrees with this because he believes nurturing is an evolutionary trait passed on through the generations, because females needed to be more nurturing to aid the survival of the species. Daniel’s view reflects the _____ perspective of development.


2. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, a person’s family, peers, school, and neighborhood constitute his or her

Multiple Choice


3. The fetus that Calista is carrying has reached the age of viability, meaning that it has a chance of surviving outside of the womb. It can therefore be inferred that Calista is _____ weeks pregnant.

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24 to 25
10 to 12
16 to 18
4 to 8



4. _____ and _____ are the two birth defects that occur when the neural tube fails to close 27 days after conception.

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Down syndrome; Tay-Sachs disease
ADHD; autism
Trisomy 13; trisomy 18


5. While scooting on the floor, baby Giovanni fell down the stairs. If he can no longer see, it is likely that the _____ lobe of his brain was damaged.

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6. Which of the following statements about the structure of the brain is true?

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Speech and grammar depend on activity in the right hemisphere of the cortex.
The forebrain is the portion nearest to the spinal cord.
Humor and the use of metaphors depend on activity in the left hemisphere of the cortex.
The brain has two hemispheres, and each hemisphere is divided into four lobes.

7. George, a child, sees a hammer in his father’s toolbox, but he only has a vague idea about how to use it. He also sees some nails in the toolbox and learns that they can be driven into walls. George later realizes that the hammer is hard and heavy and can be used to drive the nails into walls. In the context of Jean Piaget’s theory of infant development, the grouping of knowledge or thoughts by George into a higher-order system is known as

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8. Trenton was playing in a sandbox. He was pouring sand from a short and wide container into a tall and narrow container. When he poured the sand into the tall and narrow container, it appeared as if it had more sand in it. Trenton could not figure out where the extra sand came from and how it got into his container. As Trenton continued to try to solve this puzzle, he experienced considerable movement between states of cognitive _____ and _____ to produce cognitive change.

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equilibrium; disequilibrium
adaptation; organization
classification; modification
equilibration; categorization

9. Mariposa is in the Strange Situation. She moves freely away from her mother but keeps track of where she is through periodic glances. She would most likely be classified as being

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securely attached.
extremely inhibited.
insecurely attached.

10. Tiara is in the Strange Situation and appears dazed, confused, and fearful. She would most likely be classified as being

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insecure avoidant.
insecure disorganized.
securely attached.
insecure resistant.

11. A review of the height and weight of children around the world concluded that there are

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cases of hyperthyroidism.
congenital differences.
ethnic differences among them.
no visible differences.

12. Over the past week, Walter has been learning to tie his shoelaces. Initially, his mother held his hands and worked his fingers through the process. Now that Walter is better at it, she only guides him verbally. This is an example of

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how heredity shapes cognitive development.
intuitive reasoning.

13. Brianna is extremely upset because she got scolded by her teacher. Her mother decides to facilitate an open discussion about what happened and why Brianna is upset, to help her figure out how to deal with her negative emotions. Her mother’s approach of talking to Brianna about her emotions indicates that Brianna’s mother is a(n) _____ parent.

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14. Juan, a father of two children, tells his children, “In my house, my word is the law.” He spanks his children frequently when they do not follow his rules. His children are fearful of him and try their best to avoid him when he is around. In the context of Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles, Juan is best classified as a(n)

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authoritative parent.
authoritarian parent.
neglectful parent.
indulgent parent.

15.  Colin does not get good grades on standardized tests and does not seem to be making an effort to improve his grades. He is more interested in martial arts and has earned a black belt in this field. In the context of Gardner’s approach, Colin has the _____ type of intelligence.

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16. Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are capable of _____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as length.

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17.  Erik Erikson’s fourth stage of development, which appears during middle and late childhood, is called

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integrity versus despair.
autonomy versus shame and doubt.
industry versus inferiority.
trust versus mistrust.

18. Which of the following functions of friendship involves providing resources and assistance?

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physical support
ego support
social comparison
affection and intimacy