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Can you help me analyse my interview transcripts please, my…

Can you help me analyse my interview transcripts please, my research question is ‘What are individual’s positive interpretations and representations of social media usage? ‘


Participant Nathan 22 year old male

Interviewer- Hello , so I’m going to ask you some questions about social media and your experiences with it if your ready

Participant- Yeh sound

Interviewer- If at any point you want to stop or feel uncomfortable please tell me and we can end 

Participant- Okay thanks

Interviewer- Okay so What social media do you use in your life?

Participant Well I’ve got Facebook on my phone but I barely ever use that like apart from messenger, Erm then snapchat insta, or Instagram sorry

Interviewer Can you describe your overall experiences with social media?

Participant- To be honest with you I think a lot of its toxic as hell half the time but there’s a lot of funny stuff on it 

Interviewer Can you expand on that please

Participant Well there a lot of negative stuff on their nowadays and it kinda 

Interviewer How do you use social media in your everyday life?

Participant I think its great for when I’m bored and I want to look at football and other sport highlights its also quite good for looking for girls to meet if I’m being totally honest with you 

Interviewer Have you ever had a positive experience with social media? Can you describe it?

Participant I like the fact that people have a voice on social media that wouldn’t normally be heard, people can call people out for wrong doings, there’s a channel I like on YouTube called dad how do I

Participant- have you heard of it

Interviewer- no

Participant- he teaches people who grew up without a father to do normal tasks

Interviewer How do you think social media impacts your relationships with others?

Participant Er well I think it helps us communicate in situations where we normally couldn’t, like I can talk to my mates from home by just using my phone, back in the day my parents had to go visit each other all the time, its so much easier now

Interviewer- Can you think of any specific instances where social media has had a positive impact on your life?

Participant- Erm if your counting WhatsApp as a social media then yeh I got my promotion on WhatsApp, like its sick that I can get news like that when my boss if the other side of England to me

Interviewer How do you balance the positive and negative aspects of social media in your life?

Participant- Er I just kind of don’t bother with it, if I think something might potentially have a negative effect then ill leave it. But like at the same time that’s a reason social media is good because it advertises how it can be bad for u, like I see cyber bullying prevention and stuff like that which makes me feel safer 

Interviewer- Have you ever had a conversation with someone about the positive aspects of social media? If so, can you describe it?


Interviewer In your opinion, what are some potential benefits of social media usage?

Participant- I think it’s great for communication entertainment, like I love that I can always find videos to make me laugh and lift my mood at the end of the day

Interviewer- How do you think social media can be used for positive change or activism?

Participant- It’s a cheap and easy way for stuff like businesses, makes products available and easy if u don’t wanna go out, like people can advertise charities and things like that as well

Interviewer- How do you think social media can be used to connect people and build communities?

Participant- By having it so accessible on so many devices it means we can connect with each other all over the world

Interviewer- How do you think social media compares to face-to-face interactions with friends and family?

Participant- I like that if your in a mood where u don’t want to be face to face with people it can be so much easier, like you know we all have to speak to someone we don’t want to sometimes it makes those interactions so much easier 

Interviewer- How do you think society views the impact of social media on the modern world as it becomes used more often?

Participant- In a business sense I think er well but on a personal level I think are slightly mixed views, but I do think most people can see how good it is, Like for me personally social media is like a comfort throughout my day because I know if scroll through it I’m gonna get a laugh of something at some point

Interviewer- Thankyou very much for you participation




Jake 22 year old male 

Interviewer- Hello , so I’m going to ask you some questions about social media and your experiences with it if your ready

Participant- Yeh sounds good 

If at any point you want to stop or feel uncomfortable please tell me and we can end. 

Participant- Okay thank you

Interviewer- Okay so What social media do you use in your life?

Participant- I use Facebook messenger snapchat and WhatsApp if that counts as social media

Interviewer- Can you describe your overall experiences with social media?

Participant- Erm.. fairly, I mean obviously you get a blend of both so I use it to keep in contact with people like obviously I keep in contact with my mates and I get to see what other people’s days are like, But also, when I had Instagram and stuff like that I would like over indulge In it instead of being productive with my day

Interviewer How do you use social media in your everyday life? I know we already touched on that, but if you could expand please

Participant- to be fair I probably use it more than I should, I use WhatsApp/ snapchat to talk to mates through the day and I use it when I play Xbox cos its easy to speak to people when we play games

Interviewer- what are some of the positive  ever had a positive experience with social media? Can you describe it?

Participant- Lockdown, obviously lockdown was massive, it helped me stay connected with friends and other family and stuff cos obviously we never got to see them, on day to day keeping up with people like I ring my group chat cause its like being sat in a room with people but just on the phone

Interviewer- How do you think social media impacts your relationships with others?

Participant- Erm like at work I suppose it’s kind of similar answer, I like being able to just be in constant communication with people rather tan having to make the effort to go and see people in person 

Interviewer- Can you think of any specific instances where social media has had a positive impact on your life?

Participant- In lockdown we used to do family quizzes with people that aren’t in my house and we could see family and interact and see there faces and emotions and stuff and that was really helpful through lockdown which was really good

Interviewer- How do you balance the positive and negative aspects of social media in your life?

Participant- Obviously recently I kind of deleted Facebook and insta because I find myself scrolling too much through them but obviously I keep the ones where I can speak to people so I can keep my relationship with people almost and I also use TikTok cause its just funny and I can always get a laugh out of it

Interviewer- Have you ever had a conversation with someone else about the positive aspects of social media? If so, can you describe it?

Participant- Sorry say that again

Interviewer- Have you ever had a conversation with someone else about the positive aspects of social media? If so, can you describe it?

Participant- Erm maybe not a direct conversation about oh look its amazing, but like obviously my mate dan in lockdown was saying how social media literally kept him sain in lockdown and he travels a lot ,To be fair I was speaking to my farther other day and he’s got his grandad into WhatsApp which he says has improved their relationship cos he can contact him easy now so he’s really happy for that and makes me feel better for him

Interviewer In your opinion, what are some potential benefits of social media usage on society?

Participant- Well obviously u can get notifications about the news so we can keep up tod date with the world without having to look for it so keeps us all on the same page, You can have conversations from the confront of your home with people so easily like older people befit from it so much cos they can speak to relatives so easily and not be lonely all the time whereas before you have to travel to see each other

Interviewer- How do you think social media can be used for positive change or activism?

Participant Well social media lets you make groups so you can almost make communities online for likeminded people who you probably would never have come across each other  beforehand and make change for or within that community which doesn’t happen as much in person

Interviewer How do you think social media can be used to connect people and build communities?

Participant Well similar as before we can organise communities and events and make gatherings cos its soo easily done nowadays

Interviewer How do you think social media compares to face-to-face interactions with friends and family?

Participant Erm ah sometimes I feel like its so much easier because when its just a voice its can be more comfortable sometimes, but there is the flip side 

But when you miss someone it’s the voice u connect with which is comforting

Interviewer How do you think society views the impact of social media on the modern world as it becomes used more often?

Participant Well the more people that use it the easier it becomes to navigate your life 

Like people can make money and stuff but the people like influencers can affect people in a positive light

They do things they enjoy to make other people enjoy themselves it’s like a knock on effect I guess 

I think yeh its made it easier for people to access all the information we need to improve our life cos there endless information on there I think it’s sick 


Interviewer- Thankyou very much for you participation



Allison 56 year old female

Interviewer- Hello , so I’m going to ask you some questions about social media and your experiences with it if your ready

Participant- Yeh sure thing

If at any point you want to stop or feel uncomfortable please tell me and we can end. 

Participant- Okay thank you 

Interviewer- Okay so, What social media do you use in your life?

Participant- I use Facebook mostly but I also have WhatsApp and Instagram, I like to keep up with my family members who have it

Interviewer- Can you describe your overall experiences with social media?

Participant- Ooh, my overall experience with social media would be that I love it, I think it’s amazing I wish I had it growing up so I could keep in touch with childhood 

Interviewer- How do you use social media in your everyday life?

Participant- Well it helps me keep in touch with my children who don’t live with me anymore and helps me see information that I wouldn’t otherwise see

Interviewer- What kind of information

Participant- Like things within my community and things going on in the news worldwide

Interviewer- Have you ever had a positive experience with social media? Can you describe it?

Participant- Oh yes all the time, like I said I love that I can speak to my kids at the push of a button or see into my friends lives through there posts and pictures its wonderful

Interviewer- How do you think social media impacts your relationships with others?

Participant- Oh it makes it so much easier to keep in touch and stay friends with people and I can see what my friends get up to on Facebook which can start conversations with them by commenting on posts and things like that

Interviewer- Can you think of any specific instances where social media has had a positive impact on your life?

Participant- Yes well for example I have a friend I used to work with but we moved apart and I probably wouldn’t have ever spoken to him again but having Facebook means I can still see what he gets up to and speak to him easily

Interviewer- How do you balance the positive and negative aspects of social media in your life?

Participant- Well I try stay away from the negative stuff but to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever been effected negatively apart from being annoyed by some videos people post that just aren’t funny Like people post videos being dangerous and doing stupid things

Interviewer- Have you ever had a conversation with someone about the positive aspects of social media? If so, can you describe it?

Participant- Oh ye all the time I tell people that aren’t on Facebook that they should be, I think it’s great especially for people who are a bit older as they tend to get a bit more lonely than others so I think its great for them to keep tabs on family and stay in touch

Interviewer- In your opinion, what are some potential benefits of social media usage?

Participant- Staying in touch with people and having a good time, I always get a laugh out of Facebook, there’s always some sort of video or post that makes me laugh before I go to bed on an evening

Interviewer- How do you think social media can be used for positive change or activism?

Participant- Well where I live our community has a Facebook page where everyone posts complaints and praises for people and things the town, like for example people will post about the roads and then the council will eventually see it if there’s enough feedback on it the roads usually get sorted And the same goes for negative things like if there’s some kids doing some graffiti or something like that then it’s a place where they can be held responsible and there parents made aware which is good

Interviewer How do you think social media can be used to connect people and build communities?

Participant- I think similar to what I said before having a group for our local community in our town is really helpful it lets you know what the community is up to, like for example if there’s a charity event on in the centre then we can all see and attend it an donate

Interviewer- How do you think social media compares to face-to-face interactions with friends and family?

Participant- I think obviously everyone would rather interact in person but social media means its so easy to speak to someone without making effort, because sometimes it’s hard to travel to see people and with facetime on Facebook it so much easier to connect from anywhere whenever I have the time its great

Interviewer- How do you think society views the impact of social media on the modern world as it becomes used more often?

Participant- I think we accept that it’s the direction were heading with technology and I get there are some negatives you know with mental health and stuff like that but I suppose too much of anything can be bad. I think that more so than anything social media brings us all together and helps us stay connected which I thinks great.

Interviewer- Thankyou very much for you participation