joypromiseCase #1 – Melynda Melynda is a 20-year-old college student in her…Case #1 – Melynda Melynda is a 20-year-old college student in her junior year. Although she has been an above average student overall, her grades have taken a noticeable dip during the first semester. Her father is a very successful heart surgeon at a prestigious medical/research university and would very much like for his daughter to pursue a medical career. He has paid for her entire college education. Over the past 3 months, Melynda has lost almost 15 pounds and frequently skips meals because she doesn’t feel hungry. Sleep has been fitful for her and she has had an increasingly difficult time falling asleep at bedtime. When she finally does, it’s well into the night and then she doesn’t want to get up in the morning. This trend has resulted in her missing several of her early morning classes, including a recent mid-term exam. Concentrating on her studies has been difficult at best and it seems that she will burst into tears at the smallest of things. Melynda feels a great sense of worthlessness and guilt over her grades falling because, “Daddy’s going to be so disappointed in me!” Her biggest struggle is that she doesn’t want to go to medical school but beyond that, has no idea what to consider pursuing. The thought of telling her father is very unsettling because she’s convinced that he just wouldn’t understand or accept the decision. The relationship between Melynda and her father had not been that close growing up. He always seemed too busy but he must love her she reasoned, “after all he was paying for school”. Every time they talked, it was only about grades, applying for medical school and for her to, “do the best that she could.” The trouble is that Melynda was never convinced that the, “best she could do would quite measure up”. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, Melynda had even entertained thoughts of wanting to die and just ending it all. She asked a good friend whether she would still go to Heaven if she committed suicide. Up to this point, Melynda had not tried anything and didn’t really have a well thought out plan. Melynda participates in a college group at her church. She is a believer but doesn’t know if God really loves her either. At the urging of a friend, she asked if she could talk some things over with the leader. As she begins the conversation, she appears depressed (with poor eye contact), apprehensive and with some underlying anger and resentment.     CASE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS Using the ABC Method Counselee’s Name/s __________________________________ A. ACHIEVING A RELATIONSHIP • How do you connect with this person? B. BREAKING DOWN THE PROBLEM • Physical needs and issues • xyz • xyz • etc. Don’t limit to three – put as many as you can think of • Emotional needs and issues • xyz • xyz • Social/Relational needs and issues • xyz • xyz • Mental/Cognitive needs and issues • xyz • xyz • Spiritual needs and issues • xyz • xyz C. COMMITMENT TO ACTION • What steps does the counselee need to take? (on each of the areas & steps above) • What steps does the counselor need to take? (on each of the areas & steps above)Social SciencePsychology