CountCrown4151Chapter 4, Reactance Theory Social Psychology    Identify a…Chapter 4, Reactance Theory Social Psychology  Identify a reputable journalistic account of a real-life (nonsimulated) event or fictional entertainment clip that illustrates a social psychological principle or phenomenon in action. The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to view your world through a social psychological lens. The people whose behaviors you are analyzing can be the newly elected President of the United States, a Wall Street banker profiled in the New York Times, a celebrity featured in an MSNBC story, or a character on the Disney+ show “The Mandalorian.” Consider how the person’s thoughts, feelings or behaviors are being shaped by social forces. Here’s how it will work: 1. Identify a person (real or fictional) whose behaviors illustrate or can be explained by a social psychological principle or phenomenon that you learned about in class. Focus on very recent/contemporary events, or those that have not already been widely subjected to a social psychological analysis. 2. Locate the chapter in which this principle or phenomenon is discussed. 3. Create a blog entry which consists of 1) a link to the digital content (news article, video, other web link) that features the behavior, and 2) at least one paragraph describing social psychological principle or phenomenon illustrated by the incident, event or clip. o If your source of material is accessible only through subscription (e.g., The New York Times), then you must download it and attach it as a PDF file. If your original material is in print/paper form, photograph/scan it and upload it. All members of the class must be able to see the soure material without being asked to login to a website. o If your source material is text-based and more than a few paragraphs long, you must direct the reader to where the relevant social psycholocial content can be found. You can highlight the section of the article that illustrates the phenomenon, or describe exactly where it can be found (e.g. “Page 3, 2nd paragraph”). o For media clips exceeding 3 minutes, state exactly where the relevant footage can be found (e.g., “Scene begins at 2 minutes, 37 seconds into the clip”). o Any blogs containing source material that cannot be easily and quickly located will not be graded. 4. Both the original source material and your social psychological analysis must be included in your Blog entry to be eligible for credit. I have posted a few examples within the chapters to serve as models for this assignment. (Note: These are old examples. You should focus on recent events/clips.) 5. Read and comment on other students’ entries! Be constructive and polite, even if you are challenging some aspect of another student’s analysis. If you liked the other student’s entry, say so Social SciencePsychology