Answered step-by-step
Charles Spearman theorized that all intellectual tasks must entail…

Charles Spearman theorized that all intellectual tasks must entail two kinds of factors, a single common factor which he called __________ and a second kind that focused on __________.

Question 1 options:



comprehensive intelligence; specific abilities



abstract intelligence; practical intelligence



general intelligence; specific abilities



general intelligence; functional intelligence



Claude Shannon’s famous master’s thesis made the case for what?

Question 2 options:



that genuine computer “creativity” is impossible



that patterns of relay circuits in “off” or “on” positions could be used to represent information in binary code



that computers could potentially be made much smaller by using transistors



that certain kinds of mathematical equations can never be solved by machines



Newell and Simon’s General Problem Solver (GPS) made use of all of the following EXCEPT for which?

Question 4 options:



prior observation of human problem solvers



heuristic strategies



means-ends analysis



parallel processing



A type of artificial intelligence computer program that operates by detecting patterns of activity that go on within its entire memory system is said to employ __________.

Question 5 options:



connectionist or parallel distributed processing



serialist or symbolic processing



sensory information processing



processing by means-ends analysis



Lewis M. Terman became well known for which of the following?

Question 6 options:



revising the Binet-Simon Intelligence scale and researching children who were mentally retarded



revising the Binet-Simon Intelligence scale and researching children who were mentally advanced



revising Stern’s IQ formula and researching children who were mentally retarded



revising Stern’s IQ formula and promoting the concept of “general intelligence”



What aroused Piaget’s original interest the subject of children’s intelligence?

Question 8 options:



his observation of the differences in intellectual “style” between his two equally intelligent daughters



his personal experience as a precocious child



his fascination with the question as to why children often gave incorrect answers to intelligence test items



his desire to understand his own, relatively mediocre academic record as a child




John Searle was a philosopher who did which of the following?

Question 9 options:



proposed the Chinese room thought experiment



argued that strong AI was a very real possibility



proposed the name for the Turing Test



developed a computer program to generate human-like language



What was the Logic Theorist (LT) program introduced by Newell and Simon in 1956 able to do?

Question 10 options:



compose melodies in the style of Mozart



construct proofs for central theorems in symbolic logic



perfectly simulate the operations of Babbage’s analytical engine



defeat average-level chess players




“Mental orthopedics” was a program developed by Binet, intended to improve children’s

Question 11 options:



concentration, emotional intelligence, and IQ.



concentration, attention, and intellectual levels.



abstract reasoning, memory, and vocabulary.



reading, writing, and arithmetic.



What important conclusion did George Miller draw after becoming familiar with Noam Chomsky’s theory of language?

Question 12 options:



that English is a particularly difficult language for children to learn



that the most elementary unit of speech is the word



that a child picks up the rules of grammar by trial-and-error learning



that behavioristic learning theory could not account for a child’s acquisition of grammar



George Boole’s development of an expanded form of calculation known as “Boolean algebra” was a major step in the new discipline known as __________.

Question 13 options:



analytical geometry



artificial intelligence



programmed instruction



symbolic logic




How is “cognition” best defined?

Question 16 options:



the state of being conscious or aware of something



the process of acquiring knowledge or understanding of something



the act of evaluating the desirability of something



the act of “reality testing”



Who among the following was a psychologist born in Soviet Russia who emphasized the importance of sociocultural factors in the development of intelligence?

Question 17 options:



Lev Vygotsky



Jerome Bruner



David Wechsler



Lewis Terman



What philosophical implication did many of Pascal’s contemporaries and immediate followers draw from his creation of the Pascaline?

Question 18 options:



It challenged Descartes’s assertion that only humans had the capacity for rational calculation.



It challenged Locke’s theories about the association of ideas.



It undercut Hobbes’s argument that human reasoning was a form of mathematical calculation.



It caused Leibniz to be troubled by the thought of a machine that could calculate numbers better than a human being.



Binet and Simon discovered that normal children differed intellectually from subnormal children primarily by being able to solve problems and answer questions

Question 19 options:



involving relations, such as left and right.



involving arithmetic.



involving vocabulary.



in general at a younger age.


According to Piaget’s theory, a child in the __________ stage of intelligence lacks the ability to solve problems involving __________.

Question 20 options:



concretely operational; conservation of volume



preoperational; object constancy



formally operational; chemical combinations



sensory-motor; conservation of quantity



After observing and comparing the behavior and test responses of his two daughters, Alfred Binet characterized them as the

Question 21 options:



“observer” and the “imaginer.”



“scientist” and the “artist.”



“introvert” and the “extrovert.”



“thinker” and the “feeler.”