PresidentAlligatorMaster667Child Psychology Exam 1 True or False 1.__________The embryonic…Child Psychology Exam 1 True or False 1.__________The embryonic stage is the least critical stage of pregnancy. 2.__________Emotional experiences affect brain development and can have long-lasting effects on the structure of the brain. 3.__________There is a symbiotic relationship between the mother and unborn child. 4.__________The quality of one’s attachment does not change. 5.__________Children grow most rapidly in height and weight during ages 0-3. 6.__________Authoritarian parenting leads to the development of emotionally and psychologically well-balanced children. 7.__________The more ‘lenses’/perspectives one uses to understand development, the richer their perspective will be. 8.__________Phenotype is one’s genetic makeup and genotype is that which is overtly expressed in the individual. 9.__________The amount of ova females have at birth is roughly equivalent to the amount of sperm cells men produce in their lifetime. 10.__________Human beings do not have a critical period for bonding. 11.__________Development begins in the womb and is shaped by interacting influences. 12.__________The id is the aspect of the psyche that is responsible for managing the realities of day-to-day living.utilization always results in a viable pregnancy. 14.__________APGAR is a tool that assesses the mother’s functioning post-delivery. 15.__________A child’s temperament affects how they approach and react to the outside world, as well as how they regulate their mental, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Fill-ins Tabula Rasa Temperament Gestation Embryo Oral Stage Anal Stage Phallic Stage Latency Sigmund Freud Teratogen Phenotype Genotype Jean Piaget Parturition Brain stem Colostrum Erik Erikson Episiotomy SIDS Attachment Cerebrum CNS Scheme Stillbirth Myelination Cerebellum Plasticity Differentiation Infertility Id Ego Superego Miscarriage Integration Shaken Baby Syndrome 16.____________________Characteristic disposition, or style, of approaching and reacting to situations. 17.____________________This theorist pioneered the perspective that development takes place across the lifespan and believed that personality is heavily influenced by society. 18.____________________Is are responsible for bodily functions like breathing, heart rate, sleepy cycles, and regulation of body temperature. 19.____________________Toxins that interfere with in-utero development.modifiability of the brain through experience. 21.____________________The belief that children are born a ‘blank slate’ upon which society ‘writes,’ that how a child develops is based entirely on experience. 22.____________________The act or process of giving birth. 23.____________________Sudden and unexplained death of a healthy infant. 24.____________________The aspect of the psyche believed to be responsible for mitigating the influences between the reality principle and the pleasure principle. 25.____________________Piagetian term for organized patterns of thought and behaviors. 26.____________________Reciprocal tie between two people. 27.____________________Death of a fetus at 20 weeks of gestation or thereafter. 28.____________________The method by which cells acquire specialized structure and function. 29.____________________Nutrient dense and high in antibodies substance that is the first form of breastmilk released. 30.____________________Inability to conceive after 12 months of tryingSocial SciencePsychology