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Class Review of Models   1.                  This…

Class Review of Models

1.                  This model contains very little sympathy for people that have chronic addictions.  Individual choices are the main theme of this model.   It believes addictive behavior is a vice or a sin.

 What is the model? .explain.

 2.                  Their mantra associated with this model was to “Taste not, handle not, and touch not.” The tenet of this model is; a person who drinks moderately is no less guilty than a person who drinks heavily. 

What is the model? .explain.

3.                  This model believes that an abnormal condition is present that causes biological, neurological, genetic, and environmental discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the individual afflicted.

What is the model? .explain.

4.                  This model believes that there is a progression of deterioration in all functions until the individual has nowhere else to go but up and applies for treatment or some type of positive support.

What is the model? .explain.

 5.                  “That an addict needs therapy” could be said by someone who believes in what model of addiction?

What is the model? .explain.

6.                  The emphasis on treatment of the addict rather than moral judgment is a great advantage of which model of addiction?

What is the model? .explain.

7.                  This model believes that addiction is learned both through observation/ Vicarious reinforcement and direct experiences.

What is the model? .explain

8.                  This model was fashioned on theories that focused on environmental stimuli and learning processes, Nurture vs..  Nature

What is the model? .explain:

9.                  This model believes that people who find relief in a pleasurable behavior are more likely to engage in that behavior again

What is the model? .explain:

10.              According to this model, poor impulse control, ineffectual coping mechanism to stress, being manipulative, portraying a big ego, and having to be in complete control, but feeling powerless and hopeless, are traits of an “addictive personality”. 

What is the model? .explain:

11.              This model was developed by Albert Bandura in the 1970’s and considers the power of positive reinforcements and behavior.

What is the model? .explain:

12.              Arielle’s father was an alcoholic, and she is an alcoholic too. This model of addiction attempts to explain the fact that alcoholism runs in families.

What is the model? .explain:

13.              The essence of the model is that the mind and the body are connected, and both the mind and the body affect the development and the progression of addiction within a social and cultural context

What is the model? .explain: