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Cognitive Psychology Practice   True/False         A person…

Cognitive Psychology Practice


True/False        A person with apperceptive agnosia has issues with low-level visual processing, such as organizing basic visual features into simple shapes.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        The view-based theories of object recognition suggest we match images to stored structural descriptions, or 3D models.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        People with aphantasia are unable to name pictures of visual objects.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        The depictive theory of mental imagery suggests mental images are represented in the same way as real sensory input.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



Label each of the following as an example of bottom-up or top-down perception. (2 points each)


__________ Amodal and modal completion can be used to infer shapes and surfaces that are not present in the sensory input.
__________ When you walk into your house, your prior experience with the visual context allows you to more quickly and easily recognize objects in the room.
__________ Signals from photoreceptors in the eye get sent to the occipital lobe where they feed into cells that represent simple edge components of surfaces in the image.
__________ Visual input from both eyes is integrated to determine the level of binocular disparity of different objects.
__________ A police officer is pursuing a criminal down a dark alley. The criminal turns and lifts a cell phone, but the officer initially sees it as a gun due to his association between criminals and guns.


Label each of the following as being more associated with the perception or action visual pathway in the brain. (2 points each)


__________ The posterior parietal cortex
__________ The inferior temporal cortex
__________ Apperceptive and associative agnosia
__________ Catching a ball
__________ Recognizing a visual object
__________ Processing the spatial layout of objects around you


Which of the following is NOT true of object segmentation? (2 points)

It requires assigning edges to one of the two surfaces they are adjacent to.
It requires grouping simple elements within an image into separate objects.
It is guided by Gestalt principles, which are rules for how a particular object pattern should be compared to a stored template.
It involves assigning different regions of the image as figure or background.
It allows our visual system to fill-in missing information, such as when part of an object is occluded.
Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):




Which of the following is NOT true of depth perception? (2 points)

Correct depth perception is necessary to perceive an object’s true shape and size due to the inverse projection problem.
When light from an object projects to different locations inside our two eyes, it produces binocular disparity that can be used to determine depth.
Linear perspective is a depth cue one might experience while looking down a long and straight highway.
Binocular depth cues are available to us even when viewing a 2D photograph of a visual scene.
Texture gradient is a depth cue one might experience while looking out into a field of flowers.
Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):