DoctorTree9929Come up with what a speaker should say for this presentation…Come up with what a speaker should say for this presentation provided. Will only have 5 minutes to present this presentation.1 Introductory Slide (Introducing us to your research and why it is important) – 5 points1 Background Slide (Introducing us to the background literature upon which you based your research) – 20 points1 Research Questions and Hypotheses Slide (Provide us with clear, comprehensive research questions and hypotheses that you would like to investigate) – 15 points3 Methods SlidesParticipants (Will be WSSU students for all, but some of you may be targeting men, women, seniors, juniors, etc., and that needs to be detailed in this first slide) – 10 pointsTools (Tell us about your correlational design, variables, and analysis used. This is the most important slide, so feel free to add additional slides if needed to cover this information comprehensively) – 25 pointsThe Survey (This is where you will show us the questions for your survey and defend why you chose them and how they should impact your research questions and hypotheses) – 20 points1 Conclusions/Questions/Comments Slide – 5 pointsTo accomplish this presentation goal, Know your purpose (why this work is important to you and to the research community), your investment (all the steps you took to design the study, collect and analyze the data), and your future goals (where you would take this work next) please base off the presentation provided the topic is trauma and nightmares  Image transcription textResearch Questions and Hypothesis Research Questions 1. Isthere a relationship between trauma and nightmares?Hypotheses Ho: There is no relationship between trau… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIntroduction Trauma is a signi?cant health challenge because ofits adverse physical and mental impacts. Several studies haveevaluated these impacts to enhance the understandin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textBackground As research on the etiology of nightmares continues.more evidence emergence about its causal factors. Gieselmann etal. (2019) propose that these ?ndings indicate that nig… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMethods 1.The study had 21 participants recruited among WSSUstudents from all genders and course years. 2. The researchemployed a quantitative research design. particularly … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMethods Cont. The former was measured through negativity,substance use, tendencies to avoid people, and getting startled,and the latter was analyzed through depression, fear, r… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMethods Cont. Survey Nightmare related questions: I feeldepressed when I wake up I am scared to go to sleep I havedreams that replays an experience of my life I have nig… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textConclusion The study established a strong correlation betweenthe two variables. Tendencies to get startled and drug abuse hadthe highest concentration of 0.99, whereas dreams re… Show more… Show more Social SciencePsychology