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Complete the exam. There are 16 multiple-choice questions, and…

Complete the exam. There are 16 multiple-choice questions, and you have only 1 attempt to complete it. Note: Questions that include “select all that apply” within the question require you to select more than 1 answer. All other questions have only 1 correct answer.


Refer to this week’s learning materials as needed.


Read the following case study to respond to questions 1-16:


Mary is a 39-year-old single mom of two teenage sons. She identifies as an African American, heterosexual, cisgender female. She recently lost her job and is looking for a path forward. She worked at a local call center answering insurance questions as a customer service representative; however, the company decided to move most of the business overseas, and she was let go. She appears anxious and upset in your office. Money is her immediate concern—she wants to find a part-time job for extra money while she attends school full time to earn her bachelor’s degree. She is unsure of what she wants to major in, but she does want to do something in the medical profession. She has enrolled in school that starts in a week and will be taking general education courses. Her parents did not attend college, and she is unsure of how to proceed through the sorting process of choosing a major. She doesn’t want to make the wrong move, and she doesn’t want to get her sons’ hopes up by making them believe she will get a better job. She did not excel in high school subjects but feels confident that if she finds something she loves, she will be able to finish.


Question 1

According to Donald Super’s Life Span, Life-Space theory, which new role is Mary considering adding as part of her transition?

Child learner


Question 2

According to Schlossberg’s model of career transitions, Mary’s anxiety falls under what area that counselors should consider assessing?



Question 3

Prior to giving Mary an interest assessment, an ethical counselor would explain: 

the purpose of the assessment 
the history of the assessment’s development
that the careers shown are the only options she can pursue
why she should share her results with her sons
none of the above


Question 4

The counselor asks Mary to take the Interest Profiler on the O*NET site. Mary’s assessment scores on the O*Net My Next Move Interest Profiler are S=26, A= 24, R=8, E=18, I= 6; C=6. Mary’s Holland code is:

All of the above


Question 5

Once Mary knows her Holland personality code, what next steps might the counselor suggest if using Hollands’ theory of career choice (Person-Environment Fit theory)?

Explore careers that allow her to work in familiar environments.
Explore careers that match her interests.
Explore careers recommended by people she respects.
Explore careers opposite to her experiences so far.
None of the above


Question 6

Based on Mary’s Holland code, jobs that may interest her include jobs working with

solving problems


Question 7

According to Blustein’s Psychology of Working, the primary need that Mary hopes to fulfill by obtaining a part-time job is:

a self-concept
interpersonal connection
finding her calling


Question 8

The counselor performs a values card sort with Mary. Her top values related to work are being valued, helping others, predictability, and security. How can Mary use these results in her job search?

Look for careers and job environments that integrate these values.
Look for careers and job environments that teach her new values.
Look for careers and job environments that include values important to medical professionals.
Avoid all careers and job environments that aren’t compatible with these values.
Take more career assessments about these values.


Question 9

Mary’s ex-husband calls your office requesting to know more about her situation and demands that you tell him how she is doing “mentally.” Your primary ethical concern as her counselor is to:

Explain her mental state to him using accurate clinical terms.
Refer him to therapy for his own issues.
Protect Mary’s confidentiality.
Discuss general information about her situation but not details.
All of the above


Question 10

Based on Super’s work and Savickas’s Life Design Counseling, the counselor would want to develop Mary’s career adaptability by focusing on which multicultural issues related to adaptability?

All of the above 


Question 11

Based on the scenario, what is one of Mary’s short-term goals?

Find a position managing a medical office.
Find part-time employment that fits her schedule.
Find another job in a call center for an insurance company.
Find a job close to her sons’ school.
Research ways to attend school while working full-time.


Question 12

The counselor may want to refer Mary to The American Job Center. In what ways could the center benefit Mary?

It can help her build her career confidence.
It has a multitude of resources useful for the unemployed.
It can provide necessities for survival until she finds work.
There is career information available to her both online and in person.
All of the above 


Question 13

Knowing that Mary will be attending college, the counselor may want to help Mary connect with:

career services at her college 
childcare resources at her college
the instructors she is likely to have in her first semester
an advisor for advanced medical degrees
a psychologist for students on campus


Question 14

Which services are likely to be offered by Mary’s college’s Career Services office? Select all that apply.

Free background checks
Job placement 
Connecting with alumni 
Career counseling/coaching 
Psychological evaluations for government jobs


Question 15

The loss of Mary’s job was an unplanned event tied to the outsourcing of her job. Mary is worried about any future careers that she pursues being eliminated due to automation or global outsourcing. According to Krumboltz’s theory of Planned Happenstance, counselors can help clients reframe their troublesome beliefs to recover better from uncertain situations and seek new opportunities. How might a counselor positively reframe the uncertainty caused by Mary’s situation?

The situation has created an opportunity for her to grow as an insurance professional.
The situation has made it easier for her sons to be prepared for college.
The situation has created an opportunity for her to return to school. 
She has learned from the situation how to prevent job displacement due to automation or outsourcing.
None of the above


Question 16

Career Management for Mary may include which of the following? Select all that apply.

Continuing education 
Learning new skills 
Finding an unpaid internship
Networking in her chosen career 
Volunteering for a hospital