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Conduct a case study through observation and interview on a human…

Conduct a case study through observation and interview on a human subject of your choice. While maintaining the individual’s confidentiality, identify what stage of development the individual is experiencing and provide examples of biological, cognitive, social and personality issues the individual is facing. Discuss which theories and concepts are relevant to this individual and what you gained through your analysis.

Format: Introduce your participant. Discuss in paragraph form the 4 types of development, relevant theories and concepts. Conclude your paper by stating any findings, revelations, surprises, and difficulties you encountered in carrying out this research.

A hint from your instructor: Tackle the case study after you have read the relevant chapters in the text and completed the relevant journals. Please note that depending on the stage in the lifespan of your participant, our schedule of readings may require you to read the relevant chapter(s) ahead of schedule.


Learning Objectives:

CLO 01 –  Articulate the changes in emotional, physical, cognitive, personality, and social development that occur across the lifespan.
CLO 04 – Examine the fundamental theories, historical arguments, contemporary research, current issues and perspectives to inform interpretations of normal and abnormal development across the lifespan.

Marking scheme: Please take time to review this document thoroughly and consider the value of each section. It will help you determine the amount of content and effort expected for each section. 

3 marks – Introduction
12 marks – 3 marks each for detailed descriptions of the individuals’ physical/biological, cognitive, social and personality development
5 marks – Discussion of relevant theory that demonstrates understanding of selections
5 marks – Reflective conclusion that brings together your findings, as well as your experience of completing this type of assignment.


In the case study:

1. Pick someone of interest to you. Tell me about them in an introductory paragraph just as you would if we were in class and you were asked to describe someone very briefly. EG. Tina is a 10-year-old girl in my neighbourhood. She is physically active, playing tennis and soccer in the summer months and participating in swimming and dance lessons in the winter. Her favourite hobby is to catch snails. … A few interesting points about your participant.

2. Identify what stage in the lifespan your participant is in. Tina being 10 years old would be in middle childhood. This is just a sentence.

3. Proceed in successive paragraphs to describe first her physical/biological development: this would include: height, weight, eating habits, activity/exercise level, physical description (hair, eyes, skin colour, etc.) Any physical ailments, diseases or disorders would apply here as well.

4. Then go onto cognitive development. Here you will describe things like memory, intelligence, school abilities, intellectual strengths and weaknesses.

5. Social development: tell me about this person’s relationships, how they interact with others. Who is significant to them and why.

6. Personality development: describe what makes this person unique, what are her unique traits and characteristics, temperament; esteem, etc.

7. Identify theories (from the relevant chapters in the text) that apply to your participant’s current stage of development. If this does not jump out at you, read the chapter relevant to the participant’s stage of development -there will most definitely be theory there. Explain how these theories relate (or do not relate) to your participant specifically.

8. Your final paragraph(s) should include a reflection on the assignment: what did you learn? Did you enjoy doing this? Were there any surprises? What would you do differently? Any insights into this stage of development or lifespan development in general?

You literally can break the paper down according to the above numbered points. In formatting your paper, please ensure that each question is addressed in separate paragraphs. You are free to use headings if that helps you organize your paper.