Answered step-by-step
“Consider two groups of pain neurons, A and B. Group A responds to…

“Consider two groups of pain neurons, A and B. Group A responds to a stimulus by invoking 250,000 action potentials in one second. Group B responds to a stimulus by invoking 2000 action potentials in a second. What does this imply about the stimuli experienced by both groups?”

Group A experienced a scratch. Group B experienced a burn
Group A experienced a burn. Group B experienced a scratch
Both groups experienced burns. Group B’s was just slightly less intense
Group A experienced a somewhat rougher scratch than did Group B

“Consider the statement: Introducing potassium into the body helps restore the balance between potassium and sodium ions in the nervous system, thus resulting in balanced movement of action potentials, and normalized muscle movement. Which of the following scenarios is best represented by this statement?”

The increase in heart rate when danger is detected
The lessening of muscle cramp pain when eating a banana
The change in facial muscle tone when botox is injected
The sudden contraction of the arm when a flame is touched

SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) are antidepressants that work as Serotonin agonists. What does this mean?

SSRI’s accelerated the destruction of Serotonin in the synapse
SSRI’s have no effect on the amount of Serotonin in the synapse
SSRI’s increase the amount of Serotonin in the synapse
SSRI’s increase the amount of Dopamine in the synapse


Harry’s Pacinian Corpuscles are no longer functioning. Which of the following would best describe what he might experience as a result?

Harry can no longer hear
Harry will have difficulty walking
Harry can no longer detect the correct temperature
Harry will have difficulty detecting faint odors

Sally walks barefoot on her floor, and steps on a tack. She immediately yells and jumps around and curses. Which of the following explains how her nerves and subcortical structures work together to elicit this response?”

“Her fast fibers conducted action potentials to the Thalamus, which passed the pain information ip the cortex.”
Her slow fibers conducted the action potential to the Pituitary Gland which passed the pain information to the cortex
Her fast fibers conducted action potentials to her brain stem which passed the pain information on to the cortex
“Her slow fibers conducted the action potentials to the Thalamus, which passed the pain information to the cortex”


“Albert’s behavior suggests difficulty hearing. He is not responding when people speak to him. If he knows people are speaking to him, he acts like he doesn’t know what they are saying. A medical exam shows that Albert’s ears are mechanically fine. What might be the cause of his problem:”

• Albert has sustained damage to his temporal lobe
Albert has a tumor in his hypothalamus
• Albert has sustained damage to is occipital lobe
Albert has a lesion in his primary somatosensory cortex


True or False: Teratogens are still a risk to the developing fetus after the first trimester has completed.


The newborn baby is placed on her mother’s stomach to create a bond between the two. Which of the following combinations of senses are most at play in order for this to happen?

“Sight, sound, and smell”
“Touch, smell, and sound”
“Touch, sight, and taste”
“Smell, sight and taste”

What of the following statements regarding Harlow’s Monkey studies is FALSE?

A loving and warm touch is not as important to developing infants as is being consistently fed
“Infants need a warm, loving touch at least as much as consistent feeding”
The touch between infant and mother fosters a positive social bond between them
“Emotional development in babies is dependent on a warm, accepting mother”

“True or False: Sally says the people shouldn’t drink and drive. When asked why, Sally states that her mother told her this. Sally has reached Piaget’s Formal Operations stage.


You have just tasted a piece of food that you perceive to be very bitter. Which of the following statements about your taste taste perception in this instance is FALSE?

   • Your perception is the partly the result of the mix of different responses from the various types of taste receptors         scattered throughout your tongue

Your perception is the partly result of processing in a small area of the primary somatosensory cortex
“Your perception is partly the result of bitter taste receptors, specifically located in the upper left-hand quadrant of the tongue”
Your perception is partly the result of the interaction of molecules from the food and specialized receptors within the surface of the tongue


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

The blastocyst is as vulnerable to external teratogens while traveling down the fallopian tube as it is when implanted in the wall of the uterus
The blastocyst is relatively invulnerable to external teratogens while traveling down the fallopian tube
• The brain undergoes its most critical development during the third trimester
The baby does not start responding to stimuli until birth


Which of the following statements is FALSE

Menstruation is regulated by a mix of both estrogen and testosterone
“In males, testosterone is the main hormone affecting sexual desire”
• “In females, estrogen affects female sex characteristics” Both males and females have testosterone and estrogen


“It is common, later in the second trimester, for developing fetuses to turn towards the source of a sound, like music or voice. Which of the following helps to explain this?”

“The brain has now completed its development in the womb, and does not need to grow any further”
The fetal brain now has the capability to localize sound
The auditory system of the fetus has just begun its development
“The fetus is actually responding to vibrations caused by the sound, as it does not yet have the capability to hear”


“Joe is 16, and routinely gets angry at his parents, even for seemingly trivial reasons. They complain that he doesn’t listen to them, and that he often makes poor and rash choices. Which of the following may explain why this happens?”

Joe’s subcortical structures are more in control of his behavior than are his frontal and pre-frontal cortex
Joe is undergoing significant hormonal fluctuations
Joe is in the process of individuating and becoming his own person
All of the above

“Alice has difficulty understanding what people are saying to her. During an electroencephalogram, doctors notice some abnormal activity from the electrodes by her left temporal lobe. Considering this, which of the following is TRUE?”

The doctors cannot draw any conclusions yet. An electroencephalogram does not provide information specific enough to pinpoint the exact problem
“Alice may formally, and absolutely be diagnosed with left temporal lobe damage”
“The doctors do not need to perform any more exams, as the electroencephalogram is the most precise brain test”
“The doctors may conclude there is a tumor, and now have to go in and remove it”


“After a serious car accident, Joe, a pitcher, has sustained damage to his primary somatomotor cortex. Which of the following would best describe effects of this damage?”

Joe can no longer breathe normally while pitching
Joe’s vision becomes blurry on the mound and thus he cannot throw accurately
Joe becomes agitated and nervous when throwing a pitch
Joe has difficulty with his pitch motion and cannot throw accurately

“You’re walking at night. There are no lights, but youÖre able to make out your environment around you. Suddenly, you notice the taillights of a car in the distance. What statement about the sensory receptors in your eyes is FALSE in this situation?” 

The cones in the center of the retina fired when the taillights became visible
The rods in the periphery of the retina provided allow you to make out the environment around you in the dark
The rods fired more intensively when the taillights became more visible
The cones in the periphery of the retina allowed you to see the red of the taillights

“You smell smoke in the house, and immediately understand that that you’re in danger. Which of the following does NOT explain why this happens:”

“Signal detection theory dictates that at the moment, you know this is the most important element of the environment to pay attention to”
“Your sense of smell goes directly to your cortex, speeding processing, resulting in immediate response”
“Signal detection theory states that our detection of this odor is sped up by processing in the amygdala, then in the pituitary gland, and then in the cortex”
“The sense of smell, being the most primitive of senses, is designed to be directly connected to your survival instincts. This is why you know the danger so quickly”

Which of the following is NOT an example of change blindness?

You don’t notice the new paint job on the house down the block because you pass that house every day
You don’t see that your friend has a new hairstyle because you always hang out with your friend
You don’t remember if you sent that important email last night because you were so busy
You arrive at practice at the wrong time because you didn’t pay attention to the new time in the schedule


“You read a paragraph. While reading it, you mentally divide its contents into smaller chunks to make it easier to remember. This is an example of

Long term memory
Working memory
Retrieval cues
Short term storage

“You are at your favorite team’s football game. During the game, a big fight breaks out in the stands. While watching the fight, your team scores a critical touchdown. Later that night, you cannot recall that touchdown at all. Why?”

You did not chunk the event into smaller pieces for long term storage
There was too much auditory noise in the stands behind you
You were too focused on the fight to pay attention to the game
Your short term storage was distracted by the touchdown


“In a scientific experiment, people were put into an MRI machine to study which part of the brain responds to sad pictures. Which of the following best describes the proper assignment of experimental and control for this particular study?”

The experimental groups get slightly sad pictures. The control group gets very sad pictures
The experimental group gets very sad pictures. The control group gets slightly sad pictures
The experimental group gets sad pictures. The control group gets neutral pictures
Both groups get exactly the same pictures

The subcortical structure which activates the gonads to induce puberty is the:

Pituitary Gland

“Jordan has had brain surgery. After the surgery, Jordan is no longer able to verbally describe the bicycle he sees on the right side of his vision, even though he can draw it when asked to do so. What structure in his brain has been affected?”

The hypothalamus has been removed
The corpus callosum has been severed
Broca’s area has been destroyed
The primary somatosensory cortex has been reconfigured

“Sandra is normally a very heavy sleeper, but gets up as soon as she hears her newborn daughter stirring in the crib. Which of the following explains why this happens?”

Sandra’s brain activity during sleep is identical to his brain activity while awake
“With the exception of hearing, all of Sandra’s brain functions are completely shut down at night”
Sandra’s amygdala wakes her up at any sound that takes place at night
Sandra’s brain maintains a level of awareness during sleep that she responds to when the stimulus exceeds a certain threshold


“John is a normal, happy guy. But suddenly, his moods change, he becomes verbally abusive, and even suddenly violent. Based upon this unexpected personality change, which of the following areas of John’s brain may be experiencing damage?”

His hypothalamus
His pre-frontal cortex
His occipital lobe
His primary somatosensory cortex

“Sandra opens her eyes and sees a demon in a mask standing above her bed. He is holding a weapon, and speaking to her in a frightening voice, making threats. Sandras wants to run away but cannot. She is unable to move altogether. Sandra is experiencing”

Sleep Paralysis
Non-REM Dreams
Deep REM Sleep
Night Terrors

True or false: The sample studied in an experiment consists of 200 men of varying nationalities. The men were assigned to groups based on nationality. This is a valid random sampling


“You want to study the effects of yogurt on children8s math grades. You hypothesize that eating a container of strawberry flavor yogurt every morning will result in higher math test scores. You use a group which eats greek strawberry yogurt every day for a week, a group which eats regular strawberry yogurt every day for a week, and a group which does not eat any yogurt that week. Which of the following is FALSE?”

“The test scores are the dependent variable, and the types of yogurt are the independent variable”
Varying the flavors of yogurt will confound and invalidate the results
he control group is the one that gets the greek yogurt
“The results of this experiment will not be conclusive proof of the effects of yogurt on math scores, but will invite further experimentation”

“True or False: Consider the same experiment above. The results of the experiment indicate a correlation between eating strawberry yogurt and children’s math scores. Thus, you may conclude that higher or lower math scores are a direct result of whether or not the child eats the yogurt”


“Alice has finally learned to tie her shoes, From this point forward, she does so without even thinking about it. Alice is engaging in:”

Implicit procedural memory
Episodic procedural memory
Working procedural memory
• Explicit procedural memory