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could you help me respond to this post using one of the references provided, along with the NIV Bible?


I have found that establishing and adhering to certain ground rules has helped create a positive and encouraging atmosphere for everyone involved. These norms should be crafted to improve the lives of group participants, encourage a feeling of community, and spread the kind of mindful activities that help people with End Stage Renal Disease deal with their symptoms. The first important norm to foster a safe and welcoming environment for open communication amongst group members is confidentiality and trust. When members know that what is said in the group stays in the group, it fosters an atmosphere of trust and strengthens bonds (Grossman & Felitosa, 2018). This conforms to the scriptural idea of secrecy that “a gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret” (Proverbs 11:13).

Active listening and empathy is another important norm to instill. When we listen actively, we pay close attention to what other people are saying without interrupting them or jumping to conclusions. Group members can provide genuine support by actively listening to one another and showing empathy for one another’s experiences (Elliot et al., 2023). The Bible instructs us to listen more than we talk and to control our anger by saying in James 1:19, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

Lastly, it would be important to instill an environment of mutual support and encouragement. The group’s culture should emphasize helping one another out and picking each other up when times are tough. Giving the members a safe place to talk about their successes and failures and get and give support from others is a great way to build community and inspire people to support one another (American Kidney Fund, 2022). This is consistent with Galatians 6:2’s teaching on helping each other carry your own load: Put each other first and the law of Christ will be fulfilled in you.



American Kidney Fund. (2022, December 12). Mental health and kidney disease.

Elliott, M. J., McCarron, T. L., Schick-Makaroff, K., Getchell, L., Manns, B., & Fernandez, N. (2023). The dynamic nature of patient engagement within a Canadian patient-oriented kidney health research network: Perspectives of researchers and patient partners. Health Expectations, 26(2), 905-918.

Grossman, R., & Feitosa, J. (2018). Team trust over time: Modeling reciprocal and contextual influences in action teams. Human resource management review, 28(4), 395-410.

NIV Bible. (2007). London: Hodder & Stoughton.