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Course Code: TCHE2683 Assignment Task 3:- Emotional intelligence…

Course Code: TCHE2683

Assignment Task 3:- Emotional intelligence Plan


3b: Discussion paper  (45%)     Due date: 9 April  @ 11.59pm


Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence  forms the juncture at which cognition and emotion meet, it facilitates our capacity for resilience, motivation, empathy, reasoning, stress management, communication, and our ability to read and navigate a plethora of social situations and conflicts. EI matters and if cultivated affords one the opportunity to realise a more fulfilled and happy life. This is an important skill to have as as early childhood educator, as it  enables educators to use feelings to guide their patterns of thought and their behaviors and can also be useful to identify, respond to and predict the feelings and actions of others, for effective communication and relationship-building with children families and co-workers.

 This task meets the following learning outcomes;

Communicate and collaborate effectively and ethically with diverse communities and external stakeholders in the best interests of young learners
Critically reflect on and apply effective pedagogical and assessment approaches that enable infants, toddlers, and young children’s ‘belonging, being and becoming’ as curriculum partners

 To successfully pass this task you need to do the following…


Access the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Frameworks [VEYLDF] read pages 2-16, with particular emphasis on pages 9-13.
Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 3  of Price & Rogers( 2019) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education: An introduction for the Teaching Profession( 3rd Edition) (Access via Reading list or RMIT Library)

The Task.

Then Identify ONE aspect of how you can develop  understandings of these insights, and will help you develop your personal pedagogy. You are to  develop a plan of action of how you would implement this with children in EC settings . You must include a rationale for your selection and a plan for action.

Your plan must include reference (APA 7th) to key research that informs the learning of infants, toddlers and young children in curriculum concerning emotional competence, especially the importance of relationships, emotional regulation, well-being, and belonging as discussed in the VEYLDF and the selected Chapters for this task. A particular emphasis MUST be placed on engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families, and community.  

You must include an accurate reference (APA 7th) list that includes all readings [ 3-4 scholarly references, not websites], to support your ideas. you have drawn upon in determining your plan.