Answered step-by-step
Depressants have the effects of _____, but they also can contribute…

Depressants have the effects of _____, but they also can contribute to negative effects such as _____.

A. suppressed appetite; coma or suffocation in sleep

B. euphoria; seizures or stroke

C. euphoria; coma or suffocation in sleep

D. suppressed appetite; seizures or stroke


An electroencephalogram is monitoring Ling’s brain waves as he solves a math problem. His brain waves would be characterized by:

A. tiny, fast waves.

B. large, fast waves.

C. occasional sleep spindles and K-complexes.

D. tiny, slow waves.


Dr. Divya Chander is an anesthesiologist who monitors changes in her patients’ levels of consciousness by observing changes in their brain wave frequencies, as measured by a(n):

A. electroencephalogram.

B. functional magnetic resonance imaging scan.

C. magnetic resonance imaging scan.

D. positron emissions tomography.


Lilliana took a drug-laced sugar cube that not only alleviated her pain but also made her see an array of colorful lights and flowers that did not actually exist. The drug was a:

A. hallucinogen.

B. sedative.

C. stimulant.

D. depressant.


Most car accidents occur during one of times people are the sleepiest. This time is:

A. 2:00 and 6 A.M

B. 1:00 and 5:00 A.M.

C. 5:00 and 10:00 P.M.

D. midnight.


In the middle of an unsettling dream, Tremaine becomes aware that he is, in fact, dreaming. Such an experience is called a _____ dream.

A. manifest

B. synthetic

C. latent

D. lucid


Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the United States and are attributed to the use of:

A. tobacco.

B. caffeine.

C. amphetamines.

D. marijuana.


Cigarettes and other tobacco products contain nicotine, which sparks the release of:

A. epinephrine and GABA.

B. epinephrine and dopamine.

C. epinephrine and norepinephrine.

D. norepinephrine and serotonin.


Cocaine’s rush reflects its effects on the neurotransmitter:

A. dopamine.


C. serotonin.

D. glutamate.


During therapy, Dr. Yamaguchi asks his patient to talk about her dreams, suggesting that the _____ content of the dreams may provide him with insight into the unconscious conflicts and desires that underlie her psychological problems.

A. activated

B. synthesized

C. latent

D. manifest


When Alfred starts to dream during sleep, he thrashes around in bed and makes guttural noises. Sometimes he hurts himself because he hits his arms or legs against the wall. Alfred suffers from:

A. sleep apnea.

B. REM sleep behavior disorder.

C. narcolepsy.

D. sleep paralysis.


Hazan has just fallen asleep. Over the next _____, Hazan will progress through all the sleep stages.

A. 90 minutes

B. 8 hours

C. 2 hours

D. 60 minutes


Approximately _____ of college students have experienced sleep paralysis at some point in their lives.

A. 58%

B. 8%

C. 28%

D. 11%


The brain waves of people when they are in the waking state are characterized by the presence of _____ waves, which are tiny and fast.

A. delta

B. theta

C. beta

D. alpha


Researchers have found that ketamine may contribute to alleviating:

A. mania.

B. anxiety.

C. depression.