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Discussion Assignment Instructions The student must then post 2…

Discussion Assignment Instructions

The student must then post 2 replies of at least “two hundred and fifty words” by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned module. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citation in current American Psychology format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in current APA format. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, etc. 


Please “reply” to the following….



Kim: After finishing a reading of Wolters’ 2005 book Creation Regained, I will now endeavor to apply his discussion of the Grand Narrative to my chosen research area; specifically, how Wolters’ book supplies a lens that helps me with insights as to how to approach research in this research area. My psychology sub-discipline is Social Psychology. The tentative focus of my chosen research area is a rather controversial one: how did salt-of-the-earth Christians end up being bamboozled and befuddled in the matter of the United States Government’s COVID-19 vaccine? How were they persuaded to inject a very dangerous, thoroughly untested, experimental gene-editing agent into their holiest of temples i.e., their bodies (New International Version Bible, 2023, 1 Cor. 16:19-20) (originally published 1973)? Are these too strong of words? I do not believe they are.


I had been organizing research on this topic since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. I became more fired up over the past several months. It all unfolded in one day. First, I spoke with my handyman and his helper teenage son. Ben was in shock. Four of his family members had all died suddenly within the space of a couple of days. All were vaccinated. None had existing health problems. All were under the age of 50. Next, I was at the grocery store, when an unknown woman approached me as I was grabbing up Starbucks bottled caramel Frappuccino. She appeared to be in her late 60s. Debbie told me that her husband sustained a major stroke 24 hours after receiving the COVID shot. She, too, experienced major neurological symptoms on one side of her body. Debbie began to sob to me, a total stranger, in her fear and confusion. I then went to the beauty salon, where another stylist told me that her 40-year-old robust and healthy son-in-law experienced life-threatening major blood clotting episodes right after he had his COVID jab that continues through the present day. I knew I was onto something here. If my classmates disagree with me, please feel free to respond with your comments; and I will respond to each comment. 


There is, currently, a staggering and chilling volume of scientific research confirming that the so-called COVID-19 vaccine (which is not a vaccine at all) is causing or inducing: infertility, stillbirths, heart attacks, strokes, neurodegenerative diseases, stiff person syndrome, HIV, collapsed immune systems, necrotizing myocarditis and encephalitis leading to death (Mörz, 2022), multiple sclerosis (Qiu et al., 2022), and seven types of turbo cancers (Wells, 2023). The government and the pharmaceuticals knew of these dangers before the vaccine roll-out. 


Was it authoritarianism that caused Christians to take the jab? Was it Scripture’s requirement to obey all authority, no matter what (New International Version Bible, 2023, Rom. 13:1)? Was it fear? Was it confusion? Was it nationalism or patriotism (note: the two concepts are not the same)? Is this God’s punishment for sinfulness? Was it a desire for things to return to normal? Was it a love of family? Was it a new Biblical Worldview that holds God utilizes vaccines as part of His healing (Chang, 2022)? Was President Trump’s endorsement of the COVID vaccine sufficient grounds for Christians to choose the jab?


Make no mistake about it, powerful psychological operations (psyops) were also at play here. What are psyops? Legendary Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, perhaps, said it best: “Kill one, frighten ten thousand” (Brazzoli, 2020, p. 222). Psyops, historically, aim to impact the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted population in order to achieve objectives (Brazzoli, 2020). Psyops are usually accompanied by information warfare comprised of the physical domain (the human senses), the information domain (information is manipulated and shared), and the cognitive domain (information acquired through perception) (Narula, 2004).


Wolters’ (2005) discussion of the Grand Narrative may be applied to my research area, and it also supplies a lens that gives me important insights as to how to approach research in this area. Our Father proclaimed: “…on earth; as it is in Heaven” (New International Version Bible, 2023 Matt. 6:10). Wolters elucidated this simple prayer for he anticipates a new heaven and earth (2005). In his book, Wolters (2005) detailed the story of creation, when God commanded the cosmos into existence; mankind’s descent into sinfulness; and – finally – the redemption or “buy-back”. Wolters’ (2005) worldview emphasized a return to goodness and a return to an original alliance, underlining renewal. Per Tyndale in 1525, this also includes a return to health (Wolters, 2005). He (Wolters, 2005) also described a tug-o-war between God and Satan, with each regime trying to gain new ground. It appears that the development and mass administration of the deadly COVID-19 vaccine may be one mighty and calamitous sucker punch by God’s relentless adversary(ies). Nonetheless, Wolters (2005) declared that Christians must now use all of their God-given resources to oppose and challenge this sickness and demonization of God’s Creation, thereby restoring it to goodness. If ever there was a time when Christians needed to rely on the healing, restorative works of Christ, that time is now (Wolters, 2005).


 My plan is to find out what happened here – using a Social Psychology perspective – so that we can make sure this never happens again. I plan to research in-groups and out-groups, obedience to authority, and/or conformity. Milgram’s experiment may be spotlighted. My overarching theme is to expose the distortion that took place to the sunlight, while – at the same time – highlighting opportunities for renewal (Wolters, 2005). I am commanded to glorify God and serve as His witness throughout this research endeavor (Wolters, 2005). All of us are. We, as sons of man, are God’s perpetual watchmen on the tower (New International Version Bible, 2023, Ez. 3:17). Peace and love, Kim





Brazzoli, M. S. (2020). Future prospects of information warfare and particularly psychological operations. South African Army Vision, 217-232. to an external site.


Chang, C. (C. (2022, May). Does God use vaccines as part of His divine healing? [YouTube clip]. Redeeming Babel.