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Discussion Topic   Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2…

Discussion Topic

  Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. ***Most weeks, the initial post needs to be posted by Thursday for consideration of credit, and the peer responses need to be posted by the end of the learning week, Monday, for consideration of credit. However, for this week, it’s fine if all the posts are posted by Monday due to the holiday.


That said, if posts are not in keeping with course policies including Academic Integrity, they cannot be considered for credit. So, if you are unclear about how to cite and reference the sources you use in keeping with Academic Integrity, please review the UoP Academic Integrity tutorial accessible through the Center for Writing Excellence. 


Review “Ethical risks associated with participation in research” in Ch. 14, “Research Ethics,” of our Haslam and McGarty (2019) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology text. Please also review the American Psychological Association (2017) Ethical standards for research specifically.



American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017).


Haslam, S. A., & McGarty, C. (2019). Research methods and statistics in psychology (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.


select one (1) question below and respond:


Reflect on what you have learned this week about the ethical conduct expected of researchers.

How do ethical values enhance the global community of research professionals?
When conducting research on human participants, is promising confidentiality the same as promising anonymity? Why or why not?
Why should researchers pay special care when conducting research on vulnerable groups or cultures (e.g., minorities, children, senior citizens)? Support your response with examples and/or relevant details.
How might ethical guidelines be relevant in studies that do not use human participants? Support your response with examples and/or relevant details.




*******Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.


Classmate 1:

First and foremost, they help promote general focuses on research; like searching for knowledge and avoiding mistakes during so. The ethics promote values that are central to successful collaborations like accountability. They are important for holding researchers accountable to communities which helps build public trusts. This helps dictates to professionals a series of rules related ti the way professional acts towards the people they relate to professionally. Psychologists need to be in a state of being whole. No matter how tough the situation is, they have to be open with their audience.




Classmate 2:


Our first question is about defining ethical values in research and how beneficial these values are to creating well defined outcomes. At first glance, “Research methods and statistics for psychology” by Alex Hassan and Craig Mcgarthy provided ethical values, clear reasoning, defined research principles and included multiple details as to why clear and precise research can become very challenging. Understating ethical values in any line of research; at least for me, gives an individual a sense of integrity. Wether your research involves people, animals, plants etc… to check off the integrity box for global research professionals, means we can honestly say that the information provided is clear and true. Another ethical value that can never be overlooked is the respect of a person or people. If your research includes people of color, different nationalities, or religions… you can’t discriminate amongst your participants because this will ultimately cause inaccurate information due to a biased perception, and furthermore break an ethical principle in research… which is respect. Lastly, research can’t be ideas from somewhere else and must ultimately progress that field as a whole. This is what makes defining a research question so hard, because you have to be sure that your ideas are defined, orginal, and would pass amongst your ethics committee. I have learned quite a bit already and can’t wait for what week two holds for me. I hope you all have a great day and best of luck to you all this semester.